Asperger's Syndrome is Evolution

We need to bring back Asperger's as a diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Asperger's and many people with that diagnosis are highly intelligent. I have a theory that this diagnosis was gotten rid of in order to discredit us. The word autism is used as a synonym for mental retardation when people with the Asperger's diagnosis usually had higher than average IQs. I myself had the Asperger's diagnosis and was reading college textbooks and encyclopedias in the 5th grade on a regular basis.

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Being socially retarded is not a superpower

I don't have the instinct to conform to stupid social norms. Caring too much about social norms is what makes you part of the social media hivemind.

Im an aspie too, but being socially inept is not anything to be proud of. You're using your IQ as a cope to compensate for a lack of ability to form interpersonal relationships

I feel you, brother. There is however a positive to being lumped into the same diagnostic box as our retarded autistic brethren. We can use the word retard with impunity, much the same way that black people can say nigger. No one dares challenge me when I refer to myself or something else as retarded. They do squirm a lot though, which is pretty funny

Most social norms are idiotic and so are most people. Why should I want to conform to their drivel?

I have managed to forge some decent relationships/friendships, always very close though, and nothing much in between. What I find personally is that I do not lack empathy, so much as that it works differently or is in some way damaged. This may sound like bullshit, but I'm very good at understanding other people (though perhaps in a more analytical, rather than intuitive way), and I'm hyper self aware. In situations where I am stressed out and in a social environment, it kind of goes out the window and I display the typical social retardation. I am able to understand exactly what occurred, later when I am decompressed. Other times I am able to be extremely situationally aware. It's very difficult to explain

You guys might just be INTPs, what makes you think its aspergers?

to clarify a bit further, what I am trying to say is that I believe it is my hyper self awareness that causes the social anxiety and negative autistic symptoms that present themselves at various times. I can only assume that there are others like me that experience something similar. To put it another way, the NPC meme relates to the aspie vs normie dichotomy

To those who honestly have the condition, it is difficult to explain or prove. There are definite autistic-like traits that are evident. For me, my motivation is fucked, in the sense that I only like what I like, to the point of obsession, and I am not, and cannot, be motivated to do things that I do not enjoy, for any amount of financial gain or social pressure. It's very distinct and crippling, and difficult to explain. When I speak, to those I don't know, I don't say much and wear a mask of shyness and politeness to cover what I am. I am actually extremely loud, flamboyant, arrogant and and attention seeking at times, with a tendency to want to rant about the same subject for hours with my girlfriend or best friend that have things in common with me, and whom I am not afraid to show my true self to.

I'm also a clinically diagnosed sperg, but it's a disability with some perks, not the next step in evolution.

Because socialibility greatly outweighs the logic of sociality. You conform and gain or you act like an autistic retard and no one wants to play with you. That's high IQ plays, not the childish argument that you're above social norms..

Goddamn this is like you're writing about me.

I also have those manic rants where i unload a shit ton of knowledge onto a person.
I honestly dont know how to get the motivation to participate in society like a normie. I feel like we're not cut out for society

this is a retarded thing to say even for a retard

the real problem aspies have is that they cannot for their life make up a short story, it's either a few words or three pages of story. Also my self-awareness never gave me any anxiety, not sure what you can do with that.

This user gets it. As an aspie myself i can very much relate to OP and the bitterness of believing you're superior to the normies, but you cant get anywhere in life if you dont play by the rules of normie social interaction.

This is how I am. Social norms and social pressure don't really motivate me. I feel I would be the same person no matter what generation I was born into. This is why autists make friends that are far older or far younger more easily.

I spent four years of my childhood manually learning how to socialize with normalfags and another four improving on it, and now I'm one of the most charismatic persons I know. Deleting the anxiety reflex was some of the hardest, most painful shit I've ever done but it's been worth the effort ten times over. There's nothing and I do mean nothing like the rush of getting a passive crowd spellbound with an impromptu speech, then up-in-arms and ranting about the negative effects of homosexuality in society. Most people want to be led and I'm not the one to take that responsibility, but I can damn sure galvanize them for whoever can.

>when you learn about neurology from the last Predator movie

What about playing by them when you want something and not playing by them when you don't?

Autism is a brain disorder that saves you from being a stupid, sheep, NPC """human""".
Same as Schizoid.

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Right. I have hide my powerlevel very deeply though, I have found 2 people in this world that could take it and I can truly be myself around. I have not found a way to monetise this, though I tried music and found that to be just the worst industry for someone like me (marketing, self promotion and conforming to people's tastes etc). I end up dedicating months/years of my life to a particular thing, almost mastering it, and giving it up out of frustration after not finding a way to be recognised. It is like being a retarded genius, or a genius that is retarded. My IQ is not high enough to truly excel, but too high to submit to mediocrity. I was never diagnosed until after year 12, so I had no real plan of attack for life or idea of what the real world was like outside of a sheltered environment. It took until I was about 20, after I did my own research, and sought professional help, to gain the official diagnosis. If you knew earlier in life, set yourself up knowing your strengths and weakness (I did not) and had some luck, an aspie could indeed succeed a high level. Many do. But yeah, otherwise we are basically fucked, in today's world. Years ago we would have been the local expert in the village in whatever area it was we choose to pursue. Too much competition these days, social hierarchy and such

I've been clinically diagnosed with Asperger, and being socially deficient isn't what I'd call "evolution". What distinguish us from non-aspergers is our thirst for knowledge, we're more curious than your average ordinary man, to the point of obsession. Such behavior is self-destructive.
That's what I've noticed after 20 years living with it, no friends, no close-relatives to talk to, lack of understanding of the modern world, inability to read social cues, I haven't spoken using words for who knows how long, all I do is writing and/or typing on a computer. You're stuck in your own isolation bubble without any hope of escaping it. But I got used to it, I mostly read, study and work 24/7 that's all my life can be resumed with and sometimes I end up on this website to empty out my thoughts.

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You'll never know about the opportunities you missed out on because you acted like a sperg to someone you didn't even know could help you.

I'm a bit of a sperg myself, 155IQ and no friends, and I did like the other user and learned how to socialise manually. I never had an instinct for it and still don't. But it's an essential ability to have.

The important thing about sociability is not the content of smalltalk but the act of smalltalking itself. If you can't figure out WHY people talk to each other (and therefore why it's important that you do so as well) you're not as smart as you think you are and certainly not smart enough to get away with not doing it.

Exactly, ones old/young enough to not really give a fuck about judging you as one of their peers. There were generations where people like us would have been hugely successful. Too much crowding and competition in modern society, as I've mentioned in another post. However, there are some places of the world and some areas of expertise could still lead to us 'getting somewhere', but that depends on where you are born.

Why are people under 35 so hateful towards autists? I've never experienced more hate than from people in this cohort.

This, you perfectly summarized me, minus that friend part.

But if you use all your energy towards being normal all the time you reach burnout. Also if your sociability is on and off when it's on you can really put on the shine to get exactly what you want from someone. You can calculate their moves like a chess game.

Actual diagnosed aspies/"level 1 ASD":
1. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
2. Do you have gastrointestinal/digestive issues?

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you are not stuck though, fren. I have been there/go there sometimes but it is not a life sentence of isolation. However, I see where you are coming from. Accepting the very worst case as an inevitability can be very beneficial. That kind of self depreciation I can relate to. Even if things are really as you say, if you are ok with it, that's great too. I only ever feel down about my lack of general... 'life in general'... when I compare myself to normies. I'm ok with being basically a failure by their standards

You don't get good at things by not practising them, user.

>But if you use all your energy towards being normal all the time you reach burnout
Do it long enough and it becomes habit. Being stuck in miserable conversations that go nowhere is fucking aids, so learn how to get out of them politely. Or learn how to make them interesting. Or whatever.

Yes, socialising is exhausting. That's why you and I are called introverts and not extroverts. But it is essential to succeeding as a human being. He who travels alone travels fastest, but he who travels furthest travels in company.

dude, even that is overrated. What I formed was a brotherhood with 3 others. 1 betrayed me very badly, 1 used me for my car and money and the other lives quite far away and I see them every few years or so. The best I get is a phone call. So its not all it is cracked up to be, even the closest of friendships

you can't keep eye contact and blurt out inappropriate things

If they can't recruit you into their social warfare army then you're dead weight who needs to fohkoff.

ENTP, and no, though my colon was misshapen at birth and had to have a corrective surgery due to being born two and a half weeks earlier than my expected term.

all trannys have aspergers, but not all aspies have ultra hetero aspie femininity obsession.

The fiercest proponents of """Social Justice""" hate us because we're biologically wired to put reals before feels and outside of some delusional misguided and abused edge-cases that is fundamentally incompatible with their ideology.

That's me. Except I'm never introverted. I never stick with things. I usually have interests that last for a couple of months, and then I don't fucking bother anymore. Needless to say, it costs a lot of money.

>I have not found a way to monetise this,
oh sweet summer child

t. stay at home dad/sperg

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>We need to bring back Asperger's as a diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Asperger's and many people with that diagnosis are highly intelligent.
No Asperger's people (I think) don't use their emotions properly and that doesn't make you intelligent, it makes you a robot. You will be better at everything if you do not suppress your emotions.

with me, I get a lot of snarky, sarcastic smugness and attitude from people around 18-35 and always have. They can detect that I am not like them, and they assume that I am retarded in some way because of my body language. I don't go around flapping my hands and shit, but I'm flamboyant in a way that must come across as different, as best as I can tell. There is also an element of jealousy/anger that I get, as I compete in a sport against some people in this age group. I've shot passed their level very quickly. No one likes getting beaten by a person judged to be retarded. Makes it difficult at times, but very satisfying. Fuck 'em

Even before the social justice movement they've been extremely abusive towards me. Is it something their parents conditioned into them? They had this hive attack mentality even before they became political.

flight sims and gaming PC shit for me at the moment....

Society is a prison for your mind. You can't think originally and independant and reach your full potential if you must comply with social norms. Society is dumbing us down and making us NPC robots. In that sense it is a superpower.

Chances are it's because you're annoying, because you refuse to (or can't) socialise.

You are retarded in some way. You are literally socially retarded. Your social ability and development has been retarded.

>"i don't think those things are important"
Sour grapes and also brainlet opinion.

>mentally defunct retards argue they’re superior.

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Autists feel emotions, they just compartmentalize them and see them as irrelevant to their thinking, unless they're genuinely angry in which case someone or something is at a high likelihood of getting shot, stabbed, or bludgeoned. Whenever we're pushed past that brink we're extremely violent, once we've registered that we're in a violent confrontation or have been cheated out of something important to us, there's almost no build-up, just an explosion of hate and rage.


blurting inappropriate shit out is not a thing. I suppose it might be for people that lack any sort of inhibitions and self awareness. I am almost the opposite of this, thought I have occasionally said something that I later realised could have come across as retarded, in the sense that it exposed a part of myself that I should have let others see. I can force myself to keep eye contact if I want, but I I can still see right through you. If you looked me in the eye, I would be naked

How autistic are you?

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That's """normal""" but not necessarily healthy for anyone involved, they treat us differently because they can tell we aren't like them and some part of that disturbs them on a fundamental, subconscious level.

>That kind of self depreciation I can relate to. Even if things are really as you say, if you are ok with it, that's great too.
It's quite hard to express my mind with words, but to put it bluntly into words, no matter how supposedly "lonely and pitiful" am I from an ordinary person's viewpoint, I don't feel an ounce of sadness or frustration, nor do I care. I've acknowledged that part of me and made up for it by working twice as hard, even if I end up forever alone, I might as well go all in and enjoy my life to the fullest. Lacking "Common senses" is what makes us different from that giant humanhive.

Hi Greta

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Many of them get very frustrated at me. They don't seem to believe the fact that I learn on my own or have a different learning style. They assume you can't have critical thinking without going to what they consider a good college. They assume you can't go into depth and discuss topics without some liberal professor shoving everything down their throat. I see the element of anger and jealousy too. I make them seethe in rage just for having different opinions.

This is very true. It's like reading about myself. Very frustrating indeed. I'm 33 and I've been on social benefits all my adult life cause I simply do not fit in. And I can't shut up when I think that people are stupid to listen to, or when a certain system/schedule sucks ass. So I'll never be able to get a job. That's also fine, cause I get around 2200 dollars per month after taxes. However, life is boring without something to do. I only have two friends, but they have busy lives and I live far away from them, so I don't see them that often. I can't find a girlfriend either, and it's not because I'm ugly or anything, I'm just too special. I had a gf for almost 5 years, but the cow ended up cheating on me. Been almost ten years almost since that happened.

I don't have any interest in normie girlfriends, and Denmark is probably the most normie country in the entire world. It's all about getting an education, shutting up, working your ass off and buying all sorts of useless crap you don't even have time to use. I like smoking weed cause it makes me more relaxed and "normal" on the inside, but good luck finding a Danish girl who doesn't frown upon smoking weed. They literally think that it's heroin or something, haha.

Life is dull and boring, and then you die.

What is it with spergs and flight simulators, anyway? Five out of the eight autists I know IRL have a deep, hidden fixation with them, myself included, and two of them, when introduced, became no less obsessed, and the eighth has a deep-seated fetish for road-signs and the intricacies of vehicular function.

Dude, the anger thing... I can relate. Some months ago, I was drugged (meth) by a teammate. He did it as a joke on my behalf, 'lets drug the retard and see what happens'. I didn't sleep for 2 days, had to pull out of a tournament. I built up so much rage, I actually suffered a breakdown. To top it off, I broke my hand and was dropped from the state team. I try to avoid situations/people that make me angry because I do not like this aspect. There is no pushing/getting up in someways face and mouthing off. Only kill mode, without warning and with no restraint

Spergs are usually just immature INTPs

I've been wondering the she thing. What are some 'powers' autistic people have?
Learning skills/languages quickly?
Near perfect memory etc?
Also the social inability thing - I think it might be a coping mechanism by dumber people (most people) to outcast mentally superior people. So when most kids ignore them, they never get a chance to actually develop the social skills.
I wish I was more autistic.

I think autists, especially earlier diagnosed autistics got a different experience in life than most Millennials. People say that we never faced any bullying when the majority of Aspies I've known faced many people coming at them at once. They say we never faced criticism but we were criticized for our differences from day one. They say we were told we could do anything but when you're diagnosed at a young age you see the statistics of your condition.

I think it’s got something to do with all them buttons

I once had a hobby that I loved very much, but I where I trained there was a lesbian couple. I would try to explain myself to them, just to in casual conversation. Of course, because of how they speak, they saw me as a pitty case and would try to 'help' me, when I was fucking FINE, just great actually. I eventually quit because I couldn't stand the condescension. Sorry if I came across that way with you

>Autists feel emotions, they just compartmentalize them and see them as irrelevant to their thinking, unless they're genuinely angry in which case someone or something is at a high likelihood of getting shot, stabbed, or bludgeoned. Whenever we're pushed past that brink we're extremely violent, once we've registered that we're in a violent confrontation or have been cheated out of something important to us, there's almost no build-up, just an explosion of hate and rage.
Like I said, you don't use emotions properly. Your emotional system is for computing magnitudes and likelyhoods, and all sorts of other esential functions.

It's stricly worse. Better in no way. And it's probably a man-made illness as society has tolld you exactly that: that emotions have nothing to do with thinking.

Emotions make you super powerful if properly ussed. Without emotionss you are stuck in ssimple all or nothing thinking bby necessaity and easy to manipulate via false dichotomies.

"A little of this a little of that" or "sometimes this sometimess that" is something you have a hard time doing because of the emotional issues.

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>having integrity is for dumbasses!

get into flight sims man, its super rewarding. At least it has been for me. Plenty to study, learn and master. Also lawn bowls

>It's stricly worse.
*using emotions the way autists do

>Implying evolution is real

Okay "genius"

When it comes to mental health majority of the population's state of mind is whats considered healthy. Stop using the term normies.

This is pretty much spot on
I think its a pathological way of thinking and it makes you sick. Yes you can achieve great things but its not healthy. You are not a high IQ retard genius you just have a slight affliction that can be reversed with practice. Stop isolating yourselves.

It's not like normalfags where there's a lever, there's a switch and once it's flipped it's not snapping back until someone gets past the cobwebs manhandles it. Doesn't help that almost every single man in my father's side of the family has severe anger issues and I'm a big guy (for you) that doesn't know when to stop when something sets him off. That shit's fucked man, I probably unironically would've killed him and one or two of the policemen that came to apprehend me when they narrowed down the evidence. Curiously, I've noticed most Africans are much the same way but it usually takes less to antagonize them.

As I wrote eariler, my interests only last for a couple of months and then I switch back to not caring about it. I have tried flight sims and it's fun for a while, but then it gets really boring.

for me, its the depth of the thing. I fly IL2 battle of Stalingrad online. You can learn tactics, history and master combat. I also enjoy FIFA (shoot me please) for the tactical elements of the game. I am obsessed with possession/tiki taka tactics and strategy. Anything sort of sim that has depth to it, I believe it appeals to us

That's what I hate about those people, whenever someone feel different from what they perceive as "normal" they label us as idiotic and completely incompetent, even though, sometimes we;re more capable than they'll ever be.

>I think its a pathological way of thinking and it makes you sick. Yes you can achieve great things but its not healthy. You are not a high IQ retard genius you just have a slight affliction that can be reversed with practice. Stop isolating yourselves.
No you cannot acheive great thing without emotions.

Emotions properly guide you to evaluate posssibilities properly.

Wow Australia bro, I never thought about it like that

The creator of Bitcoin, Craig S. Wright (Satoshi Nakamoto), has aspergers

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We're autistic, get over it.
>The word autism is used as a synonym for mental retardation
Only by the ignorant.

It's not strictly worse, it's inferior for most things and far, far, far superior for a handful. There's an obscene over-representation of autists in programming and engineering fields for good reason, they're logically-minded up-to and far beyond the point that it's illogical.

it cannot be reversed. It is the way we born. The 'negative' things can be reduced, but there is a 'differentness' that is in our very core

that is a jewish thing to say even for a jew

Because there's more of them than there are of us. Just learn to put on an act and exploit the stupids things non-spergs are compelled to do.

When stuck in the ocean you need to know how to swim.

This being an autist sucks I have no friends and I have never been on a date. Considering so many autist struggle with women its an evolutionary dead end because we don't breed.

Always knew Jow Forums was a board for spergs. Me too in fact. But keep it on the hush hush or they'll use it to discredit us, Dylann was right

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>It's not like normalfags where there's a lever, there's a switch and once it's flipped it's not snapping back
Emotions are for everything in-between. Clearly it' appropriate to have more than jusut all or nothing, but without emotions you are stuck at all or nothing. That doesn't allow you to properly understand or deal with reality. It doesn't make you better, at anything.

It may bias you to PREFER math, but someone with functional emotional system will be better at math. Investigating math requires instinct and inference about what is important to think about and how best to think about it.

so basically you are lacking

If you are so smart why are you wasting time on Jow Forums instead of enjoying life, makes me think..

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what test?

Autism is caused by extensive miswiring in the brain, it's a neurological issue on par with schizophrenia or psychopathy, there's a massive physical component that can be disguised but never reversed, because there was never anything normal there to begin with.

>t. every woman ever

>It's not strictly worse, it's inferior for most things and far, far, far superior for a handful. There's an obscene over-representation of autists in programming and engineering fields for good reason, they're logically-minded up-to and far beyond the point that it's illogical.
It's completely inferior for everything. At best autists can imitate because true inference uses the statistical mental system of emotions. Autists just imitate and are limited to extremes. It's not rational or useful in any endeavor.

They just tend to flock to certain disciplines, but they are not the best at those. They are not the innovative programmers, they are ones that are stuck fixating on relatively unimportanat shit and trying to take it to its extreme because they supress a relative magnitude of importance which is given by the emotional system.

>Autism is caused by extensive miswiring in the brain, it's a neurological issue on par with schizophrenia or psychopathy, there's a massive physical component that can be disguised but never reversed, because there was never anything normal there to begin with.
I believe that autism is a result of people being told emotions are illogical. Some people take that a certain way, run with it, and suppress their emotions. I did this and fixed it.

Many autists can have far greater emotional depth than the soibois and NPC normies who are usually dull.

>[autism is] not the next step in evolution
That's unknown at this time. It could turn out to be. Evolution isn't a plotted course, it's a random walk.

We are already called pedo nazis bro we can't really fall any farther down in public opinion.

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its not about not knowing how 'put on an act' and exploit the way things are for normies. This is very possible, most of the time, give or take. It is more a question of motivation. I could, theoretically, swallow that pill, go full-normie and have a regular, shitty, unsuccessful life. I would have no motivation to do so, the cost would be too great emotionally and energetically, and it would be of zero interest to me, therefore, wouldn't happen. I'm perfectly fine with my shitty, unsuccessful aspie life

>Many autists can have far greater emotional depth than the soibois and NPC normies who are usually dull.
I don't think so. I think they are defined by simplistic all or nothing thinking and are not using it properly.


You don't understand, we have emotions and feel them at a very high intensity, it's just difficult to let that sway our way of line of thought, unless something seems to be illogical and it confuses/pisses us off that no-one else understands the point we're trying to make. For example, I didn't understand the point of funerals when I was a child because a deceased family member of mine had already moved on and everyone there had already said there goodbyes, and some part of the ceremony pissed me off, like it was disrespecting the memory of who they were even though the complete opposite was true. I kept quiet since I was socially retarded not braindead, I told my father afterwards, and he seemed to think the viewpoint was strange and that's when he started to realize that I wasn't a mentally healthy child.

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My life is counter to your argument. I am extremely in touch with my emotions, though I struggle to control them at times. I am prone to the black and white thinking, I will admit that. That is my tendency, especially WHEN I am angry/upset. Though this can be overridden by analysis