>He posted 10 percent of a $10,000 bond but was thrown back in jail July 24 when Judge Sebastian Lucido of 41B District Court raised the bond to $500,000 because Vanderhagen posted additional items the judge deemed in violation of bond conditions
>Lucido said while the new postings weren’t direct threats, they violated his condition of no direct or indirect contact.
>The heightened bond prompted Vanderhagen’s attorney, Nicholas Somberg, to appeal to circuit Judge James Biernat Jr., who on Aug. 12 denied the request for a lower bond.
>He was arrested for posting items such as on July 8 when he published a photo of him carrying a shovel across his back, with the initials “RR” scrawled over the shovel handle and the letters "MR," the initials of his Killian’s mother’s attorney, scrawled over the shovel blade >“Dada back to digging & you best believe im gonna dig up all the skeletons in this court's closet,” he says in an accompanying post.
Oh look, judicial abuse of power to implement tyranny.
Christopher Cruz
Remove family court and the horrors will end.
Nathan Fisher
>but the courts are doing it legally
Anthony Torres
If the end result is tyranny, we must consider the legal structure which allowed an emotional decision in the judicial to create such tyranny. Don't you think?
Cooper Adams
family courts destroying more families
isnt it funny how everything the government says it does, in fact does the opposite?
Adam Wood
He's going to sue the ever loving shit out of the state for millions of dollars, get his ex wife on murder charges and get this whore disbarred.
>The son soon was killed under his mother's care Fixed.
Cameron King
I mis abraxxis (sic?)
Liam Harris
Why is she allowed to infringe on his First Amendment rights? Why is he not allowed to criticize her on Facebook? How does she set 500,00 dollar bond for criticizing her on facebook?