I have just seen the last tarantino and holy fuck i think i am onto something. (careful spoiler)

I have just seen the last tarantino and holy fuck i think i am onto something. (careful spoiler)
so the movie felt kinda weird with a lot of scenes or dialogs that frankly did not make any sense,even felt criptic at some moment.
I think tarantino made this movie for a single purpose: he is trying to say that Roman polanski ordered the assassination of his wife pregnant Sharon Tate.
everyone knows she and many of her friends got brutally murdered by the manson family.
here are the elements that made me come to this conclusion.
1) the movie is supposed to follow the main characters but it becomes obvious that it is mainly following sharon and roman.
2) there is a long scene at a party where they are explainig the relationship between Roman, Sharon and her ex fiancé, saying that they live together and strongly implying that sharon was still fucking her ex and that it was no secret for Roman and their friends.
3) at one point there is a surreal phrase said by the main character "there is a green door, behind it people are having so much fun and you can hear laughter, what is behind this green door? i want to open it" so if we had to take a guess to the question "what is behind a green door?" a fairly good answer is "a red room" this might be an allusion to red room practice where the wealthy and bored pay to see live murder or torture.
4) the second character has admitedly killed his wife, got away with it and kept working as a stuntman.

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Other urls found in this thread:


5) in the only scen you see polanski alone, he does one thing: call his dog, wich name is Sapirstein. Sapirstein is the name of a doctor in "Rosemary's baby" a movie from Polanski with a satanic vibe where a woman make a dream where she is raped by the devil and her entourage seems to want to hurt her and her baby after that while she tries to defend her kid and own sanity.
6) at one moment they all go the a playboy party wich was accused to be a cover for minor prostitution rings. a former model, Natacha Jaitt who made these allegations was murdered a few weeks after that.
7) at some point a hippy girl tries to blow the secondary character, she is minor and does so to try and blackmail him because he could have denounced her hippy squat to the police. He firmly refuses and even ask her for an id. probably referring for the kind of tactics Epstein used.
8) the most disturbing is at the end in the movie's alternate reality, the manson family gets into the wrong house and get butchered by the main characters in a very tarantinesque way, right after that, Sharon Tate wich is ok in this alternate reality comes to see the main character and he jokingly says to her "if you need to ordered Roman's murder just come and ask next door".
And yes i took my meds for those asking, what do you think about it, is it the pure product of my confirmation bias or tarantino's psychosis?
maybe, put if Roman could have drugged and assrape a 13yo maybe he can order a hit on his wife and her boyfriend out of pure jealousy because he thinks the kid isnt his.
tarantino was a close friend of Weinstein and many other big holywood figures. And as hinted in the movie he cant speak openly because himself got involved and blackmailed. But he seems to have regrets and hate polanski's guts. This doesnt seem to crazy after the epstein story and all misterious disapearance and dark allegations from people like elijah wood.

>what is behind a green door?
The first interracial sex scene in porn.

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good thread user, actually interesting

So again he got his BBC-fetish in the movie

ow shit
> takes more meds
i think i might have missed lots of stuff if you have more references go ahead

As a child she was famous for adverts, corn flakes or something like that.

I didn't even know Roman was supposed to be in it, I mean be protrayed by an actor.
I didn't see it. Just didn't see it in the trailer.

Bump, a quality thread, will read, cheers.

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Shade or light?

That movie is /comfy/ af

Also the movie was originally 40 minutes longer but they had to cut a ton of shit out because it would be way over 3 hours

Bump. First good thread I've seen about this. Keep it going

What's that thing where you build a case out of a lot of flimsy evidence?

Firstly - The Green Door
It's an old song, from the POV of an inmate on death row who has seen his buddies from the wing get escorted through the door (which , unknown to him is the execution chamber). He speculates on what lies beyond:
Midnight, one more night without sleepin'
Watchin' till the mornin' comes creepin'
Green door, what's that secret you're keepin?

There's an old piano
And they play it hot behind the green door
Don't know what they're doin'
But they laugh a lot behind the green door
Wish they'd let me in
So I could find out what's behind the green door

Knocked once, tried to tell them I'd been there
Door slammed, hospitality's thin there
Wonder just what's goin' on in there

Saw an eyeball peepin'
Through a smoky cloud behind the green door
When I said, "Joe sent me"
Someone laughed out loud behind the green door
All I want to do is join the happy crowd behind the green door

Midnight, one more night without sleepin'
Watchin' till the mornin' comes creepin'
Green door, what's that secret you're keepin?

Green door, what's that secret you're keepin?
Green door

Damn gets creepy

Secondly - I read a lot about Manson in my 20s, it seems Sharon Tate had already performed at "a private vampire roleplay party" with one of the Manson girls (I forget which one. There may even have been two Manson girls there), so they were not strangers.
The private party was, apparently for the LaVeyan Church of Satan, or their close associates.

On (2) I thought McQueen was implying that all three of them like to fuck 12 year old boys.

I did feel maybe it was about Polanski having her murdered at the end but I didn't really try figure out why. Needs a re-watch or two cause there's definitely undertones in there. The revisionist history aspect to it is interesting as well. Since well... we all know who has been doing that for eons. But what Tarantino's agenda might be in bringing that up is hard to understand.

Good thread bump

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I think you might be onto something, OP. Haven't seen the movie yet, but this isn't entirely out of the realm of possibility. Tarantino might be a notorious nigger lover, but that's exactly why he might clandestinely also hate Jews. Jews likewise oppress blacks whenever they do not submit to the Jewish rule which is why Tarantino may hate kikes as well. I'm sure Tarantino has been exposed to a lot of weird shit and has learned quite a few things about multiple top-tier celebrities he can't openly name without getting into trouble, so he perhaps endeavored to unbosom himself of some secrets he's learned about in this manner. In other words, social justice may finally blow up in kikes' faces somewhere down the line because of Jewish haranguing about social justice while being prejudiced profiteers themselves. Social justice activists may finally be waking up to this fact and Tarantino's new flick is a manifestation of this; he might indeed be exposing something in an indirect way out of his concealed hatred for Jews keeping down the darkie. He's not based, but the thing he would be doing here would inadvertently be based. It's just an interesting theory and something to chew on I suppose.

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if someone knows how to analyse behaviour, here is a few videos of him talking about the murder. to me it looks like he talks about it as if it was one of his movie scenario.

Amazing work OP. Everything you wrote checks out and seems to have weight. We know they use media to tell us what they do, with the cover of fiction and entertainment. Interested to look into this more now.

or maybe it was just a giant turd of a movie
What an epic piece of shit it was

holly fuck i came upon something else. i Swear i didnt know about this after the movie i just found it on google :

That and they just generally lack creativity, so they borrow from their own lives.

I’m aware of his foot fetish in his movies, but I don’t remember this topic ever coming up. I wouldn’t watch his movies otherwise

No one has posted the thread theme yet? youtube.com/watch?v=Eg7l7UEYMOI


These sick fucks.

maybe but every scene is supposed to have a purpose. all scenes are very well made in this movie by any standard. in a real bad movie you can see a scene and think, yeah i get why it is here but its poorly done. in that movie you are just "wtf is that scene that makes 0 sense "

It's like they take our happy go lucky music and they put in their sick lyrics.

rosemary's baby is a big clue
Roman directed that shit about a woman who has to give her baby to satan...a baby was sacrificed in his home for the devil

False. Frogs wouldnt know much about this murder. Tarantino is part of the elite Hollywood circle that knows the truth about the Manson murders -- that they were drug deals gone awry. Tarantino made it a fairy tale and dressed it as he does for, maybe, subtle red pills. As most of his films tend to do.

I don't disagree with you, see my next post.
This movie was more about symbolism than entertainment.

I agree with your analysis

why did you fail to name the movie?
are you in 3rds grade?

You know Polanski is french right? and i think hollywood pedos are heavily involved in France's elite or the other way around. there are former Epstein's agents in Paris that are interogated right know for furnishing him young girls.

he's Polish and he lives in Franc because there's no extradition to the US for crimes


He was born in Paris and speaks french fluently

and believe me i'd like to say this POS has nothing to do with my country

Disgusting really.

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>I think tarantino made this movie for a single purpose: he is trying to say that Roman polanski ordered the assassination of his wife pregnant Sharon Tate.

this is stupid, there were all sorts of drug deals going on between all the people in that house and even involved the la Biancas. They were all degenerates. Manson admitted the house was chosen cause it was people screwing with people, mostly him. The followers who murdered everyone were strung out and took it too far. Charlie, probably without knowing, was doing his own uncontrolled brand of MKUltra. If Polanski wanted her dead for cheating, which like I said they were all degenerates, he could have had it done professionally without all the bad press and the ungodly mess. If Tarantino hates Polanski then this is just fantasy. Both Tarantino and Polanski are pedos and they probably had a falling out and are back biting.

If Terantino can be a proven pedo in court you can bet he will leave the states too.

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worst movie I've seen in my entire life

normal day on Jow Forums?

>to me it looks like he talks about it as if it was one of his movie scenario.

you've just described probably the most common coping mechanism

>he's Polish and he lives in Franc because

'Polanski was born in Paris, and his Polish-Jewish parents moved the family back to Poland in 1936.
Polanskis lived in the Kraków Ghetto.
After his mother and father were taken in raids, Polanski spent his formative years in foster homes under an adopted identity, surviving the Holocaust.
His first feature-length film, Knife in the Water (1962), was made in Poland and was nominated for a United States Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.
In 1968, he moved to the United States and cemented his status by directing the horror film Rosemary's Baby (1968).'

Manson only killed Jew pedos. Polansky was a target. Not a Manson fan, but nothing wrong with what he did (to the Jews) whatsoever. If you only just figured out that Tarintino is a Jew, then I got bad news for you.

Here's an important lesson that will sincerely help you in your fight against this degenerate shit: stop assuming even one Jew is half decent or that any non-Jewish member of a Jewish clique is decent. A Jew is a Jew, a traitor is a traitor. You don't have to deep dive because no matter how surface level or how embedded a Jew or a traitor is, a Jew is a Jew and a traitor is a traitor. You're just wasting time. Stop researching shit - not to encourage ignorance, but to encourage action. It's a waste of time and you'll have the same outcome at the end of the day: Jews in ovens. Redirect this energy towards improving yourself and snapping kikes' necks.

The Cramps version:

Think I got this somewhere (Smell of Female?). It sure beats Shakin' Stevens version (don't ask).

its on the album Psychedelic Jungle. the image is embedded in the video. Smell of Female is a good live album.

>caring about Hollywood
>literally anything else
Pick only one user

He's not building a case he's analyzing a movie, faggot.

i don't really think like that this would be to easy and unneficient. in the degenerate elite are many goyims that are maybe less in power but as much responsible. i know some jew who got crewed real hard by his jew wife and colleagues and my gf is 30 jewish and she and her family are just your average middle class bluepilled. i think it is a big branch that does not even follow the normal jewish religion at all but are into some psychopathic stuff along many non jews

i really don't but thy who know only himself and not his ennemy will only win half of the time. nothing wrong with seeing holywood stuff as long as you are critical

WTF. Natacha Jaitt is an actual "model" that denounced a pedo ring in argentina.
Not even larping, google it.

the motive might be something else, true. but i think Roman mainly did this to accomplish some sort of sick scenario in his own life. Thus the bloody mess

Very interesting analysis. I was amazed by this movie, couldn't believe QT made it. Lots of hidden messages throughout I think.
I'm saving this thread to study for later.

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also i forgot to mention but there is quite a surreal scene where the hippy girls are singing some creepy nonsensical song, something about "flesh" and "father" . dunno what this is a reference to

don't be retard user. Quentin defends Polanski pedophilia

ofc if he's blackmailed or he grew a soul idk

They used to have places called sex cinemas that showed filth. Before video. They tried to make it look like a place normal people would go. Deep Throat and that movie were very popular. Taxi Driver has a scene in one.

they talk about porn a lot too, in the end they come by this kind of cinema and the main character says "ow they are shooting a porno premiere"

Hope they release a directors cut

This. Also a reference to Huxleys "Beyond the Doors of Perception"

In the Hateful 8, tarantino makes the black character played by samuel l jakson, mock a retired confederate general about how he had tortured, raped and killed his son, who was begging for his life

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>French flag

I bet this is Roman Polanski

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shit the masks are falling gotta fly to reddit to avoid legal action. The goyims got me.

>Hate jews
Have you watched inglorious bastards?
Do you know who his main producer was?

also the presence of Bruce Lee might mean something. He and his son died in real shady circumstances.

tarantino is a blackmailed degenerate sinner puppet. he was Weinstein's bitch. when peter jackson refused to hire an actress weinstein wanted to screw to play in lotr he threatened peter jackson to replace him with tarantino.

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Looks like someone found the number to the Batphone...

>Polansky was a target.

He was after Terry Melcher, the record producer and son of Doris Day. Melcher fucked Charlie over on a record deal because he sucked as a musician and the songs were awful. Melcher lived with Candice Bergen in the house that the family hit that night, which was occupied by Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate.

Melcher moved out due to harassment from Manson and family over the record deal. And yes, he is a Jew.

Jerzy Kosinsky was supposed to be there that night, but his flight from New York was delayed. Maybe HE was the intended target!

that's crazy

Watched this last week. Man I couldnt figure out where he was going with all those scenes that didnt go anywhere and just kind of fizzled out. This is interesting.

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>Threaten to hire Tarantino
That was just a way to say "I'll fuck up your vision"

Dave McGowen wrote that the 60-70's Laurel Canyon Music/Hollywood sceene was a controlled psyop. Prior to Tate's alleged murder, the room in the house was redecorated with cheap Dept. Store furniture and throw rugs. The rest of the house retained a wealthy artistic vibe. The investigation of the crime sceene was riddled with oddities, and the crime scene photographer was not with LAPD or coroner, and had never contracted for such work before or after. At the funeral, Tate's family was there with a heretofore unknown girl who news reports claimed was Sharon's younger sister. Dave found it difficult to trace down any info on the girl to substantiate the girl's relationship to Sharon. After the funeral her parents and the younger sister left the country. Tate's other sister avoided questions about the young sister for many years. In the mid to late 80's the young sister returned to the US. Although attractive, fir and petite, she seemed too old to be a woman in her early 20's. She is also the spitting image of Sharon.

Ok but how did everyone here even watch this movie? You didn’t actually give your shekels away did you? Is it online or something

>You didn’t actually give your shekels away did you?
Checking these digits. I apologize Lord Kek that I paid shekels to (((Hollywood))) to go watch this with my waifu....I repent.

Says user who isn't even vaguely familiar with Helter Skelter. Everything about it is spoopy as fuck. Especially since the LAPD has been comp'd as fuck by the movie/entertainment industry for nearly a century.

Too late
>still paying Hollywood
>in 2019
Just end yourself

And she started in violent horror movies. Her last movie, she was a bloody corpse in her final scene in the movie.

Digits confirm. Kill yourself you fucking retard goy

fucking this
/v/ retards shitting up the board with these schizo threads

>watching anything produced by this fruit loop

This is is the whitest thing ever

The Tate murders were about Charlie feeling slighted by record producer Terry Melcher (Doris Day's son). Melcher had lived there previous to Tate.

So did Jamie Lee Curtis. What's your point.

Holy shit, this is globalist pedo-tier shit right here. Actress makes claims of the trafficking of children amongst journalists and sports stars, ends up found dead, no investigation necessary.
>There was an investigation about sexual abuse of minors at the Club Atlético Independiente in 2018. One of the players denounced four phone numbers that were allegedly used to pay children to have sex with adults. Jaitt said while as guest on the program La noche de Mirtha that those numbers belonged to journalists and politicians. Journalist Mercedes Ninci and sports author Gustavo Grabia, also on the program, criticized her for making unsubstantiated allegations on television.
>Natacha Jaitt was found dead on 23 February 2019, naked in a bed at a party hall in Benavídez, Tigre. The initial police reports stated that there seemed to be no signs of violence against her, but her lawyer detected inconsistencies in the report and said that Jaitt was murdered.

She also named the Jew Pope. That'll get an unknown death almost immediately.
>According to her statements, politicians, artists, the media people and even Pope Francisco were all involved in the pedophile ring. She said they bought young children from sports clubs to abuse them. She was set to testify against the pedophiles in the trial.

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This. I've read Dave's Laurel Canyon series, and it is highly recommended.

Psst... your nose is showing.

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I thought the same thing when i saw the movie user. Shit stinks to the high heavens

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So basically Tarantino is trying to become the next Kubrick?

This movie is 100% about Roman Polanski ordering the hit.

It's also about never giving up hope, I believe Tarantino had extensive dialog with The Tate family on why they thought it happen and why Roman was hiding out overseas (which we all know why).