Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race.
White People General
So many young stupid bitches want to be youtube influences. Fucking IDIOTS
White girls like that won't even notice me. Even if i attempt to be confident and dominate the conversation. They just find me annoying and unwanted. A girl like in your pic OP would look at me and have that zombie expression of uninterest. She would honestly rather risk her lives getting hatefucked by Tyrone.
>wh*Te "people"
lmao you pathetic cumskins aren;t even human
You need to improve yourself.
Women want successful, competent, confident men.
Work horse waifu coming through.
im gonna have kids soon no worries senpai
6'2" eyes of blue here. How do I find a non degenerate, low ambition, low education white woman with no tattoos, blue hair and nose piercing?
I started pumping my wife with many loads lately.
cant wait to have a little kid
6'4" and blue eyed here. I've kinda given up. Currently dating a sorority girl and converting all of her /sisters/ to be trad as well
>improve yourself
How? I work as an engineer making 130K a year. I go the gym and lift.
Help! I want to help save the white race but I'm addicted to BBC cuckold porn. I'm afraid if I get a wife, I will allow a black man to impregnate her just to satisfy my fetish!
I workered around Jews.
The Woman are WHORES
This is a Fact. I stand as a witness. Jew girls Fuck niggers for spite.
i'm not wh*Te thank God
its better not to have children at all
than having children in poor / incomplete / no time for kids / careless family
wanna see you all try to debate this
i just want it all to end
Did She ever Go out at night on a regular Basis?
If yes...You have AIDS
Church youth group
What’s wrong user
producing consciousness violates the NAP
Can adults join those groups? I thought it was only for teenagers
All species are evolving Homosapiens included
Find me a waifu like that and I will
Depends on the church
Volunteering is also good for meeting quality trad girls
Where's Jordan Peterson when you need him.
Just impregnated my fiancee a couple months ago. I was worried she was infertile from taking testosterone years ago so I'm very relieved. We're all going to make it bros.
Probably out speaking to a group of white people about the evils of identity politics. He needs to make sure he helps create the next generation of sheep so the wolves have something to eat.
I plan on breeding my castiza gf, thanks user!
White girls were built for BBC, not for your incel ass
lol no source?
How can I make white babies when white girls are notorious coalburners?
Embrace progress fags
>NOTE (importint):
Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.
Another thread related:
pastebin.com/Dxfbz9ip - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone.
archive.vn/PYUQo - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”
Become Amish
Why did she take testosterone ?
A bunch of overweight pale ance ridden social rejects posting on an image board think they can prevent think. oh no no no
>and dont plan on having kids
Planning isnt enough. You need a wife and kids now
> not contributing, blah blah blah
You said like it was easy to build up a relationship for autists
plastic face
Sheep breed like sheep. You can't outbreed niggers.
>Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race.
Why don't you have children of your own roastie? Did your ovaries shrivel up and die? Is that why you make these threads bitter old childless roastie? You'll never be able to continue your bloodline so you just post these threads all day projecting upon others? You CONTRIBUTED to the end of the white race, not us sweetie.
bump for white kids
I can confirm this.
Women want dominant confident males.
I improved myself very well during college.
Now I have a wife, 2 kids, and a well paying job.
>t. Married my Chinese college girlfriend and made high IQ hapas with her.
You only need to outbreed liberal whites...
bump to remind OP she'll die a crazy childless catlady
Opinion discarded
I would wife her so hard
Why are there always so many shills whenever there's a white people general
>oy vey
18 yo highschool senior here. I'm from a big city with tons of shitskins and even more whites that act like niggers, however there is one girl at my school that isn't a degenerate, problem is she's very shy and I rarely see her talking to anyone, how should I approach her?
> I work as an engineer making 130K a year. I go the gym and lift.
That's a lie. You would have 0 issues getting any women...
>Women want dominant confident males.
Wrong, they want to be dominated by confident males.
The white race is dead and over, having a white child now will not change anything other than giving non-whites someone to hate.
Learn game.
You can lvl up your CHA stat.
>Why are there always so many shills whenever there's a white people general
There are just seething roasties and anons who like to shitpost, this is Jow Forums you autist. I'm sure most the anons in this thread already have children unlike OP, her ovaries shriveled up.
>t. kike
You wish, schlomo.
Go be a kike somewhere else
>however there is one girl at my school that isn't a degenerate, problem is she's very shy and I rarely see her talking to anyone, how should I approach her?
If you're shy then just go to church and find a sheltered white girl, dunno how to help you with your shyness, I have to drink alcohol for my shyness to go away.
Just walk up to her and tell her she looks lonely. Then ask her out. gl
>the two taller ones
HRRRGGHHHH post more of them you fucking leaf.
>having a white child now will not change anything other than giving non-whites someone to hate.
Most whites now act like niggers anyway so they're in good company.
>your grandchildren won't look like you and even if they do, your great grandchildren won't.
Daily remember that this destiny can easily be avoided if you create an endogamous whites-only group: archive.fo
Get rid of the invaders and the Jews who are promoting and cheering for the White Genocide!
She's the shy one not me.
Wouldn't telling her she looks lonley seem mean?
They both look like trannies
or perhaps /pol fucked my mind....
How is what women want even an issue? What about the sort of daughters their father's wanted? Impressing one's father-in-law is one thing, but impressing a woman is like talking to a dog.
Not all white people are created equal.
how to save the white race in 3 simple steps:
1) go to church or rekindle faith
2) find virgin christian white woman
3) get married and have +4 kids
die happy
>Says he's gonna have White Kids.
Yeah, you're gonna have (((White))) kids alright.
If you say it like an autist yes.
If you follow up directly with a confident invitiation to a date, then not.
>You-u-u- loo-k lonley (Dont do this)
>You look lonley, so how about ill take you on a date this friday(good enough)
Anyway your both in highschool, so good enough is good enough.
Modern girls have been completely subverted by the Jews in Hollywood
Dont forget to adopt the catholic rule of no contraception so you receive as many kids as god wants you to have.
Good thread OP
I've had sex with this girl, she fucked me when she was dating her now husband, lol.
have a kid everytime you have sex with your wife
and you'll have a happy life
>The white race is dead and over, having a white child now will not change anything other than giving non-whites someone to hate.
glow away!
Church makes me feel retarded so if I were to find a girl there she would expect church attendance for life. Eventually I’d have to let her know I don’t see it as crucial for worship of God. And then there are problems
t. tranny
how so? attend a good church, charismatic or protestant are the best.
Rando Whites Specifically: Eternal reminder that if you're white and you plan on having kids with some rando white person you're CONTRIBUTING to the deracination of the white race. 4rth Cousin marriage improves your marriage strength, child quantity, quality and gene pool integrity. Ancestry trumps marriage.
We have a Starbucks at our school, so would taking her there be a better idea?
I have three white boys who will never fuck up my lineage with shit skins. I'm doing my part
Church people in Southern California give me weird vibes. They are all cucks on race mixing and tolerance etc i feel like church is for NPCs.
30yo, 6' 1.5", blue eye, blonde user reporting in. I'm 240lbs, quite fit. Got no luck with women at all. I'm not charismatic, and obviously can't fake confidence. Guess that I'm only making 26.000€ a year doesn't help either. I'm just about giving up on pursuing them.
But are you still a pussy ?
I hope they enjoy the tay sachs friend