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Other urls found in this thread:

Noooooooo. Let them in

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use the catalog ffs

Get this faggot out of here already we are trying to do white people stuff. Trumps hangs out with jews and niggers and disavows whites for being racists when he comes to North Carolina. Fuck outta here Yankee

Maybe go post him on jewish reddit forums those seem to be where his loyalties lie maybe they will care what kind of con he's currently running

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When did he get an eyebrow piercing? He's like 60 years old

>By the end of next year close to 500 miles of wall
So....less than 33% of the border wall will be built....?

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Only a few decades too late. Unless we deport a few TENS OF MILLIONS of noncitizens and their noncitizen children, then the wall makes no difference because the demographic stage has already been set.

He did defund planned parenthood some weeks ago. They recieve 0 federal funding now after getting kicked off title X. Update your material.

someone beat me by 5 min

we're going to build a wall of this tweet as OP, and moot is going to pay for it

if he starts to build that fucking faggot ass wall, i pledge to vote for him. but otherwise i wont vote like when romney the cuck was running against obamma

That should have been his first year in


^^ That is where we should be by now.

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>let's in millions of immigrant niggers
>demographic replacement complete
>ok now you can have a wall
what if you fuck off and die instead?

Many natural barriers don't need wall at all


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What is wrong with you shill?

>More lies

Why do you fags fall for this shit?

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I just don't care about lying guys who hang out with blacks and jews and disavows whites


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Its mind boggling to think the wall we wanted turnes out to be literal steel beam poles.

0% of an actual wall has been built. Where is the wall that Israel has?

That's 33% more built in 4 years then the last 5 Presidents have built in 40 years. Talk about pathetic!

Where is the wall?

I'm ready

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death to spics

>wall mostly built
>tax cuts
>3.7% unemployment
>booming economy (caused by corporate tax cut)
>prison reform
>2 justices appointed
>kim jong un muzzled
>Iran BTFO

how can people say he hasn't done anything?

already built

Attached: Israel-West-Bank-Security-Wall.jpg (2516x1944, 731K)

Fuck that faggot, stop voting for that moron. He's shilling now that he wants to be re-elected.

ICE deportations:
>FY 2011
>FY 2012
>FY 2013
>FY 2014
>Total 315,943
>FY 2015
>Total 235,413
>FY 2016
>Total 240,255
>FY 2017
>Total 226,119
>FY 2018
>Total 256,085

Attached: employment by race USA jobs workers.jpg (1920x1080, 98K)

>Where is the wall that Israel has
Standing tall and powerful. Paid for by U.S Dollars. It's nice to be a small Country with a wallet 7 times the size of it.

islam is the noahide religion that jews had in mind for the goyim. the entire jewish-islamic divide is theater.

Maybe, there are fewer deportations because he is stopping all the illegals from coming in. Have you ever considered that?

>2 million illegal immigrants since election
>wants to have tech companies spy on you and police your god given rights
>unemployment stats are just as fake as when Obama was pretending to be president
>2 worthless traitor justices, one who wrote the Patriot Act
>kim fuck off doesn't matter
>muh middle east

do you trust this guy?
he has already lied multiple times that the wall is going up when its really random renovations?

No user, never crossed my mind, because the Homeland Security doesn't even releases any migrant numbers since 2017, since they were off the charts.

No data on last months of 2018 and no data of 2019.

Attached: naturalized people aka citizens USA 2017 2018 homeland security migration USA legal.jpg (930x1037, 414K)

That is Israel's border wall

I still don't understand how people haven't caught on he's been building the wall since he took office and it never stopped.

From 3 weeks ago

Work on more border wall starts in Arizona, New Mexico

Now they are starting the fear mongering

13 hrs ago
Ancient watering hole in Southern Arizona at risk from border wall construction


There was no existing wall, it was a shitty broken fence in places with some ww2 tank barriers in other places. It's now the proper 30+ foot wall.

Why would a wall ever be build? Trump was on no pressure to build it. He had both houses of Congress and now he has less. Now he will build it? Nah. Donald Trump is building his image for a second term, a new thing in his name.

>He had both houses of Congress and now he has less.

Having both houses doesn't mean diddly shit. Especially when they are never Trumpers. He's not part of their swampy click.

>I still don't understand how people haven't caught on he's been building the wall since he took office and it never stopped.

Trump does bullshit things like offering to BUY Greenland to distract the media away from wall building.

>Its mind boggling to think the wall we wanted turnes out to be literal steel beam poles.

Steel transmits sound. Audio sensors are on the wall which can alert ICE from miles away if there is an attempted breach.

so who paid for it in the end?

A good source of geothermal energy that could power the east coast. The entire country could be powered by Yellowstone but it's a national park and untouchable unfortunately.

guess it's better to vote for a literal nigger or kike. must be frustrating sitting here posting all day when everyone can see through your bullshit.

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>Having both houses doesn't mean diddly shit. Especially when they are never Trumpers.
Well that settles it then, having 100% government doesn't means anything, so can i vote Hillary now?

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VOTING ISN'T REAL YOU FUCKING LOW-IQ RETARD. The candidates are chosen by kikes. Its hilarious how effective the control the mechanism on you fucking plebs.
>well he's genociding my race but at least he's not as bad as Hillary. Better stay plugged into the democracy sham.
Fucking kill yourself.

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They been uniting for 1000 years. The common ground they found is how to move from desert to lush white lands where they can steal white people's stuff.

Another false promise dummy

>They been uniting for 1000 years.
Only sunnis

i love this part, when i get to ask you for the better course of action.
>inb4 something incredibly retarded and unrealistic

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thats the joke

Yeah, we need to inform people that jews and muslims are united against whites.

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Based Mexican weeb.

By all means. She's going to be the Dem Candidate for 2020 anyway.

>"British Muslims"

I honestly don't know who's worse. (((They))) or Islamist. When a tiny minority, it's the "religion of peace." Once they reach enough population to effect change, however, watch as suddenly they calls for Sharia start. If they reach majority, bye-bye Juden.

Delegitimatize the democratic institution. Instead of wasting time shilling for kike puppet A vs kike puppet A, spend your time spreading the word that elections are a scam. Democracy is the strongest tool the kikes have for control, because it turns everyone's anger into two factions that are both controlled by kikes. Every 8 years they switch the sides and the people think its their turn to shine, and when their promises aren't met they blame the other side for obstructionism.
>better course of action.
Literally anything, because voting isn't real. You are doing absolutely nothing by voting.

sure it is. i honestly think that since people are so fucking dumb they believe this shit that nothing matters anymore. like seriously miga ass boomers don't care that illegal immigration is at it's highest levels ever and has been for this entire year and we are catch and releasing to this day record numbers of illegals and giving them medical/dental care, housing, etc then releasing them into our nation, putting them up in hotels, etc and giving them work cards within 6 weeks so they can wait out their court date 2 years in the future 95%+ never show up for. But BUILD THE WALL right fellow goys, we're doing it yay

That's great but the retweeted cannibalism article is a way bigger deal. Why would Trump do that unless these people really are doing human sacrifices and worshipping Satan. Q indicated there were dining rooms under that temple and I believe it was Neon Revolt who mentioned it was a cannibal restaurant in one of the lower levels. This proves Q's posts. I'm going to go see which posts. Brb

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Their desire to undermine their host country?

what a crazy coincidence

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he didn't defund shit. most of the federal money planned parenthood gets is through medicaid/care for services rendered to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars which continues to this day. but goys we stopped giving them a few million in grants, goys we did it yay

TOP KEK. meanwhile data shows that record, that's RECORD numbers of illegals are still being caught and then released monthly. seriously at what point are you boomers going to wake up? Trump may still represent the best option in 2020 but grow a sack and start calling him out for his half truths, outright lies and failures or back turns

This one

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-08-13-57-14.png (1440x2560, 1.16M)

And here is the top part with the timestamps.Any Qfags in here today? Do any of the timestamps mirror or line up with the clock dates? I don't know how to do that part. #WWG1WGA

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I'm a big Trump detractor, and 3 years in and 500 miles, still kind of am, but this barrier looks like a solid operation. A good separation and 2 barriers with lamps/cameras and BP road is as good as you're going to get on such a huge border.

Quite unfortunately you are correct.

Ideally this is the way it's done
>start at wall
>continue with illegal criminals (all illegals are criminals) deportation
this should be a solid chunk of people
>stop importing somalis in minnesota ffs
>promote child raising families with tax cuts (whites are only ones starting good families and paying taxes)

This is how you recover homogenous white in Rural America. I can't even start with the urbanites.

It's not a wall and it's not mostly built. Economy is not GDP is not quality of life. Prison reform = freeing niggers? Because that's what it was. KMU is not muzzled. Iran activated more centrifuges yesterday.

ICE can pick from any of the 10 gorillion illegals already in, they don't have to deport just those that crossed yesterday.

Xtians will unite, too. Sad!

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I think a lot of those areas it is unfeasible to go through, the terrain is too tough.

>A good separation and 2 barriers
the 2 barriers is Mexico's wall and the U.S.'s wall not just the U.S. having two walls and there's very, very few areas of the border where Mexico has a wall

when the happening starts, how will we escape the US?

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>This is how you recover homogenous white in Rural America.
it's never going to recover. you non Americans realize that we have like 25-30 million illegals here already right? and that doesn't include the 40+ million 'legals' that are the kids of those illegals. the demographic replacement is complete there is no turning it back at this point and white births are already a minority and white deaths are already a majority. sadly all these actions were needed 25 years ago but as with anything else in America the can was kicked down the road to be someone else problem and now it's too late

That's why collapse and balkanization is the only answer.

How much tho?

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The Mexican wall is just a mere gesture. The mexican government has not incentive to stop people migrating north. It's a pressure valve for their corrupt system. People would rather flee than fight for government change. With a proper wall, the pressure will mount and you'll end up with a Hong Kong style revolt in Mexico.

Based pic. Fuck Trump, unironically. ZOG shill.

Depends on how desperate people are to take the path of most resistance.

>H-He's stealing the Military's money
>That money is supposed to be spent fighting endless wars in the Middle East
>Not building a defensive structure to protect the actual homeland
Where do people get this mindset?

I took a peak into the comments and where are Krassenstein brothers?



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Fucking yes! Libtards btfo

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Why the fuck isn’t trump getting immigrants from places in Europe like Norway yet?

The US tax payer has already paid for several walls around Israel

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I'd wager that both are US barriers because:
>they're of the same type
>that's actually how you build a proper barrier, not single fence which you can jump

See the Berlin wall in pic-related, the space between is known as the "death strip".

I know it's horrible, fren. I still believe in the recovery, but there has to be a clear agreement between all remaining whites that non-whites have got to go.

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Why can’t the FBI hire non idiots. They need someone better. Give up already cletus you suck at this. You glow.

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Most of the aliens are from Central America, Mexicans are actually now leaving to Mexico more then they come in.

Don't care, it gets the job done and I care more about getting the job done than what it looks like

But I'm sure you're only here to shitpost ahead of your cuck rally for whatever democrat nominee.

Vetted, merit-based migration is fine. Brain-draining all the other countries keeps America strong.

Unskilled Illegals coming in is the problem.

We are PAYING for the wall, too. Not Mexico. US.

>it gets the job done

It's true. A wall can not be tunneled over, nor can it be climbed with a ladder. You can not go around a wall.

It is impenetrable.

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>Vetted, merit-based migration is fine.
No it isn't. Non-whites are not ok.

No, even vetted and merit based migration is bad when it drives wages to slave labor tier and genocides the previously majority population.

You civic cucks need to get it through your fucking skulls. Pajeets and chinks coming over to america will not ever be loyal to america. They will be loyal to their home nations and their own race. All you do by accepting them en mass is ensure the destruction of your own people and society.

Mass immigration needs to stop.

And frankly it needs to be taken a step further and most of these migrants deported back to their home countries.

But that's something that won't happen until there's so many and the agitation is so bad that people are literally fighting wars and dying over it. We could have prevented this, but retard cucks like you keep thinking "some" migration is okay. Which has in practice just been code words for "just flood my fucking country up senpai"