Radical Ideology

Going to a communist meet up upcoming Saturday. Even though
>despise the forms of communism that have manifested in the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communists
>Voted Trump 2016
>distrust centralization of power
>disdain for the sexual revolution

Is there any productive discourse I can have with these people or are we just going to frustrate each other?

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Kill yourself.

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Feminism is part of colonialism. Do not forget that fact.

It was implemented in every form of colonial slavery where the women were put in charge of the men and would betray them if they did anything against the interests of the owner.

>distrust centralization of power
vote for the supply side trickle down party.
ok sparky

>disdain for the sexual revolution
why? do you think you should have more control?

Seize the means of production.

Then burn them.

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Act like a full-blown commie and infiltrate you fucking sperg. Figure out where they all live, film them doing something bad and then doxx them.

im giving up less control. When you build a life for children, you have to place their needs above the interests and desires of the spouses

You dont have any friends do you user?

how generous to give up other people's interests and desires like that

its not the joos, commies, or blacks. Selfish parents are to blame

we should concentrate on freeing ourselves from the parasite class

you can't protect them from the real world forever


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that's the superficial self absorbed culture we live in

society has a great deal of pressure it can offer on the individual to make a change but instead single mothers are put on a pedestal. They should be shamed the same as deadbeat fathers.

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yeah well attacking them won't solve anyting

netflix telling people its okay to cheat on their spouse exacerbates the problem. people dont know right from wrong anymore. put morality back into entertainment and maybe that will help

lol prig. you think they're single just to piss you off? people have to deal with the cards they've been dealt. I doubt anyone is going to worry much about your political correctness.

Complete comprehension of my enemy. BS doesn’t believe that people have free will. He’s materialist/Marxist/communist in his world view. When people do horrendous acts it’s only because some “unequal, oppressive systemic failure” has driven these poor rapist and pedophiles to anal rape children. “It’s not their responsibility.”
An example: Homosexuality is a choice. Your not born with your dingus in someone’s anus. That’s pure neurosis and perversion.
What’s so funny is while fantasizing about systemic oppression BS is pushing for a centralized state that he believes will be perfect, utopic, flawless. Yet even if an AI government was established that AI is programmed by people.
All the leftist indoctrination does is lead you to a genocidal mindset like Oprah Winfrey: (we won’t be free of inequality until all the racist whites die of old age).
That’s Oprah!
People aren’t perfect and denying the individuals capacity for great evil denies the reality that 2/3 of the planet are run by insane ideological dictatorships: communists and Islamists.
We are in an ideas war with upper class leftists that went to the indoctrination camps of Harvard, Yale, and Stanford. They believe their superior specimens because of college accreditation and job opportunities but really their just a bunch of helicopter parented regressive snobs that are completely detached from reality outside of their bubble.
I don’t think there’s hope for any of them if they truly believe this BS. Spit on them and call them Christophobic racists. These people don’t deserve to talk anymore.