Brit/pol/:Dom edtion

>France will not agree a Brexit delay beyond October 31

>Boris Johnson opens up 14 point poll lead over Labour

>Seething remainer Tories in bid to make Boris Johnson boot out Dominic Cummings

>Greggs unveils its autumn menu

>Hot ashes in wheelie bin start fire in Navenby


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Other urls found in this thread:

its over

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3nd for aus

>shills have to work Sundays to make ends meet
Guess you should've done better in school eh lads? Or maybe tried to branch out when you had the chance to improve your social status. But now you're lonely, apathetic cunts with nothing to really live for. SAD!

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>Situations are never hopeless

>I post for free therefore I win
State of you


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WTF I hate Brexit now

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let's make a rendez-vu
let's make a rendez-vu

Who are you quoting

It never surprises me to see the state of government funded shills, they're always unkempt, poorly dressed, bad postured and afraid to look people directly in the eye. It's no wonder they take jobs attacking their own countrymen online. True outcasts.

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Has an adviser ever come under attack from so much scrutiny

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i'm sure it pays well. ...hahaha

Why are you mad I work from home and you’re an unemployed incel on bennies?

Vote Conservative.

Project Chaos Theory is well under way, Anons.

Trust the plan. Follow the black swan.

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Literally grasping at straws

anyone watching peaky blinders mosley kino?

>walks up to you drunkenly

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R Dom thinks the Westminster bubble is reading things wrong like when they thought Obama intervening was a win.

He's right y'know.

The matter of the fact is that a shill's life is one of perpetual failure.

What sort of man would take a "job" such as theirs? Could look himself in the mirror after a day of attempting to deracinate and destroy their own?

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>The Chad Cummings
>The virgin Corbyn

Lame ass balloon. The Trump and Sadiq balloon had way more effort put into them.


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> why don’t you play by our rules? ree!

Why do you idolise an Irish nationalist?

Any remoaniacs here that are baffled that the tories are gonna win the election?

Ever seen the types of people who work for the Job Centre? Those are qualifiers (and I'm being serious) for work at our secret agencies.

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Where’s that LARPing RFA spastic who said they’re no keys on a ship lol

Why do you bite the hand that feeds you?

Bureaucracies herd around conventional wisdoms which are more often than not completely wrong. It's always the blind leading the blind. To go against the grain you have to be able to see through their matrix. You must become the black swan. #ProjectChaosTheory #WhitehallToAshes #ReplaceTheQueenWithSkynet

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>>France will not agree a Brexit delay beyond October 31
Based cheese eating surrender monkeys

I have every single one of them auto-filtered so I have no idea why they even persist.

Unironically based

>stunk of booze
Isn’t that most British politicians though?

>they’re no
lol reading is for chumps right chap?

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Peter Mandelson

No you don’t

Also from The Guardian:
>Greggs sound like a fairly sound company so I don't want to slag them off, but the fact that people eat there on a regular basis is really worrying for their health and finances. I teach vegan cookery classes

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They're playing games as usual.

D E A D - C O U N T R Y

They're too stupid to understand how filtering works lad, that's why.

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France is a presidential system

sounds like a fackin suverner

>when the British parliament is tanking the narrative so hard even the Baguettes tell it to shush it
Yellow Man Bad

>stunk of booze

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Lads, should I filter only the Czech troll or all Czech posters? Dunno if there's a single one who's not a shill.

I'm fucking sick of your shitty flag and your crap posts, why don't you get a fucking life.

> to have stank of booze

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because i'm Irish.





to have stunk. Not to have stank*.

Gosh ma'e, you go' a loisense for thae' grammar?

Will you be voting Conservative at the next election?

He corrects Americanism so I tolerate him

Another comment from the same guy:
>I'm furious about all this. I've lived in Ireland for 19 years, pay my taxes and contribute to the local community but as I have no Irish links my partner and I and our two oldest children will have to apply for citizenship, costing us over €4600. My youngest has Irish nationality through birth but his older siblings, despite having no memory of the UK, will have to go through the whole process, despite feeling entirely Irish.
All this because of the lies of the Brexit campaign! It makes my blood boil. If I get my Irish citizenship, I will gladly renounce my UK passport - I may even have a cathartic burning ceremony.

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What hole did you actually crawl out from under? You're obviously not from around here. I mean, who seriously types out "ree!" on Jow Forums expects nobody to point out that your syntax is all wrong. On top of that for the last two threads you've been caught out misusing terms and slang used in here. What the fuck are you even doing?

Why are you mad that you cannot counter a single one of my posts?

what is greggs, is it supposed to be some deli chain? i still havent figured it out

The giga-chad Boris being advised by the autist mastermind Cummings.

Perfect combo

I'm a bit out of touch with the brexit play. How is getting brexit after 3 and a 1/2 years of mp sabotage against the law?

He knows what he is.

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There’s nothing under holes, spastic. Maybe you meant a rock?

Why haven't you lads taken the vanpill yet? Looks so comfy. Planning to convert a van myself in the next couple of years.

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Will remainers ever accept that we are forging our own destiny outside the EU it’s getting abit boring now

What qualifiers? The ability to sanction a cripple?


Soundly on its way to defy the will of the people and show the elite's disdain for the plebs.

Just as planned.

Exactly, there are no real qualifiers.


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If plebs weren’t so hateful they wouldn’t be disdained.

Because living without an address is a fuckin pain in the arse

The deli is for Jews. Greg's is for ruff and tumble lads in high vi's that get paid cash in 'and

I don't care about anything you've ever said, I'd probably vaguely enjoy hearing that you'd died badly, but that's it.

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Cash in and is tax 3

Always preferred the edit of this, where we're "outmanned, outgunned".

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kek just learned this:
>In July 2002, actress and model Milla Jovovich, a fan of the store and its pasties,[64] said that she would be willing to become the "face of Greggs" in a new marketing campaign if the firm approached her. However, no such approach was made

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He will break the law and get brexit done, then seek political exile in America


>Having settled in the UK, the family anglicised its surname from Berkowitz to Bercow.
every time

I saw Lukas Rosol at a French Challenger event in Cassis yesterday. Dude got tight ball calls, the umpire also overruled stuff, then footfault called, everything went agsinst him.

Must be how Corbyn is feeling now...

What if a nonce dives under your van and damages it?

What does this mean?

Remember montenigger reckoned she was his cousin? The lying little faggot.

Why do you idolise the working class? Is it because you’re an unemployed incel?

Berkowitz is what I call him when I talk to my normie friends, because they relish in calling Tommy by his true name.

I can see Labour standing aside in Bercuck's constituency to give him a chance.

Ere lad, t'workin class bilt britan ya kno!

>Hates Jews
>Loves (((Tommy)))

You dont have friends

Anyone else want to reflect on how unlucky we were to be born a few decades after the absolute peak of our nation, of any nation in human history, as the largest Empire this planet has ever saw and the greatest civilisation in the world, only to witness its final decadent moments as it collapses pathetically from within?

It's all a bit fucked

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Why do you think you can read my mind? Be careful or ill just block you. Still haven't decided if you're just new.

Why are you anti-semitic?

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The PeterPill is the final whitepill

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