If women’s studies focuses on critiques of Gender Roles, politics, and heteronormativity...

If women’s studies focuses on critiques of Gender Roles, politics, and heteronormativity, what do men’s studies look like?

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Figuring out how to enslave women

That just requires the will to do it, it’s not actually hard.

>what do men’s studies look like?

History and STEM

Funny how it's the slave who reaps the fruit of the master's labor. Women have in the past and continue to this day reap the fruits of male labor.

Don't confuse the desire for female approval and lack of criticism with agreement to this ridiculous load of horseshit. The reason feminists have gone unchallenged and unquestioned is the men who desire female approval aren't going to rock the boat. Here in Jow Forums you have to shoot straight dice.

She needs new shoes

And Gym.

That shirt...

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Everything else.

Building stuff.


And Economy.

Creating and sustaining civilizations

>what do men’s studies look like?
Its called STEM, the study of reality.

>That shirt...

Attached: krueger-sweater.jpg (300x427, 17K)

>what do men’s studies look like?
It looks like a filthy kike whining about how white men need to be exterminated

khazar milkies

whatever happened to chrischan?

Became a bigger faggot

>Women have in the past and continue to this day reap the fruits of male labor
such as when?

Men’s studies would involve case-by-case analysis of all of the greatest men in history, and the lessons we can learn from them. Also, practical matters like finance, self-mastery, speed reading, athletics, cars, computers, and houses.

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This. I seem to remember colleges shutting down anything resembling men’s studies because they had to be addressed via a feminist perspective. So something like men’s mental health and suicide can’t be addressed by men themselves

Last I heard, he cut his taint with a box cutter, so he could have a vagina

Literally the sum total of all human knowledge.

that's stem

Don't forget the arts, too. Basically everything that isn't women's studies.

Ligerally everything else...the shit that keeps the world running and allows them to waste everyones time.

studying womens studies to know all the ways they want to take your shit and make you work for nothing

No, the E is for Engineering.
And also, haven't you heard? We're calling it STEAM now. Come on, it's 2019!

But women already know how to do that...

Philosophy, especially. Philosophy is the most male dominated field in Academia. Women HATE philosophy.

Hans, do you miss having balls from time to time?

women study the laws of men
men study the laws of god

Very based
Why isn't this a thing?

Everything else you learn that is useful


Based and traditionalist-pilled

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They don't even study the laws of men you kike-worshipping faggots.

What happens to every mentally ill autist in the late '10s: Tranny

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Philosophy, politics, morality, all these things have changed fundamentally throughout history. "Gender Studies" didn't even exist 100 years ago.
The hard sciences, the laws of god, never change. Our imperfect understanding of them only improves with time.

Men's studies would be

Calculus/Matrices/Linear Algebra

Men's studies 100 200 300 400 500 level courses?

Wtf arts have nothing to do with STEM.

women labor = giving birth
men labor = constructing buildings, homes, streets, infrastructure, systems, cars, planes.
open your eyes to see who physically has to build the world, maintain and protect it.

Either suicide or died from staph infection from his DIY "vagina".

mens studies is every course in the university other than womens studies

men look outside to understand the world and their place in it
women can only look internally because they dont have a soul which means they cannot objectively understand the outside world or their place in it.

Mens Studies = solving the problem posed by women to the species

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Boy scouts
Paramilitary organizations

Hunting & fishing trips, talking 'bout women, how my oil pan cracked and the fags at ford are too stupid to get me a new one, the usual stuff.

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law and order