Anyone else voting for Elizabeth Warren in 2020?

Anyone else voting for Elizabeth Warren in 2020?

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If Tulsi or Yang I won't vote anybody else I'm voting Trump again

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Since USA is dumb enough to let anybody vote without needing ID, I'll be taking a holiday just to vote for Trump as many times as I can.
>just for the keks

I'm voting Hilldawg to own the libs

Post your DNA test as proof that you are 10% Cherokee, or get the fuck out

Test or GTFO

Nope because I'm an actual feather nigger.
And bitch acts like an angry librarian.

She teamed up with Killary. Warren will get the votes, announce Killary as her VP, bow out as Prez after election so Killary can have her turn and kill all of us for not letting her have her turn the first time.
Screenshot this.

I'm voting for Warren to cancel my student loans!

Based “Weaves-Mongolian-Baskets”

Go ahead make the jokes, I've already heard all of them.
And Bourbon is better than whiskey anyways.

war-dawg has the polls

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Do you have a DNA test my dude?

I'm a burnout now. Gotta save the earth.

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I do hate Biden that much.

Sure, I'm in. She's actually the least hateable of the top 4.

I'm voting Trump in the Finals, but I'll vote Warren in Primaries if Yang is already out.

I have legal tribal status based on family history.
Most tribes don't accept DNA tests these days, they require documentation proving a sufficient ancestry.

I'm assuming that is because too many genetically similar Mestizos tried to claim tribal status?

That and the niggers.
The Cherokee had this issue recently where Niggers were trying to get double gibs.
So most tribes locked down the requirements for status.

Burning it, abort the southern continent

Warren is not from my tribe.

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and what tribe are you from?


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>jews in the governement have enough money to give to israel all the time but not to give neetbux to every white incel male in the country
fuck this gay earth


based stand watie

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would scalp "pow wow chow" warren

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Fellow registered democrat

Best thing my family ever did was get the fuck off the Rez

>1 post by this ID
really makes me think.


Pittsburgh Steeler Nation

Nah, as flawed and kiked as he is, I'm still voting Trump. All the dems are just illegal pandering faggots, excluding Mommy who got the official DNC snuff and will not make it.

Why do retards who don't know how the DNC primaries work keep shilling support here.

>Muh I want to support my candidate
>Muh I don't want to actually work at it I just want to shitpost my obvious ignorance
Go become a PCO (if you even know what that is). You don't know shit about how your system works and are probably barely out of your teens if not still one.

fuck off shill


The vitriol and insanity of 2016 made me much less of a swing voter. Democrats are off the rails and ineffective to the extreme. I’ll likely vote Republican when needed and third party otherwise.
Dear Dem strategists, when you openly shit on your actual base, ie. white, working class people, you will continue to lose. You morons lost the rust belt because you’re more concerned with helping illegals and encouraging genital mutilation than providing solutions for actual tax paying voters.
Go fuck yourselves and fuck Kamala with a chainsaw.

As a native american myself (cherokee 1%) I am pretty much obligated to vote for my tribe elder.

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Elizabeth? More like ElizaBASED!

Nope, Trump or Yang