Are we wasting money?

What to do with Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asia?

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Of course we're wasting money.

Probably, but the thing is, if we were sending money to make them 'have a chance' and don´t come to Europe or to Usa, that was no "wasting money" at all. The thing is that they keep coming we must close the borders and deport.

Retard, the money is used to feed hordes of niggers that breed like RATS
There's 100x as many now as 40 years ago, and they're seeping into every corner of the planet.

Attached: spaceniggers.jpg (2171x6420, 2.09M)

>Is forming allies and creating soft power across the globe wasting money

It's like you idiots have no idea have international politics works. You really think wealthy countries are just giving because it's a nice thing to do?

No niggers in Asia at least.

stop feeding the animals

There are loads of niggers in Asia, even Japan has entire neighborhoods that are 100% Nigerian, I fucking wish I was joking.

>if we were sending money to make them 'have a chance' and don´t come to Europe or to Usa, that was no "wasting money" at all.

They try to get to Europe because they are recruited by anti-White, anti-Western groups.

Attached: HUEHUENAOSALVO.jpg (634x400, 222K)

In fact no exactly like that, the majority of the money endsup in their corrupt elites. But yes,it's a lost deal.We must close the borders and deport.

Just look at these drawings of mutts:
Don't you want to nuke them?

Moreover, Extenal aids and NGOs are just for money laudering in the end.

what the fuck is this graph burger and when the fuck you donated between 10 and 49m usd to us and actually what the fuck would we do with less than 49m usd buy a spare tank? wasnt it last month we denied a 50m donation for amazon?
we are as rich as italy and richer than the leafs wtf 50m is fucking pocket change
are you saying you donated to NGOs? In that case well fuck me its not of our business bsides this clearly being judaism

the nerve on this faggot

>what to do with
None of my business. Let's fix America. Build our own, produce our own, buy our own. Now.

why does china receive aid and why does it say israel gets none

It's wasted. Our stupid leaders pretend we have an empire while they bribe the leadership of vassal states. The vassal states and their people still hate us, but they let our corporations drill for oil and mine for minerals while they dodge paying any taxes.

I'd rather keep the money.

>we are as rich as italy and richer than the leafs


Attached: gdp_per_cpita_2018c3x_e4m_d2-21-4_9_6-93.jpg (1600x902, 285K)

Donate white sperm all around the world and hopefully bleach it in 3-4 gens.

nigger what the fuck is pucharsing power worth 10 ponts of iq
jesus fuck my family alone is worth more than 50m usd this is sad at the very fucking least
and youre a monkey or worse show flag favelado

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because the chart is retard and only counts arbitrary kinds of "aid"

are you retarded? gdp nominal means shit, that's why per capita exists. to get the ideia how much the average fag has. In fact, wealth is much more accurate than gdp.
Brazil is third world, and so has third world wealth or gdp per capita results

Attached: 1-worlds-wealth-map-9242_0a-04_0_3_25.jpg (1600x948, 327K)

are you fucking counting faveladps nogger?
if when debating usa stats pol ugnore niggers i demand same treatment, higher class brazilians live comfy as fuck nog
how many cars do you have
show flag or fuck the fuck off nigger i dknt debate with the fucking juden

Post updated map, what is foreign aid now like in 2019? Fairly confident China started giving more aid than receiving in 2017 per a Forbes article

Attached: development_aid_help603.jpg (1280x720, 157K)