Operation Boomer Radicalization

Operation Boomer Radicalization


I get it, you are tired of /ptg/ and the magapede/boomer movement as well as the alt-lite. You and I are tired of there gay and cringe libertarian talking points. We all know who is behind the Alt-Lite (especially the funding for it) and we know the dumb boomers who eat up the talking points and regurgitate it as well. So, it would only be appropriate if we give them the real red pill and not the gay libertarian one.


Give boomers the real red pill and get them away from mainstream conservatism.


We make the accounts (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), follow a bunch of alt lite people, retweet them, reply to them, and tweet out pro Trump stuff. We gather followers and then drop real redpills.

Example: Like, tweet a "certain chart" and then say *Yeah, Jews control the media. Why does it matter?"


If all else fails, we can get a kick out of them and watch the fire.

Attached: (((alt-lite))).png (1000x1036, 1.12M)

Other urls found in this thread:



t_d here, just passing through. Why do you expect we'd take anything from the chans, asshole of the alt-right?

This could work.
I'd recommend using the old school patriotism propoganda as a hook. Like if you can pull something marketable from the "Duck and cover" style media and build boomer pills with that, I think it would have a better chance


user reporting in. Operation Boomer Radicalization is a go.

This is a pretty good idea but you'd have to spread out making accounts. It will be very suspicious if a bunch of boomers just popped up on the same day and they ended up sharing the same behavioral pattern and posting redpills. Also tell them to read the Patton Papers.

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Damn, good plan bump, could also work for zoomies.

People like you are a burden to the movement. Illegals coming in at record numbers? That's what I call winning! Go back to watching PragerU, sending it to Candace Owens, and swallowing your pills.

Yea, that could also be a target

Attached: ziondon.png (750x420, 267K)

good look user

>amazing atheist
>part of alt-right ANYTHING, at all.
Boy neck yourself.

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This is the kind of thing that can strike chords with boomers, make them think "oh yeah, that was a good idea back then"
Then it comes back to age old boomer mentality of "why isn't my life as awesome as the 50's"
Ideally it would trigger some kind of self-responsibility

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Im not sure what could appeal to boomers and zoomers. Best case scenario is info that speaks to both generations, problem is that systemic brainwashing is designed to remove those common themes.

Already part of it haha


This my boomer account for twiiter

I think that if we don't present the truth to them in a heavy handed way, rather, we present the evidence and just let it marinate in their heads, that might break the programming. What do you think?

God you virgins are fucking pathetic. Jow Forums is slacktivism defined.

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> Patton

Attached: Patton discovered ww2 deceit.jpg (480x480, 52K)

Hey, magapede here. Been lurking for a couple days and first time ever posting. Why don't you guys like us? we're all on the same page fighting for all red blooded patriots arent we?

And what are you doing, faggot? As far as I can tell, you are just bringing the morale down. Meme flag, so you are probably a crypto kike.

Nice image, faggot.
This is what's called topic dilution. Feds have been practicing this for years.

Educate yourselves.

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I think there's two ways, realistically to reach out. Broadly, try to appeal to the two seperately groups and hope they pick up on things (this essentially the case now, and they seem to consider it "conspiracy theories"). Only a survival-based platform could effectively polarize both. And we don't have a good enough survival platform.
The other option is focused info, that appeals to one group specifically. This has the benefit in my opinion.
We don't even really know what appeals to zoomers (as a group) at this point, if anything.

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1) Nothing. Because I've accepted civilizations decline. If you think you can stop it, you're delusional.
2) Yes, I am bringing morale down. But maybe you're just easily influenced. Probably why you watch Cucker Carlson every night religiously.
3) Yes, crypto good.

>t. civnat defeatist cuck

>Boomer Radicalization
We're already radicalized. That's what happens when participate in society outside the internet. An extremely-low percentage of anons here are actually radicalized and take their fight into real life situations, they're a minority. Boomers don't give a shit if you hate them and most are too old to try anything new.

See, this is a pretty common attitude in millenials, >>Who cares
You can't have cohesion with that.
And as for civilizations decline, I can either be suicidal and depressed, or I can effect things in my life and try to make them better.
The majority of boomers I've met are only excited about retirement, or their next trip to Florida. I'll clarify that those are the ones I'm talking about, but I can't say I've met one who knew any "conspiracy theory" besides JFK.

Gavin is such a fucking faggot

OP is a faggot

Another thing worth pointing out to boomers is how often they get a "false-shepard".
All of the conservative ones, besides Shapiro, rose during the 2016 election campaign and have slowly disappeared, while Limbaugh and Hannity are best case, controlled opposition.
It's a safe bet that we will get another group of "fresh political youngsters" in the 2020 election

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make em angry, use emotions rather than statistics and numbers, however use the latter occasionally to back up what you're trying to say and to leave bread crumbs; plant the seed, let them grow their own ideas

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I know one that bought into the accelerationism psyop.

Emotions are pretty hard to trigger, and keep triggered. Often, you'll tell someone something outrageous, and later they'll just consider it a symptom of our depraved times.
I think survival-based propaganda would be the most effective at keeping the "anger" you're talking about, and I just haven't seen a good enough argument of it.
Maybe you can talk about the identitarian platform and the effects you see it having, since I understand that it accepts the great replacement (so it's "survival" based)

My favorite line to use:
>"I don't mean to sound antisemitic but Trump's attacks on the media are justified"

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archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/225743652 - “How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump”

>NOTE (importint):
Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.

Another thread related:
archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/225847143 - “If you think Trump supports Israel, you're retarded”

youtu.be/Cki0RVX841I - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

pastebin.com/Dxfbz9ip - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone.

archive.vn/PYUQo - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”

Attached: America_stands_with_Israel_kind_off_8.jpg (1296x9000, 2.46M)

read the pic i attached to which you replied, go after that topic
also emotions are fairly easy to trigger that's why today's "journalism" is a pure outrage machine

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Based confirmed.


TL;DR is a pretty chill dude, no fucks given.
But saying he's alt right because he debunks leftist BS is bonkers.

If you caught a nigger lying :
A) You won't tell anything bc you think it's racist
B) You cut the BS because lies are lies, no matter the people spitting it ?