Hello pol.
Have you ever gotten a gga (good goy award)?
Hello pol
oh shit. it's a (((bolsonaro))) thread. based.
looks like (((someone))) has been stockpiling oxygen, i wonder if a market will be opening up
You're all good goyim.
thanks. do you have connections to mossad btw?
Absolutely cucked.
Don't criticize us for capitulating to Israel, our country is hell and we need all the friends we can get. Much better than us being friends with literal commies like we used to be.
no, i'd have to pretend to be a goy
He is even married with a non-white, what did you expect?
Look at Bibi's smirk kek
your country is a prophecy about the future of the entire west.
I love nigel farage now!
how is being friends with a country due to shared political\economic\ideological beliefs 'capitulating' ?
If jews don’t believe in jesus then why do they all go to the wall?
All you have to do is not import millions of niggers and you won't turn out like us.
You'd think that's the easiest fucking thing to do and yet here we all are.
no im jewish, as are most poster here.
>amerimutt hiding behind memeflag and talking about brazil.
>Amerikkka brought slaves
Amerimutt need to learn history... ASAP.
Mixed race brazilians are beautiful.
*rubs hands*
i know, brazilbro. clownworld deluxe.
Mixed race people are an abomination, and I'm not giving up my own race to make a "beautiful" half nigger child
Why do all "right-wing populists" suck Bibi's cock?
She is obviouslly partially amerindian and ssafrican. I would say 20%-30% amerindian, race in brazil is a nutshell. While white americans are indeed white/european.
Yikes. Well, there's plenty of them out there, so knock yourself out.
Surrendering to our jews overlords openly this way is ugly. We should've followed the example of the first world and just have our leadership bow to them secretly
very good question. because they all seem to do so without even one exception. (except maybe putin, not sure)
delet this
meh just accept it
its not like the portuga is any better
are you serious ?
oh shit. well at least i said i wasn't sure. kek.
Jesus christ
I heard some people saying that her father, or grandfather, is black
"Friendship" with Israel is a deal with the devil. Eventually you'll find that all the good you've tried to do has become undone and you'll end up with nothing.
Israel has no friends, ONLY stupid goys willing to spend their Money and blood into helping someone that Will Stab tem in the back