Israel just assassinated a top hizbollah intel boss. cant find sources in english yet. pic related is that guy called Ali Hatoum. Prepare for war.

Attached: photo_2019-09-08_23-27-01.jpg (680x453, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread: Hatoum

Third world squabbles are none of our concern.

Your fellow mutts who died in Afghanistan and Iraq beg to differ.

>Third world squabbles are none of our concern.
I love how you shills always chime in when it comes to Israel with "I speak for everyone, nobody cares"

Our governments (especially yours) would beg to differ fool

You'll be pretty concerned when you get drafted into the military and deployed to the ME to defend Israel

exactly. just let them fight it out and watch out for israel to try to attack something in America or something that is from America to try to drag them into the war to as well.

Sirens going off in Israel right now ITS HAPPENING

Attached: photo_2019-09-08_23-26-23.jpg (520x433, 31K)

(((Hamas))) launching more fireworks so that Israel can play the victim while they bomb innocent Palestinians.

>German flag
>Reads Arabic sources
checks out

The Jew cries out as he strikes.

fuck off, nothing's ever happening. there won't be a war-

Do you think Hezbollah will retaliate without the expressed public backing of Iran?
I feel like Hezbollah needs to do at least something to avoid being viewed as a pushover organisation


Why don’t you link the tweet instead?

Attached: 1557699503003.png (637x800, 396K)

What the hell are you even talking about hans?

Its not Hamas fool. Hamas is in Palestine. Its Hizbollah. Jews just killed of their top intel dogs.

why should i care about mudslimes dying again?

So nothing will happen again. Thanks pol, you never disappoint.

Source? I doubt such a thing would happen unless kikes want war.

checked n keked

Nothing ever happens

Attached: sleepy quacker.gif (400x225, 1.94M)

Do these retards ever get sick of fighting each other?

No. No is always the answer and always will be!

Brainlet Ali Hatoum is killed by Israel how clueless are you?

Sources: Hatoum

because thats where you will die once you get deployed retard

Sources are in Farsi and Arabic not in English yet it will show up in 20 mins max on english sites

>Do these retards ever get sick of fighting each other?
Don't you realize that Israel is trying desperately to maintain the status quo of never ending perpetual peace talks?

The status quo has been shattered in the last 2 years though.

no one cares about you muslims getting killed faggot

You have to go back

>irrelevant subhuman has an opinion


>jew with lebanese proxy

Attached: mossssss.png (626x442, 69K)

low iq goatfucker is mad
i hope they kill more of you faggots
keep crying kek

Please excuse this refugee OP with the german flag.

>not in the news even for once in the past 100 years

damn it sucks to be you irrelevant retard

oh but it is, that's why you're STILL occupying us after 74 years: to have readily acces to the ME

Attached: obama-germany-is-an-occupied-country.jpg (376x251, 26K)

Seems like he has nothing to do with hezbollah and op is bullshitting.


stupid fuck read

I reverse image searched this and "Gentleman" came up.

Attached: Top Hezbollah Gentleman Killed.png (2658x1396, 1.41M)

except he's right and this development will cause some sort of reaction or tension

Underrated post

and yet it's way safer to live in than the shithole you came from and moved to
keep crying about jews killing you faggot
you deserve every bullet

It says parody account are you retard?

good i hope they kill as many goat fuckers as they can

And what does the name of that twitter profile say? I think the only stupid fuck here is you, Günther.

then give me an arabic source

Only Jews can't (for whatever reason) say Hezbollah.

>It's Hizbollah not Hamas!
>sirens in the south
how retarded are you?

English source for everyone

low IQ salafi trash

no youre the stupid fuck

Here's the story from the Kikes:

Bullshit Hans. He's been out of Hezbollah and was a flipped kike asset. It's just housecleaning and the Kikes lost another asset.


numbers don't lie. Kikes are sick to their stomach scared rn.

>if arabs say he was an ex-intel officer then its true

fucking retard

I never denied him being assassinated, but you took that tweet seriously, and that was stupid of you.

Yes, it's likely Mossad that's behind, but you only discredit yourself if you don't have any proof and instead resort to fucking parody accounts because you don't even read half of the shit you tag.

Fucking retard that parody account is quoting an actual tweet learn to read fucking stupid subhuman

I'll see you on the battlefield, fellow goylem. We must defend the jews because israel is our greatest ally.

It's going to be awesome when you kike yid maggots are thrown into the ditches then burned and buried alive.

This time, we'll hunt you with DNA tests. All Jew texts are to be destroyed, this includes the New Testament. Christianity will need to be returned to its mostly Pagan roots.

All kikery must be brutally and unforgivingly annihilated.

So what? It doesn't prove any Mossad involvement. How about you learn how to punctuate before telling others they need to learn how to read, you fucking kraut?

>mono-lingual subhuman thinks im a kike or arab



every post you make embarrasses you more and exposes your low IQ subhuman brain more and more

>get a load of this krautling


Best post on 4chins all day & checked to boot

>Third world squabbles, not our concern.
Jow Forums never discussed the greatest trick Israel has pulled, and that's moving the central narrative focus of US tv news onto the Middle East. If you watch Fox News, you'd think Syria and Iran were on our Southern Border.

But more dangerously, Israel uses our news as a mass psyop, for Jews require constant restless tension via attention from others that reassures them they are "chosen" and special, superior on the world stage. That every gentile is watching. If Jews are not in the news, they stir up drama, complain, blame gentiles, like a big sociopathic babby, until the breast of attention is solely designated for them. Even Jow Forums indirectly plays into their traps. Like Pennywise, the Jew is always in our background doing a patronizing dance via black puppets, wiping blood from its mouth, setting off fireworks/missiles.

Jews are not content until they have 90% of our mindshare, from academia to movies to news to war to religion to history to atrocity, and they get it nearly rent-free. Thus, they are manipulating what our reality is, from a hopeful Western trajectory to a dark Semitic spiral, until America's reality is secondary to Greater Israel's.

Israel cannot tolerate being ignored by the American government, just as Jewish Americans must constantly dam up our discourse with risque, "outspoken" comments that become national headlines.

>Can't find source in English

So post the translation faggot.


They volunteered. No one cares

Judaism and Islam are extremely similar religions with key overlaps. It’s just a fight over who’s version is correct. When they are both wrong since they proclaim to speak for god but never listen. They will always fight until one is crushed by history. The small details are unimportant and only concern the mortal.

Good, may both sides kill each other. The less Muslims and Jews, the better.

he was shot,if israel did it he would've been droned wouldn't he?

Attached: file.png (916x733, 945K)

>cant find sources in english yet
They need time to alter the language sfw

You forgot Christians, dead kike on a stick worshiper.

God please help to people of Palestine and Iran

that and the german people absolutely cannot be trusted to self-determine.
Collapse of germany in today's geopolitical terms is a disaster, I'd keep an eye on the on germany's occupation government too.
Access to ME is a bonus. You're kind of up your own ass about it all too lmao.

Huh? I'm not a Christian, however, I would prefer Christians than Muslims or Jews.

This user just proved that Israel benefitted an awful lot, in the way they prefer to benefit, from 9/11.
Never forget.

>Ali Hatoum
It on jewish news also.

israeli flag posted a "dont ask me how i know, but" thread about this guy a few hours ago
appears to actually be happening

bout time


Attached: islamic france.jpg (811x811, 85K)

US has nothing to worry about. Israel, on the other hand...


I hope Tel Aviv gets sacked triggering the Samson Option. - “How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump”

>NOTE (importint):
Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.

Another thread related: - “If you think Trump supports Israel, you're retarded” - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law” - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone. - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”


Attached: America_stands_with_Israel_kind_off_8.jpg (1296x9000, 2.46M)

>can't find sources in english
You should still post original language sources then until official translations or printings are out

Source is here

Doesn't say who did it tho


Tripple aught for truth.

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>top intel boss
>has shit security

there is always someone better than you

Ash akhbarak?

at that level, I'm pretty sure everybody knows the deal. So if this nigger was shot, he was shot by his own security dudes.

Islam is a culture of death and martyrdom, they’d rather spend money on more weapons to kill infidels than protect their own lives.

No that's Obama