How would the USSR have faired in WWII if Lenin were still alive and in power?
How would the USSR have faired in WWII if Lenin were still alive and in power?
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Probably an additional 66 million Slavs genocided by jews.
This and then it still collapsed because it's a retarded system
He probably sold out Russia to Germany. Again. Stupid german pawn.
IMO We never should have sided with the man.
The wrong side won the war.
>How would the USSR have faired in WWII if Lenin were still alive and in power?
Still would have collapsed and been totally shitty. Because Communism is Jewish. The USSR was Jewish and Lenin was Jewish.
Imagine if the Soviets won the Cold War...ironically there'd probably be no hyperleftist anti-white globohomoism
We'd all be living in comfy patriotic workers' republics with fairly traditional societies
>Imagine if the Soviets won the Cold War...ironically there'd probably be no hyperleftist anti-white globohomoism
Except that Communism and Cultural Marxism are both Jewish. The Jew is inherently anti-White after all.
>We'd all be living in comfy patriotic workers' republics with fairly traditional societies
Your soul would be Jewish.
By now. worldwide communism would be established and kept. there would have been no threat of terrorism since the dismantling of the middle east by soviet and American backed rebel and nationalist forces had changed the climate of the middle east.
there would be a much higher life expectancy globally.
the quality of life around the world would be at the level of first world countries today
there would be new countries formed out of old ones. and far less small countries, and a lot larger ones
>Except that Communism and Cultural Marxism are both Jewish. The Jew is inherently anti-White after all.
according to hitler