Pakistan is based. Poos will stir Anti-Pakistan sentiment on here, but we are good peaceful people. We will destroy the smelly poojeets. We can also poo in the loo!
Pakistan love thread
Our elite army puts fear in every poopjeets eyes!
Some pilots flight high in sky. Other shot down and taken hostage.
I like indian pajeets more.
Kohli? More like poohli! Look at how he cowers in front of his Pakistani superior!
Poo in loo pajeet! We will teach you some day hopefully!
This man put fear in every poopjeets hearts! He will make the Mughal Empire rise again!
Look at our glorious army.
I'm from what you call Azad Kashmir, and I'd like to say, Fuck you, Pakistan. You are fucking retards. I see your Kashmir banay ga Pakistan rallies, and I'm thinking fuck you and your rallies. Get the fuck outta my land you pedo worshipping cunts.
I will take you cunts seriously when you stop marrying your cousins.
They won't stop it. Prophet Mohammed allowed it so they'll deny the science and will kill you for questioning the Prophet.
I have tried to explain to so many of them about cousin marriages, but nobody listens. They even called me unIslamic (duh!); which is like a death sentence in their peaceful religion.
>small individuals
Your royals did the same. Most don't do that.
Yes, we are peaceful yet that cuck gets btfo by based Pakistani. Who is starting the violence here?
Kys non-believer.
dude you do you hate us
Why, retard? Do my words hurt your feelings? Did it not hurt when Prophet Mo inserted his dick inside 6-year-old Ayesha? Do you want to kill me? Is that how peaceful your pagan Islam is, you cousin fuckin cunt.
she was 9 tho.
Both Indians and Pakistanis are POOs. Fuck off you subhuman trash.
Yes, that makes it alright. Well done, pajeet.
gotta get those facts correct.never said it was right.
kys fucking chuslim
I can speak for most Americans when I say Poos and Pakis are literally the same people to us because they are. The difference is Muslim vs Hindoo paganism. We'd rather the Pakis die since Islam is a troublesome and invasive desert sandnigger religion but we want both of you far away from us. There shouldnt even be this thread. It's like a poo stain on the catalog. Really, stay away from our websites, our countries, everything and you should know you are a serious burden to us native white people. You have no place in the first world and only embarrass yourselves
I live in Pakistan, btw. And girls as young as 13 get married here. At least now muzzies are jailbait and not pedos like prophet Mohammed.
Muh paki armi muh muslim armi
Muh pakistan
Rat people of pakistan
Le Superior Muslim appears
Chinese own pakistan. Pakistan is a vassal state of china. Paki women are whores for the chinese dick.
Inbred pakistanis
Reality of pakistan
Trolling Pakis XD
Well said. Same applies to niggers
More than 70,000 pakis surrendered to India. Fuck Pakistan.
>Poos will stir Anti-Pakistan sentiment
You ARE poos, Bilal.
Hmm let's see:
>Lost all wars to India
>Biggest surrender since ww2
>Uses Arab religion
>Arabic script
>No local language, use Urdu (Indian language)
>No industry
>No culture outside of what Arab conquest forced upon them
>Poor as fuck
>All high IQ Aryan stock remained Hindu and migrated to India (gangetic plain)
>What remains are meek Gypsys shouting allahu akbaarr
>USA's bitch since Independence
>China's bitch since 2010s
Goat fucker
Reminder: The British invented Hindusim.
History of condoms
>Tfw you catch another man with your goat
Pak = GOT
That’s a shortsighted characterization of Indians. Like the mercantile strata of East Asians, the Indian caste system has resulted in vastly different types of people.
Goats can't talk
Fucking goats using goats, interesting.
Paki intellectual
What Pakis are famous around the world for?RAPE. OF CHILDREN.
Paki couple
Why is Pakistan as a nation so dependent on foreigners & useless generally?
Muslim beggar nation pakistan begging for Indian Visa
Paki begging for Indian visa
>Pakistan love thread
Pakis n Indians are the same race.
Pakis are gross and Islamic
7/10 Pakistanis are inbred.
LMAO. Paki citizens wishing an INDIAN women was their PRIME MINISTER. PAKIS BTFO.
WEIRD Pakistan PORN search HABITS.
wait is this real ? what the fuck
>fox sex
but foxes are small, how would you even do that.
shit someone sucked all the air out of that one guy
LMAO. Paki DOCTOR sells shoes in INDIA
I always find it interesting how Pakistanis tend to have lighter skin than the poos
Pakistan is based