Is anyone else noticing more and more 60+ boomers jacked and juiced to the gills on steroids? My gym has a bunch of obviously juicing geriatrics. I applaud their motivation but it just looks weird as fuck.
Old boomers using steroids
Yup, I've been seeing a ton of boomers with pillowy muscles at the gym. They're obviously on TRT. Also, surprisingly weak af for their size. It may be a little dickish, but sometimes I'll follow up one of their sets with double the weight and shame them out of the gym.
They still hit on chicks in their 20s and think they have a chance. But I guess it’s better being that way than using a cane and walker like old people used to do.
>Body of a 20 year old
>Experience and income of a 50 year old
>Make jailbait with daddy complexes cream just by looking in their direction
Why the fuck *wouldn't* you roid as a boomer?
Serious question. How can they be jacked and still weak?
Training for size (hypertrophy) is generally not the same as training for strength. Plus, they will have weaker joints and thus more prone to injury, so why bother doing 1RM?
This. Your body is going to shit anyway, might as well make it a good shitty
Trips of truth
trt just brings your testosterone back to normal levels, it's some miracle steroid you dipstick
Increased risk of cancer and heart disease? But I guess at 70 what does it matter?