@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:
>TrumpTweet: The Bahamas 9/6/19
>TrumpTweet: (((Fake News))) BTFO 9/6/19
>TrumpTweet: JOBS JOBS JOBS! 9/7/19
>ArrrNige on FoxNews 9/7/19
>SoS Pompeo @190th Landon Lecture Series on Americanism 9/6/19
>DefSec Esper Joint Press Conf w/bong SoS4Def Wallace 9/6/19
>DefSec Esper @RUSI on Global Sec in Londonstan 9/6/19
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 9/6/19
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Fuck Kikes and Fuck Shills. Make America Great Again
No, GA and AZ are trending towards the eternal D faster. I'm not sure why exactly, but that's what the results show.
PA, WI and MI are all equally likely essentially if Biden runs, aka not at all for Trump to pull.
Biden. As I've said for ages.
Soon the PermaBlueNoMatterWhatHappens states will be more than enough for Ds to ever lose. Also, the Census will JUST this map even more for Rs.
So who is the least evil dem canidate and why is it Yang?
Why are americans so jealous of Sweden?
more like president cuck general...
>cue sinatra
boomer detected
fug, alaska...
nobody likes Biden, I haven't seen one real supporter of him on social media, but I have seen plenty of yang supporters. Don't kid yourself Yang will get it.
>NOTE (importint):
Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.
Another thread related:
– - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone. - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”
Sweden :
Could be something here:
1000$ a month and total submission to the commie Chinese. What a wonderful deal.
nice, will do my part
Jealous? kek, nah nigger we just don't like you.
what is this?
Epstein shit?
Thank you for your service fren.
>If not you, then who?
-- – Backup from bitchute (use VPN when using BitChute, the uploaders can see the watchers IP address, and have patience, it can be slow (if too slow, try to refresh the page))
The video is an interview from Shalom TV to one of the staff on the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). You can learn more about it here: ;
Sometimes link doesn’t work, use this one:
And if that one doesn’t work, look for the vídeo directly on the channel, it’s 2 years old now (2019): – Screenshots of the video above - “Europe on the Chopping Block”
Soon the Republican party will simply be a "How much can we slow down the inevitable D agenda?" party.
Then again, arguably its been that for decades already..
Bidens ENTIRE campaign is centered around Obamacare and Orange Man Bad, Bernie has dementia and wants communism, and nobody gives a fuck about warren (plus she's a girl grosss!!).. Yeah I think the people want Yang.
>Finn Cardboard throwing in his shit predictions this far before the elections
Daily reminder that this idiot predicted Clinton winning by 310 seats for two years straight.
>the uploaders can see the watchers IP address
To be fair, Sinatra had some pretty good songs.
After Biden's eyeball blew out on live TV, I don't think the Zombie-in-Chief is getting the nomination.
>le blue TX meme
>No, GA and AZ are trending towards the eternal D faster.
Georgia's fastest growing group is blacks which is why the state is trending blue.
Arizona isn't changing much in terms of demographics anymore but there's a lot of domestic migration from California whites. It's unclear whether these are conservative refugees or liberal scum.
>PA, WI and MI are all equally likely essentially if Biden runs, aka not at all for Trump to pull.
Even in 2018, Wisconsin was quite close for the Governor race and the Michigan Senate race ended similar to the Ohio one. Only PA went badly but that's because both Republican candidates sucked.
And again, Democrats have to win all 3/4 states to win, Trump only needs 2.
Christmas Waltz is my favorite Christmas song.
It will be soon enough, sadly. 10 years, maybe?
>putin shoehorned in
This image makes no sense. I swear the whole Russia thing is just payback for left Dems being told to gtfo to Russia for half a century.
you incels have literally never been right about anything
Nah, FL is getting ever more distant for democrats because whites are starting to vote like their northerner neighbours (as a bloc), and "le blue GA" meme is greatly exagerated.
I am not talking about a particular election user, but about the general trend.
The American Constitutional Republican System died in 1860 for a similar reason
> Southern states all added together could not win the EC anymore and forever due to the growth in population in the Northern States and Cali
That would mean they would have zero representation in the federal executve and, very soon, also in the legislative and that the Northern States could pass anything they wanted through congress without their consent. Then and there the American Constitutional Republican System died to be replaced by a big federal government out muscling any state not willing to follow the present day orthodoxy.
It just so happened to be slavery but it could as well be the end of the 2nd amendment (northern states trying to remove firearm ownership rights because of urban violence) and it would result in the same outcome: secession, as no state would stay in an Union it has no say.
can't tell if hiki...or not......
It's based on torrents and shit.
i'll give you a hint: the first image says "i don't want to go to work" over and over
Warren - Kamala. The gods of the DNC have spoken. Deal with it.
Pretty simple. When you hit a server, they can see who's making the request. Think of it like caller ID on your cellphone. I guess Bitchute forwards that info to the uploader or something.
Did Reagan do anything that benefited white americans?
>Implying even 1 (one) American woman would ever vote for that ugly crying chinklet
Unironic yangism is a sign of retardation
>Also, the Census will JUST this map even more for Rs.
Bad for R's: TX+3, AZ+1, CO+1, OR+1, AL-1, MI-1, MN-1, OH-1, PA-1, WV-1=12
Good for R's: FL+2, MT+1, NC+1, NY-2, IL-1, RI-1=8
It's only a net -4.
>Arizona isn't changing much in terms of demographics anymore but there's a lot of domestic migration from California whites. It's unclear whether these are conservative refugees or liberal scum.
it's the same difference for AZ. california's "conservatives" are more left than they are elsewhere
>and "le blue GA" meme is greatly exagerated.
Is it though?
>Nah, FL is getting ever more distant for democrats because whites are starting to vote like their northerner neighbours
*D: busses in 2 million Spics after gaining government*
Pfft, nothing personel whitoid
-4 is pretty bad..
Are you on a us military base or a russian national?
>I guess Bitchute forwards that info to the uploader or something.
That's the retarded part, assuming its actually true
hiki is neet, sorry for confusion fren
>Is it though?
R+1.4 in a national environment of D+9.
Russian national.
What people are missing (mostly out of reflexive disdain for Finn's usually wrong take) is that he is not talking about this election or the next or any particular election.
Much like in 1860 all it takes is for TX and AZ to flip to democrat to ensure there is no path to 270 for any candidate not getting a prevalent share of either the white liberal vote or the hispanic vote and that would make every race a race to win their votes regardless of the majority of the country.
Republicans don't care about it at all, just see the Romney "post mortem" analysis of his defeat (written by the likes of Ana Navarro and other "republican" analysts)
> GOP needs to pivot to win more suburban vote, more hispanic vote, more women vote
Pretty much it was
> GOP needs to give up and join the democrat party
>still guessing wrong
i at least don't need a hint to know if you're dum or not
> Is it though?
It is
> D: busses in 2 million Spics after gaining government
They weren't able to pull that of even with a filibuster proof majority in the federal government and controlling the state legislature
>yangism is a sign of retardation
Worshiping the Cult of Free Money.
Gibs for white people. Cargo Cult politics. Fucking disgusting.
Oh my bad. I didn't know if you were confused about IP traffic in general or that last part.
I guess Portubro explained it pretty well here: If that's true that it uses torrents to I guess hit a bunch of people to stream the video or something, yeah, everyone you hit to torrent it will see your IP.
Man, I'm glad I moved to Switzerland recently. We don't have those types of problems here.
>gets doxxed
>still posts here
The "bit" part is because it is based on "Bit-torrent" meaning yuo are not fetching the file from the server but parts from the server and parts from other "peers" meaning Ceiling Cat is watching you masturbate
Kill your self faggot.
tricking me doesn't mean i'm dumb, it just means i'm susceptible to trickery
> GOP needs to pivot to win more suburban vote, more hispanic vote, more women vote
That analysis wasn't even correct in 2012. Romney did well among suburbans and won both Arizona and Texas by comfortable margins. He could have won FL and VA with some more campaigning. What really tanked him was his lack of support in Ohio, Iowa and the rustbelt states. He needed these kinds of whites, not the ones in blue states like Colorado.
im not a yang faggot by any means just saying he is probably the least cucked out of all the dems. Bernie wants to gibs out reperations and harris will take guns first chance.
Jordan Peterson seems to be personally responsible for the resurgence of the "jews have an IQ 15 points above whites and this explains everything you don't like about them" lie, when the IQ is really only ~5 points higher and in no way does controlling for IQ control for anything about jewish behavior.
What a clown.
maybe america and Europe are a lot bigger countries, that can take a lot more damage then little israel?
>They weren't able to pull that of even with a filibuster proof majority in the federal government and controlling the state legislature
Perhaps they weren't as insane either back then.
It wasn't even that R in 2016..
It also in the 'extreme example.' Realistically its TX and AZ to in all practical purposes block R victories in the future. And those two will definitely be Permabue Within 2 elections. AZ probably in 2020, TX in 2024.
Surely it'd hide the info from the users...? Just connect them without disclosing to where?
>Trump is LITERALLY a member of the Taliban
True and big.
>That analysis wasn't even correct in 2012.
Of course it wasn't and Trump proved them wrong. The GOP needs to become the "unashamed white men's party" and even Trump only dipping his toe in that concept won him 2016.
>he is probably the least cucked out of all the dems
Least retarded kid on the short bus. Yes, this is true. This is clown world now, I might support Yang just for the chaos.
at least he knows how Jow Forums works now
When did you emigrate to germany?
White Sharia Now. Trump has been one of us from the beginning. Southern Baptist Fundamentalists for the win.
Nice pilpul.
You're trying to justify Jewish genocide being perpetrated upon Western people.
Fuck Israel and it's treason. Fuck Jewish collective power. It is going to get terminated.
==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
Use a VPN
>block R victories in the future
Not really, only block a Trumpian candidate. George W Bush could easily win a third term carrying both those states today or any year in the future, but he would do that the exact same way he did in his first two terms
> promising amnesty
> running as a "compassionate conservative"
>It wasn't even that R in 2016..
Trump lost a bunch of Romney voters but with current demographic developments, he should still win GA by a "safe" margin.
>AZ probably in 2020
AZ went R+1 in 2014, a red wave year and D+2 in 2018, a blue wave year. I wouldn't write it off yet.
Are you guys keeping up with this Alabama Sharpie nonsense? Absolutely embarrassing. I'm off the Trump train!
wish I could go back to election night. that was a fucking beauty
>Just connect them without disclosing to where?
That's not how Internet traffic works. If I'm seeding something and someone wants to hit my server (my network) and grab a few bytes for their download, a vital part of the handshake is basic info about who's hitting my server. That's literally part of the Internet Protocol (IP).
i'm waiting on the cat laser pointer webm
**hint hint please someone make it**
what the one where he`s making money off it?
California legislators wish to prohibit schools from suspending troublemakers.
Neither blue GA nor Blue Texas is happening in 2020. In 2024 the map will be different because of the census. So you're just jerking yourself off here
Yeah well, that goes without saying. I don't care about labels.
It'll be like in the UK, Conservatives vs Labor or Lib Dems. Choose your fucking flavor of absolute garbage.
I never said that's the map in 2020....
Good morning everyone.
When did you emigrate to germany?
>wish I could go back to election night. that was a fucking beauty
Wanna make sure it happens again? Start looking for ways to help
>> GOP needs to pivot to win more suburban vote, more hispanic vote, more women vote
>Pretty much it was
>> GOP needs to give up and join the democrat party
there are people itt that still fall for this idea. you'll see it when people argue that bumpstocks and gun control signalling isn't a big deal, that some government expansions are okay, that taking more heavy-fisted political actions like removing injunctions is bad because a need to appeal to more moderates (i.e. the left)
basically "if we just start being democrat-lites we will win elections," which might be true but the point isn't just to win elections but to then implement right-wing policies and reforms. if you win and are just enacting left-wing policies at a slower pace, then you didn't actually win
yes, I investigated it.
The test was conducted on preschool aged kids, and it appeared that the school itself did the testing? Completely unreliable.
Richard Lynn put ashkenazi IQ in Israel at 103.5, and a study on verbal IQ put Jewish Americans 6 points above the white mean here
And Jews perform better on verbal iq tests than non-verbal, so less than six points in total would be indicated by this.
And then there is the fact that the ultra orthodox jews were probably not tested as they don't leave their ghetto, and they certainly have even lower IQs than the more secular jews.
It's all fake and jewish and hostile.
At least randomise it... make everyone seed (out of a pool of) everything while on the site. So you can't figure out who is watching what.
epic dem fail, they will never live down, jek
>Yeah well, that goes without saying.
No it doesn't user, it needs to be said because for some people (maybe even in this thread) politics is a sports event, the only thing mattering being the label beside the candidate.
You cannot discuss "republicans will never be able to win again" without making sure to make clear you mean "the current crop of republicans aligned with actual conservative ideology"
Good Morning everyone.
I'm making chili today.
The question is, do I put beans in it or not?