Google should become the World Government

Find ONE flaw in Google ruling the world politically and calling all shots globally
>Massive big data background to base political decisions on empirical evidence
>Years of experience in modelling and forecasting based on machine learning and big data
>Could unify and standardize all of technology and thereby reduce prices to a fraction whilst increasing maintainability and repleceability, which means reducing carbon footprint
>Massive experience banning, flagging and deplatforming racism, sexism, hate speech and bigotry, therefore capable of heralding a new age of enlightenment on a global scale with a Star Trek-like postcapitalist, posttribalist utopia
>Literally has "Don't be evil" as corporate dictum
>Would improve both standard of living and societal inclusion for everyone

Google should be given the keys to world government. Convince me otherwise, protip you can't.

Attached: google_for_president.png (596x112, 10K)

>Literally has "Don't be evil" as corporate dictum
They removed "Don't be evil" from their motto.
Look it up.

yeah sure lets just hand over the world to the antichrist.

good plan.

>believing goolag propaganda
They're evil

You're so fucked and cucked.

>>Massive big data background to base political decisions on empirical evidence
But what if the evidence disagrees with your political ideals? Surely the evidence is wrong.

It's controlled by kikes and it is shit too.

>That tacit admission that what they do is wrong

>Massive big data background to base political decisions on empirical evidence
They are already showing that their political decisions aren't taken on empirical evidence but on ideology.

>Literally has "Don't be evil" as corporate dictum
By the way, they dropped this one last year.
Replace by "Do the right Thing".