Problems with the black community from a black user

>It's matriarchal and thus inherently misandric. Thank you LBJ/Nixon and the gov
>Being intelligent an opened minded is seen as "uncool" thank you kikes
>You are seen and treated as less than nobody unless you've done jail time or are a rapper or professional athlete.
>Seriously how fucked up is your community when being stupid enough to get caught much less be a criminal at all is seen as a badge if honor. Thank you roasties and your hybristophilia or whatever it's called.
>Black women would rather rule in hell than to serve in heaven and kikes and the government take advantage of this to subvert our communities.
>Acting like monkeys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Man, just talking normally, you know, like with complete sentences, gets me outed as "that one white talking nigga." This is fucking hell. I can't have a goddamn conversation with people of my same skin color without them automatically ostracizing me because of the way I talk to them.

You left out the part where education teaches learned helplessness so you always see yourself as the victim and your life's problems are society's fault and not something you can solve on your own.

You guys need to leave that community ASAP, it's poison. Also post hand with timestamp for proof of blackness

Looks like these guys recognize that


You left out
>Blaming everyone else for your problems

Life is a big competition, a struggle to get on top. Improvement isn't going to come from other groups. Blacks as an identity need to find the internal strength to improve from within.

We've dealt with extensive legitimate subversion. We(our women really) fell hard for kike and government subversion because they are stupid insecure and short-sighted, now we all suffer.

Negroids will always be a net drain on society. They’re worse than any other race on the planet.

“Civilized” Blacks are still dumber than your average European. They still side with their own, still pull the race card to get gibs or when it’s convenient for them and still produce nigglets who are statistically more likely to become worthless coon thugs than productive members of society. You’re also incredibly ugly.

Your “community” is a joke

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occult theocracy

>>Acting like monkeys.

The Boondocks

>but lo, I come back 4 decades later and what do I find?
>a bunch of trifling, shiftless, good-for-nothing niggers...

>another approval seeking groid thread

It’s impossible to feel any sympathy for you and your “people” when you disrespect anyone who isn’t black.

t. Asian

>t. Larping kike

Do you know me personally chang?

>>You are seen and treated as less than nobody
By who, exactly? Niggers? Fuck niggers, user.

>but theys my people
There's your fucking problem


Hey black man. I see the same issues with my fellow subhuman spics. Its very matriarchal which i think is the root of the problem. They outcast the independent intelligent men because they pose a threat and keep the betas humiliated and subservient. Any talk of unification of efforts is way beyond most of the thinking done by the majority of these double digit IQ brainlets. Very depressing really. I hate being born castizo and i hate myself and the subhuman faggots im related too. Life is suffering.

Blacks have been swayed into acting as a cohort far more than any other group I can think of. Blackness trumps all other traits, characteristics, interests, etc. Blacks pretend, or possibly beleive, that this is some kind of solidarity but it only manifests itself as a detriment to the individual.

Whites don't instantly feel like we've got sonething in common set to out skin color. There are plenty of spics who hate spics. Asians rarely care to associate with anyone outside their direct family unless necessary. But Niggers, they love to pretend they're fighting against the whole world together, when in reality it's fucking crabs in a bucket doing harm to eachother and blaming everyone else in earth for their actions.

The whole world despises you, nigger. Your people contributed nothing to society besides AIDS and increased crime rates. Everything is rayciss to you. Always playing the victim and blaming other races for your plights. You turn everything you touch into shit.
You’re entire existence is just a giant cope. You’re the worst things on the planet next to kikes.

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Oh god the dude is literally admitting his culture is lesser and you still have to try and prove your "superior" jesus fuck.

ah so your a uncle tom? Welp fuck you faggot that's pathetic.

>>Black women would rather rule in hell than to serve in heaven and kikes and the government take advantage of this to subvert our communities.

It's not about culture dummy. Culture is downstream from genetics.

Crabs in a bucket.

Pic or eat shit, amerimutt.

>Crabs in a bucket.

It's very bad. I'm so thankful that I had a white grandfather, a white great grand father, and a half white great grandmother on the other side. I mean white people are super messed up in their own right but I feel the combination of genetics allowed me to at least think differently and for myself.

I can't stand group think. Black people have it worse than whites because Black people don't even know that they're programmed by the media to be racist caricatures. Be black and try not to be one of these archetypes that society has made for you and you will find life very difficult.

We Blacks as a majority are a stupid feral evil race, there are no problems with the black community all of this dysfunctional crime is nothing more than a natural constant of the black race. Nag them all you wish they will act in the same uncivilized manner until the sun explodes.

Based nigger. You will survive the day of the rope.

There's only two Jow Forums approved niggers. Pic related and Charles Barkley. I don't think the committee is open for new nominations for approval at this time.

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I used to like blacks and used to be nice to them

I haves since learned that they are shit and should all be gassed

And jlp!

this country gives every possible opportunity ranging from giving you money to study and easy job interviews. this isnt a racism problem anymore desu

Feel free to correct me BLACKANONS . The way i see it is the members of your society ( other blacks ) that have prospered and made it big are your problem. They should be the model to look up to but instead they reinforce EVERYTHING wrong with your kind. The wealthy Black community has done ZERO to set any examples of helping their own. That lack of empathy for your own kind reverberates thru the black masses.
"FUCK them and fuck everyone else, why should i ACT LIKE A HUMAN when nobody has acted that way to me" etc..etc..etc.. The Entertainers , Athletes, Business owners etc. Do nothing but TAKE TAKE &TAKE from your own people and give NOTHING in return.
You want to fix your people START by shaming the RICH NIGGERS into helping the poor niggers.

Malcolm X for me is more influential. He calls out white liberals for the shit they do and was eye opening for me how aware of jews he was.

He doesn't have to know you personally. He has to generalize though, we all do in order to get by and keep things simple.
Not taking sides, just pointing that out

>Based nigger. You will survive the day of the rope.

Have sex

I grew up in a black area in the south. I saw so much of this dumb shit. ANYTHING that might help you avoid being a failure is looked down on.

>this nigga reading a book at lunch....what you tryna get an A in lunch nigga?

one of the big cultural issues is that not being an arrogant asshole and speaking plain American English is seen as 'acting white'

Absolutely BASED and purely REDPILLED post

>Culture is downstream from genetics.
take an anthropology class you lazy fuck


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Good to hear you got out of the mold. The odds were against you, but you did it. You should be proud.

Why do you need to be jailed to not be treated as less?

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>>Being intelligent an opened minded is seen as "uncool" thank you kikes

Not sure how this lands on the kikes. Explain please.

Being intelligent is seen as "being white" in the Black community.

What do you think about WFBM relationships?

>I mean white people are super messed up in their own right but I feel the combination of genetics allowed me to at least think differently and for myself.
Speak for yourself, mutt.

Based Negro.

You're time and effort would be best spent hammering white leftists and (((them))) for perpetuating the failed culture that blacks find themselves stranded in.

I still don’t fully understand black people as a group yet. They are the most ethnocentric and racist people on the planet and talk constantly about how proud they are to be black and that they love their black features and so forth. Yet when you take a step back you realize just how shitty black people treat other black people. Most black men knowingly abandon their own children and don’t give a fuck about what happens to them. God knows how many times I’ve seen a black woman beating the shit out of her children in public. You guys kill each other at ridiculous rates. Black men try to date interraciallu as much as possible and black women light up when a non black man gives them just a sliver of attention. I have no idea why you guys do this or whether or not you mean it when you say you love your race. Most mulattos I’ve met have favoured their black side and I’ve never understood why because most of the time their blackness is responsible for everything bad about their lifes and their white family are responsible for everything good in it. Strange AF

Memeflag, you've made the best argument so far.

hearing black people speak non retardedly is kind of weird desu


It wasn’t an argument it was just observations I want to know if black people genuinely do feel proud to be black. Do they?

this is why pol is incorrect with the racism, even if it is just a larp. the racism meme is divide and conquer tactics by elites. decent civic/economic nationalist of all colors should be getting together to increase power level
>inb4 highly intelligent stfu kike shill

Uncle Tom >>>>>> JaDavius and Frosheequa

I'd say most do from the negative interactions I've had with them.

It's all a show for white people. When whites are looking at us we're "Strong and together" when they look away it's "Fuck dat nigga imma rob him yo".

I'm half black and want nothing to do with 90% of the black people I meet.

Brittany, is that you?

Nah, we have similar genetics though.

Prove it.

I really REALLY like this meme, mind if I save it?

The problem with them leaving to whiter pastures is that it attracts non-intelligent niggers. Hispanics suffer the same problem.
>Get tired of living with Hispanics and their shitty way of life bullshit viveza creolla
>I'm a American, fuck these beaners.
>Move to a whiter neighborhood up North
>Things are well, generally accepted and live within my means
>Soon more Hispanics start moving in around me and a lot of them try to make friends with me because "We gotta stick together, hermano. The white man is gonna get us otherwise"
>Most of the whites have moved out and all the cashiers in town are bilingual that start speaking in Spanish before English.
I can't go any further North, because I'd start going into Tallahassee and Georgia that's filled with niggers.

I 100% support the upper racial blacks taking power over the average or lower level blacks. I've noticed the upper blacks are wonderful people. The lower blacks do more to hold their race from industrializing. I know alot of people here hate every single black but not all of us. Best of luck dude. It starts with you. Any race has the potential to evolve. Rven one as lost as the negro.

Go to Vermont or Minnesota

Find an intelligent and traditional black woman, start a family with her, and support eugenic policies and organizations like Planned Parenthood and death penalty for violent criminals

sounds like a load of bullshit
no one respects a criminal

>kike kvetching trying to subvert the thread
thanks for proving OPs point

White people are super messed up in their own right. We are puppets of the Jews, and enforce their globohomo doctrine. That's fucked up


People should be able to love who they want to love, but they also shouldn't expect people to save them from the obvious consequences of their choices.

Friend of mine that grew up in the hood said you couldn't have anything nice because if the wrong nigger saw it, he would do whatever he could to take it. Apparently even getting a new TV meant hiding it in the car until you could sneak it in after dark.

Thanks for this good OP user. It actually made me a bit sympathetic towards the intelligent nigs. I think what you're saying is conservative tough love and cutting off welfare would help break the matriarchy. How do we stop black men from being criminals though?

And niggers are even bigger puppets to the Jew. Always have been. Always will be.

Then why does your race predominately date interracially? Seems like there's something wrong with your women if that's the case.

The most racist people I meet are successful blacks.

Where do you live? From the outside looking in I assumed this types of thought process within the community came from California or Detroit?

Have you tried breaking up your sentences with "you know what I'm sayin?" after every three words?

I against my brother
I and my brother against my cousin
I and my brother and my cousin against the world

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There are no intelligent traditional black women. They've all been brainwashed into thinking they're queens and brilliant amazing people because they have melanin. Even if you find a black girl that seems smart and has decent parents, she'll more than likely switch up her personality the second she gets around some other "queens" and then she'll undermine every single thing you do. It's not worth it, which is why we don't marry them. Why would I waste my life on some black bitch that thinks she knows everything?

100% spot on, niggers will steal anything of value that you own. Don't you dare go on vacation because niggers will be in your house the next day stealing everything and eating all your food. Luckily my father was white so I didn't have to deal with such things.

I'm black and I cannot stand niggers.

If 99% of Africans were wiped out tomorrow it would be a net benefit for humanity.

Sorry whitey, but I'll continue appropriating your culture, since fucking niggers couldn't figure shit out.

I feel for you, hermano.

You're thinking too small. Move NORTH North like to Vermont or some shit.

I'm not denying that, you're right, but that doesn't absolve us as whites either. Look at who's protesting at these trans rights things, holding refugees welcome signs, captaining the NGO boats, etc. We are. Whites aren't perfect, and the sooner people like you recognize that, the sooner changes can be made

>Black fathers abandon
This is actually a very potent and misandric myth perpetrated against black men as a whole, because there is a deep seated insecurity about them in the American psyche. The reality is, most are pushed out of the home by government backed sheboons, then since they are essentially voiceless, they get the blame.

Most people will think you're LARPing, but your tendency to blame all problems on other groups makes me suspect that you really are black.

MFW an entire race owns up to and celebrates their inherent stupidity.

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Leftist whites are the problem.

I'm not proud of anything I don't personally achieve.

>>Acting like monkeys.
Stop insulting monkeys.

>There are no intelligent traditional black women. They've all been brainwashed into thinking they're queens and brilliant amazing people because they have melanin. Even if you find a black girl that seems smart and has decent parents, she'll more than likely switch up her personality the second she gets around some other "queens" and then she'll undermine every single thing you do. It's not worth it, which is why we don't marry them. Why would I waste my life on some black bitch that thinks she knows everything?
Plenty of Africans back at the motherland and even here as immigrants and their progeny. Igbo's your best bet if you're looking to bump up the IQ

we all degenerate it is not just your community whites asians blacks same shit just in diffeind way
anyway if you guys dont find a way to work together as country with one goal you will get fucked and inevieable we in Europe will get fucked aswell fuck globalism and all the people who pushing this crap on people

Of course they are, a huge problem

I hate them with a passion

White people are i aloud that Jesus is black. The Aryans are the seed of the serpent. We come to Jesus as gentiles. Fucking get over yourselves with this racist bullshit. BTW, I'm white. Fuck off with this Nazi shit

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This. Blacks who own a small business are some of the most based and redpilled people you will ever meet, and they fucking HATE niggers. Worked at a BBQ resturant in HS owned by a black dude. Super cool guy but most racist person I've ever met, and towards other blacks

You're right. I wanted to stay in Florida because it's where everyone goes to retire, supposedly but it's become god damn near insufferable
The climate is a nice bonus.

Start up the rotors

Black women have perpetrated this myth that black men don't love their kids when in reality black women HATE black fathers and see them as a threat to their queen bitch "I don't need no man" nonsense

Honestly most of the problems in the black community are because of black women and how they raise children.

That will only work if you're not in America. Even black african women are getting caught up in it. I suspect that the reason african men in africa don't have our problems is because they can just beat their wives if they act out.

I'm just gonna find a nice latina chick to spread my mongrel genes with because they're mongrels too anyway.

Black girls are easy as shit. When you get a white girl, it seems like an exotic prize, also white girls are much smarter and more reasonable.

Eat a dik, Massa's dik to be exact.
