>Do you guys believe in old Pagan creation narratives?
Who needs the old ones? We can just use modern speculations instead such as the Big Bang theory. It's al the same nihilistic and circuitous crap at the end of the day.
This, Atheism replaced Paganism for most intents and purposes.
How do you justify orgies and human sacrifice and all that shit?
>By subscribing to a Godless view of the universe, YOLO.
Christian Reyes
Neopagans are just atheists and materialists who like to LARP as religious people. Don’t take them seriously.
Blake Evans
>Do you guys believe in old Pagan creation narratives? Fun to think about, difficult to believe. >How much of modern science do you recognize? Most if not everything; just not (((modern))) science. I'm pretty moderate on the whole christian vs pagan debate. I recognize that both have had a hand in creating European civilization, but I simply choose paganism because because it is more closely connected with the origin of my people.
Asher Rivera
>Do you guys believe in old Pagan creation narratives?
Pagan creation narratives are inherently metaphorical. Paganism lacks the kind of literalism that defines Semitic belief systems.
What you call paganism is, in practical terms, no more than the respect of nature and the natural laws, foremost among which are racial realism, racial identity and the desire for the preservation of European blood and cultureal heritage - and before any of our Neo-Jewish friends start screeching about Europe's Christian heritage, let me remind you that Europe's history did not begin with Charlemagne.