((German)) NGO wants to intervene with Poland’s abortion laws

Why do foreign countries seek to meddle with others? Can they just fuck off and let the Poles do their thing?!!

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(((they))) are going to find way to bring Poland down any way they can.

Ran by a member of the tribe of course

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They’ve been trying that for hundreds of years and still failed. Poles are tough bastards who have been without a country for 123 years.. the Jew fears the Pole.

Don’t know if I should be mad at Germans or kikes.. or both

have more abortions and import 3rd worlders you Nazis

Imagine that, they're gonna sacrifice more children!

based Poland

Attached: abortion_rates_Europe_map.gif (1900x1500, 238K)

>women in Poland are not subject to a penalty for illegal termination of pregnancy

Doesn't sound too bad, there are probably many shady doctors around waiting to get untaxed kush from illegal operations. The state gets fucked, thots are more thoughtful of whoring, but good women can probably find a way. Either way, outside interference just feels... fucked up, feels like a slippery slope to me

And they arent going to give up, they've been doing this shit since their inception

Scared for Poland rn. Keep your land safe pole frens.

Around Krauts never relax!

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This jewish Israeli terrorist foreign state actor has a "solution" for dem Catholics opposing satanic judaica and the mishnah

That's why abortion done abroad should be punishable, preferably by death, by return to Poland.

Going by her name, that "Kraut" is a US kike on staycation in Germany. Haven't looked yet, but my money is on her living in Berlin. That shithole draws kikes like shit draws flies.




>Around Krauts never relax!

Around Kraut, always look out?

Poles deserve extermination anyway.

>Why do foreign countries seek to meddle with others? Can they just fuck off and let the Poles do their thing?!!
Because they fear
And seek to use

It won't work and not is it good enough for them

Is really what they want but with China, Russia and the US (for now) realism will be the school of thought that defines international relations as far as nation states of power and means are concerned.

>Why do foreign countries seek to meddle with others?
Allegedly this, but polish roasties are either using contraception or morning-after-pill. I wouldn't believe so much in abortion tourism, you know (((who))) writes such articles.

Attached: X-poland-abortion-tourism.png (777x643, 48K)

What's most irritating is that american journalists will always try to inflate even the most limited in size phenomenon.

They want to increase abortion to decrease birthrates to make importing niggers/muzzies actually arguable towards Poland

kikes and germs are the same.

Easy solution, just make it so that Polish citizens are still obligated to follow certain Polish laws outside of Poland. That way Polish women with Polish citizenships who get abortions outside of Poland to circumvent Polish anti-abortion laws get punished for doing so.

America already does something similar with the PROTECT Act of 2003. One of the effects is you can't fuck anyone under 16yo for any reason anywhere in the world if you're an American citizen. So even if you went to vacation in a place like Germany where you can fuck 14yos, do it and then come back to America you'll get arrested.

Do the same thing with Poland. Polish Citizen? OK, get an abortion anywhere in the world and if you come back we'll arrest you for it.

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And its about you being Catholic too and trying to de-Catholicise the country. They've tried this in every Catholic country. Look at Ireland recently.

>strict laws

What does this mean, they're not allowed to abort 5 minutes before birth?

>Why do foreign countries seek to meddle with others?

1 word: Loxism.

I want to fuck her and struggle after sex to avoid her scissoring my head to slurp my brains for proteins.

Why do Russia and Ukraine abort so many babies?

she is a bong

NGOs should be illegal.

because they are too poor to feed them

That's a good thing!
Polish whores must stop pooping out black and brown babies. They don't make white babies anyway because polish men are beta af.

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I am afraid at one point our government will have to follow Orban and simply expel all those NGOs from Poland or at least curb their funding in some way.

very nice concept

Yes, its about breaking the catholic culture. same reason they promote homosexuality.

Krauts have no military and do nothing else but virtue signal and lecture. Even on pol they're the worse. Some Hans on here the other day was defending sitzpinkel.


>Why do foreign countries seek to meddle with others? Can they just fuck off and let the Poles do their thing?!!
The left are secular religious fanatics. Ask yourself why religious fanatics can't just leave other people alone and you'll have your answer.

Yep. They did that first in Ireland then once that went through moved straight on to pushing for abortion.

People like to force their interpretation of the right thing to do on others. This includes people in other countries.

We have not strict enough abortion laws. It shows how low world has fallen.

>80 years later they are STILL killing poles
taking your time lads fucking get on with it

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From your POV, it's not strict because you've gotten use to it. For other countries, like here in America it is.

how does one become one of these?

-Tattooed sofa thot.

It's not strict because it is aligning with the culture of our country.

Countries constantly try to battle about who has the bigger dick. Nobodies dick is that big. Not even long dick Johnson. And he had a fucking long dick.

>Europe map
Is this a joke? Also, based Luxembourg.

Redpilled and cucked at the same time, imagine being an US citizen and not being able to have a 14 year old gf, it must suck.

How fucked up you have to be to not see 'solution to strict abortion laws' as 'acceleration of white genocide'.

FUCK OFF Germans.

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>S E E T H I N G
Kek, it really amazes me how butthurt Poles are of Germans. Stop being retarded and playing into the D&C nonsense between Europeans. Those who incite European in-fighting should be neutralized.

Poland suffered jew infestation since Khazar khanate was destroyed because this is where they went. So they have quite rich experience in dealing with rat people.

like clockwork

what the fuck are you even talking? What fucking D&C?

>Wanting to fuck flat 14yos in a country famous for it's THICC exotic Amazon nympho women.

Nigga, what the fu- That's like going to a restaurant with amazing BBQ dishes, and all you want is just a hamburger. NIGGA, ORDER THE BRISKET AND RIBS: YOU CAN GET A HAMBURGER AT A CHEAP FAST-FOOD RESTAURANT.

>she is a bong
Does it matter? All Anglos are the same.

Tax them.

What actually are the laws. Laws in America vary widely from State to state. There are states where you can just kill a baby at birth and there are states where laws are so strict thar there are no abortion clinics operating in the entire state.


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fairest laws*
fixed that for you
you can't kill that mofo unless it endangers mom's health or it's a result of rape
I don't think that's strict at all.

Poland needs a nuclear weapons arsenal. Trump should make that happen.

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>protect our children!
>just don't actually have any of them, though