/dbcg/ - Deutsche Bank crash general

Redpill me on the imminent Deutsche Bank crash.

What's the current situation?
Is the crash really happening?
How will the establishment react?
What will be the consequences?

Trustworthy sources will be greatly appreciated.

Attached: deutsche_bank_crash.jpg (590x350, 63K)

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government will give them your tax money so they don't go bankrupt
all high ranking personnel will give themselves huge bonuses to celebrate another fuckup
life goes on

go work so that they can afford the next bailout!

Fake news media isn't of any help.

fuck deep down I know your prolly right.

Attached: deutsche_bank_fake_news.png (694x662, 138K)

when is the shit estimated to hit the fan

last i checked Deutsche customers were withdrawing around 1 billion a day from the bank.
it wont exist this time next year.


they are crawling up and claiming to become a classic bank, they already nixxed their investment banking sector...

atm they seem to try to make it into a slow decline into nonrelevance instead of a crash..

but the game is one, its like russian roulette of big banks, who falls first...

Attached: 1540750549365.png (314x168, 112K)

Just before or after the next US presidential election would be an obvious guess, but that hasn't turned out to be a very good guess in recent history. I'd watch other things like the volatility in the price of gold and silver, or in major commodities. When those fluctuate wildly it means that the derivatives market is losing its shit.

Deutsche Bank's OTC derivative exposure is around 50 trillion euro in nominal value (total contract size). DB is essentially every other big banks counterparty.

Last month an user claiming to work for HSBC in the US claimed that the PRC was going to default on a $600 billion loan they have with the bank sometime this month. DB is a major counterparty of HSBC's If there is a default of OTC derivative obligations, it could trigger what Alan Greenspan termed "cascading cross defaults" which would be very difficult for central banks to paper over.

Attached: DeutscheBankDerivatives.jpg (826x611, 188K)

>Last month an user claiming to work for HSBC in the US claimed that the PRC was going to default on a $600 billion loan they have with the bank sometime this month.

Ah that would explain why Merkel just was in China for "economic negotiations".

Attached: 1532988376203.jpg (708x900, 340K)

Bamp for interest

The question is who gets to arbitrate if those derivatives default. He who makes the rules wins the game. Rabbi says so :^)

reminder for you burger frens that the Alan Greenspan (FED boss at the time of the 2008) denied to tell your senate how many billions Deutsche got from the bailout money (payed by your taxes)) ...

I give you a hint, it was most of it..

Attached: 1532984772059.gif (400x560, 431K)

There has been a shit load of Chinese investment in crypto lately...
Incoming financial shit storm?

Yeah, and then DB took on most of the PIIGS denbts. And then Christine Lagarde was all like
>we didn't know!
>nobody had any idea!
And of course she was a guest on NPR a few months back so the Jews could fawn over her exceptional career in synchronized swimming (stop and think about that for a moment).

just look at the gold price, up from 1300 to nearly 1600 $ in past three months..

insiders know.. just dont invest in stocks now, wait till after the crash

The chinks have no faith in their own money or monetary system. That should tell you everything you need to know about the situation in chinkland

china rides on their weak currency, they will keep it like that as long as possible, for exports (biggest part of their economy) -> thats why Trump is waging tariff wars..

also there are rumors that China bought gold in secrets (statista.com/statistics/267998/countries-with-the-largest-gold-reserves/ is a probably a complets lie)

the cabals favorite day for financial shenanigans, 9/11, is next week. Christine Lagarde has announced she resigns as head of IMF on 9/12.


Attached: deutsche bank derivatives as of Dec 31, 2018_0.jpg (818x817, 155K)

Looks to me like it's missing some decimal places, but maybe I didn't convert back from metric properly.

Comments from a DB story on Zero Hedge in May of this year.

Attached: Deutsche Bank.png (1117x351, 37K)

big if true

oh fuck it is true, thread got shadowbanned .. doesnt get bumped anymore

Strikes me as a Lehman scare over merely needing to shed some jobs like any other industry. DB is a clusterfuck, but it's literally too big to fail, so it's mainly a way to put fear into the market. As far as I can tell, (((they))) still don't have a good backup plan to replace it with.

Lehman could be sacrificed .. Deutsche will be difficult. Dont forget their HQ is in Frankfurt. A certain family with blood colored shield on their house started there ... not sure if they are willing it slaughter this lamb.

On a side note, Epstein was a customer of Deutsche till very recently.

Everybody is a customer at DB. Lehman still gets them rattled, though, because it was small enough to be shut down and it was in the middle of NYC where all their banking pals could stop on the sidewalk to watch them boxing up their offices through the big glass windows. High rollers don't like to think about what they'd do if they couldn't keep up the life of tipping c-notes like it doesn't even matter.