Is he genius or is he full of shit?

is he genius or is he full of shit?

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If you have to ask, you'll never know

With that chair? Hes a certifieb internet proffessor™

He's obviously a genius from his taste in music alone.

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His personality is part goth kid from South Park, part Dwight Schrute from The Office. I find him annoying but he has some good takes.

I invited box to check out my audio build. Just picked up a DAC media streamer. He played the Mandy soundtrack real loud and the bass rattled everything. Sounded shit but he said it was incredible. Fucken jabroni

/lit/ the person.


Definitely full of it.
Here is my synopsis:
When he was on Molymeme's show, he bragged about how Christians have the hottest porn stars. It was the weirdest vanity comment I have ever heard, although, you know, maybe that is forgiveable. He's just going off into unchartered territory, right?

Next he reviews Jordan Peterson's books, where his chief criticisms are about how Jordan Peterson accurately depicts his strange dreams, that include incest and what have you.
Well, if you want to judge JP on your laurels of what is acceptable normalcy and commentary, maybe you should apologize for your own fucked up opinions about christian porn stars.

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He's arrogant as all hell. And came up with a whole system of labeling men just to call whoever he doesn't like a "gamma."

Watch A Man for All Seasons. Vox is putting into words what everyone has known for hundreds of years.

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he's full of shit and retarded. He's the most unlikable person in the world.

Jim Norton gaining weight like crazy.


I aint watching a whole movie just so you can defend your eceleb

stfu bruce
its a dumb platitude truism that can be applied to anyone.

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that's a loaded question
i would say YOU are full of shit and think you're a genius

He puts them on his own website now instead

Perhaps not a genius, but he has valuable strategic information as a result of being a game designer.
>rabid puppies
>indiegogo lawsuit

That's the point, you dumb cunt. If you're categorising close to 4 billion people into 5 categories, it's going to be very general. Find any 10 people and they can be categorised generally.
Leafs are supposed to be educated.

It shits on Anglicans and Henry VIII for 2 hours. It's worth watching.

He's an arrogant retard who is eternally ass blasted by John Scalzi

>What goalposts?
>Moving them?
>No, Vox would never do something like that, but I don't understand what silly buggers has to do with discursive reasoning.

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He's full of shit, Owen.

Retarded cunt

Why are Canadians so retarded?
>hey guys here's a way to generalise men
>it gives you an idea of where they're coming from
The good thing about the hierarchy is that everyone shows where they are very quickly.

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You still don't get it brucy
Broad, even fuzzy, but ultimately definitive boundaries are useful.
Broad, and ultimately undefinitive boundaries, are degenerative and maligned.
He might as well be substituting "gamma males" with "privileged males", or "Enemy of the people", or "Bourgeoisie", as all are effectively true and applicable to any dissenter, and will ultimately be used to quell rather than facilitate meaningful discussion.

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ugly incell

He’s an insufferable fag, but sometimes has an interesting take on things.

Also he cultivates a strange sycophantic following on his site.

You sound like a gamma

Cure herpres

>illiterate fucking leaf
>can't read the categorisation
It's a generalised system, but it's quite clear about what behaviours come under what categories. The vagueness is with each individual's behaviour.
You're too fucking dumb to understand the different types of dissent.
>ultimately be used to quell rather than facilitate meaningful discussion
We don't want "meaningful" discussion with you because we know what you fucking leafs are up to. Meaningful discussion is for the people that are capable of it, not spergs and fake Americans.

Great movie

>disagree with vox using an argument
>get accused of being a gamma
>argument goes unaddressed

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Maybe both, but I bet only the former.


Most of what he said back in 2015/2016 has come to fruition. All the toxic shit and bad actors he warned the alt-right to stay away from have taken over. He warned the right against becoming complacent after Trump's election and said we needed to keep the SJW left on the defensive. He was right. Many on the right viewed Trump's election as the end of the war against anti-white SJW globohomo when it was just the beginning.

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Oh boy that clip

go to his site instead where all the videos get uploaded

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It's a piss poor dumbfuck argument that I'd expect from a fucking leaf. You don't understand what the hierarchy is and how it works. That means you're very stupid, or you're a liar.

>proceeds to ban me from chat

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>is anyone here a marine biologist?

The guy's a fucking melt.

He ripped it from Huxley

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