GREAT AWAKENING FOLLOWERS GET IN HERE! I'm missing my user frens...

GREAT AWAKENING FOLLOWERS GET IN HERE! I'm missing my user frens. Let's gather for sharing research on the latest happenings and mapping them to the great awakening.

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I miss HQ. nowhere has up to date information from around the world fit for lurking. sad tiems

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Jesus Fucking Christ I hope doublechin comes back so all of you qfaggots have somewhere else to congregate.

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you formerly,

fuck everything up.

what do we pay you idiots for?

your handlers are going to be fucking pissed.

plebbit WTF is that? Nice try faggot!

I been reading all day and I come across an interesting subject and say “hey I’ve gotta post this in
8ch, anons and autists will dig deep!”

Then I think shite what am I thinking? To you anons and autists even though there was not much interaction, it was much better than the doom and gloom on 1/2.

I miss the research the most, hive mind here is gone, to my knowledge. Truth is, I can’t get past the people announcing their offing themselves every other thread. And the horrifying lack of any ounce of Socratic reasoning. I hope some anons comment, we never agreed on everything but had a commonality of mission.

>we seek no money or fame
then why all the eceleb shittery here?

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Hello Fran. Did you see this? I just posted in another thread. Seems odd that trump retweeted is (unless viewed in light of qanon posts)

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Me too so we don’t have to listen to your hilarious but predictable rants, born of subhuman mind