Trump is losing the trade war HARD

2020 is lost due to his own stupidity

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We can't lose the trade war. We don't manufacture anything.

Found the retard.

>trade surpluss expanded 7.7%
part of the plan

first make China think they can win then after reelection Trump turns around and shows them how much they depend on 12% of their trade

Chinks just cant keep up

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Not really worried about that kike shill.

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Maybe until the top 3 Democrat Candidates (Warren, Biden and Sanders all came out for more tariffs then him. Warren especially wants a ton of tariffs.

I can't rule out him losing the trade war on purpose, maybe some secret agreement w Chinese investors. Kushner's ties to China are substantial and if you haven't figured out Trump's don't give a flying fuck about anyone but Israel and himself. That fucker lies by default, it's insane really.

>Kushner's ties to China are substantial
kek Israel user.
Kushner is a dual citizen with Israel, not China.

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nice talking point fellow shill...see you back on discord later!

Under no circumstances is it ok to vote for any incumbent Republican.

you are retarded, trade war is about security.


eh, trade surplus/deficit isn't really where to watch anyway since it describes such a limited piece of information.
for instance, hold that same 7.7% next to chinese exports falling 16% in August, with US imports to china falling 22%

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>it's about left and right goy
>pay no attention to the jew behind the curtain

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>you are retarded, trade war is about security.
10s of millions of americans are about to lose their jobs, they won't be voting for trump again

uhh isn't this really just reflecting the fact that the yuan lost 10% of its value?

small price to pay to kill china's hold on the usa markets.

Nice try Chink. China is losing their manufacturing sector as businesses move to India, Vietnam, and Malaysia to get cheaper prices.

Millions of Chinese are going to starve to death or riot when the only thing that makes anyone care about their country disappear.

Don't forget how destabilizing China allows Israel to basically have the entire world

except the next president will beg china for forgiveness and we'll lose even more to china

Hong Kong

>bumping your own thread
>newfag shill retard

Kill yourself

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>t. subversive kike

Last week it was a little more than that, but for the real picture you should see their banks... poor fucks...
They call it "China's china" for a reason

relationship are dead,bro they can't return, and Americans don't want it. you need a decade minimum for china cock sucking to resume.

Pork and basedbeans, though. They’re hungry rn.

>10s of millions of americans are about to lose their jobs,
Lol you retard

When someone tries to get you worked up to fuck with China, you have to ask yourself how that stops the jews from trying to genocide Europeans.
How does fucking with the biggest world power help anyone but Israel to gain more power?

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Are you mad, Chinaman?

Foxconn is leaving China too. All those iPhones and Amazon products will be over in India. Better start stockpiling rice now faggot.

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>Stopping china from stealing your IP is bad goy

China probably sells our IP to israel for pennies

you guys do realize that the jews want to wipe out or atleast stall china.

do you know why that is? because it is one country their assassins cannot control the leader.

unlike ours, jfk and 9/11 where because our guys got a little cocky and not wanting to believe their ass's are owned. a little "show".

why u think lil bushy poo was tripping balls singing to children.

if anything, china might have the ability to save this world before the jews destroy it.

One of two groups wins.

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If you want to talk unfair trade deal, look at the US Israel free trade agreement. Even corporations were against it. It's a thinly veiled giveaway worth tens of billions annually.

Remember all those people who got security clearances that weren't supposed to, obv Jews who are stealing US tech.

China is actually feeling it a whole lot worse than what the media is saying
My friends who visit China often have been saying that tourism has affected a number of cities and that manufacturing cities are getting deserted because of the trade war
So fuck off you chink spy

who cares, chinksectoids are basicaly just as bad as jews

>focus on China not Israel goy
>help us destabilize China goy
Just like we helped you faggots destabilize Iraq, Afganistan, Syria and Venezuala?
Always interesting how the kikes seem to always have a new target to fuck with.
They always have more excuses for us to be fucking with other countries on their behalf.

STFU Israel just leased out security to their biggest port to China. We're the mark not the China.

Pruf or stfu

the chinks will atleast let most counties and races survive and exist.

not so in very soon to be jew plans.

Uh huh, sure. The US isn't going to be dependent on China anymore Chinkboy.

Better hope the Vietnamese will be kind to you when it's the only place for you to go because nobody will pay you to shill on the Internet anymore.

thieving evil dirty jew rats

>exports from the world's second largest economy fell 1%
see all part of the plan

now only two more months of these massive losses on Chinas side and we have them back to square one from last months 3.3% export gains and we didnt pay one cent for it aside from falling exports and subsidies

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btw you talk like a brown person, the jews atleast will keep the whites around as slaves.

anything brown or yellow is going to be getting nano'd.

999% chance of losing says recent polls.

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Not remotely, shill.
You just exposed yourself.
Anyone who isn't a fresh-faced newfag already knows the danger Israel poses to the entire world.
You faggots shills push China way too hard, it's fucking obvious.
You use the same shil tactics you've always used, too.
Funny how it wasn't the fault of China for years and years on Jow Forums but suddenly when the CIA is interested in destabilizing them, suddenly it's all China, and not Israel.
Nevermind that the kike media is all on board with fucking with China.

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No they aren't.

Btw what's Trump hiding in his tax returns, i've heard insider trading linked w Sept 11.

Yeah I'm the shill.
The one pointing out that the biggest problem is the jews and Israel, not China.
You're suggesting jews aren't the problem, and you're not the shill?
Is this your first day faggot?

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Pack it in, guys. They're selling AT LEAST 16 trucks to another country.
Btw, media: we know your bias well enough by now to understand that you are going to crop the image to show exactly the most you can get away with. If there was a parking lot full of those death traps, you would show us a closely cropped image of an entire parking lot.

Guess what, chang, nobody buys your retardied bugman reasoning.

But let's suppose you're right: Suppose that we have to choose to either support china or israel.
Of course western people should support israel in that case. It's small, it's easily desttroyed, and it has tons of enemies. They need us to survive, china doesn't.

Down with china.

It’s probably a million at best, and all this is really doing is increasing US trade with other nation. Who else is China going to sell to. We are the largest consumer market. The EU would be way less lucrative.

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you guys are idiots the trading war is in billions with is literally nothing it is just charade

>china is our freindo
>let china take your jobs, and give you lower quality cheaper goods
>let them desensitize you to cheap low quality goods as long as it is cheap.

your either a dirty rat or a ching chong, or maby just an autistic trump humper.

your presidents a bitch for Israel, they cuck his balls.

We shouldn't be doing any business with china at all, nor should any nation that takes our aid money or depends on our military for protection.

Yeah, that's right. China has gotten too big and it's going to their head. The US is bringing them down a peg because we don't need them.

You are fucked Chinaman. Tell me again how the trade war is failing.

>divert off of the jews
Easiest way to spot a shill is to call them on the jews.
If they try to divert onto another group, then they're a shill.

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uh, theres a lot more shit to do, my job certainly wont be effected :) many like it.

The other day deep in an Israeli media outlet the jews were discussing how China was enslaving the Africans thru loans. I should of bookmarked it, they were openly discussing debt slavery.

It's not nothing. It's small because trump doesn't want to crash the world economy... Instead he wants to incentivize companies to pull out from china. .

Chinks and Kikes are allies.

So I don't need to worry about Israel and the jews is what you're saying user?

Trade war should have started a long time ago, no production should have ever been moved to those communist fuckbags in the first place as they were directly undercutting Western nations with state support.

>China probably sells our IP to israel

All this time we were told by Chinese shills that Israel steals from us and sells to China. But Israel is out greatest ally. It makes more sense that China has stolen all our military technology.

Trump will end China

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Every dem running sounds like blumpf when it comes to trade. Its over ping.

why so they cant be our last hope against the jew?

>you can fight the jew, and china
>you can only fight one

kys faggot, eliminating china is easy to do.

>Suppose that we have to choose to either support china or israel.

chalk and cheese

>Trump has plans

>"US flag"
>your presidents
So you even admit you're not from the US.

You. Are. Fucked. Enjoy eating fucking dogs you retarded bugperson.

>But Israel is out greatest ally

lm f ao

>Denies the jewish question
>Wants to push for more foreign intervention
>Destabilizing China helps Israel gain financial control in the region
You are glowing like a mother fucker user XD
Hey what other countries should America invade and destabilize because America rules?

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Oh yes, honorable chinaman would never sell IP, he only buys it from the jews.

Because he is so honorable. Ok chang

Anybody making it a false dichotomy is a shill or a retard.

Which is why the jews haven't done it and need America to do it for them right kike?

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to funny, this thread is like 3 fat boys like myself and 12 jews shilling ^_^.

fuck we might win if this is the best they can do, getting hard for them.

maby they pay Indians to shitpost.

>supports israel
Gentleman, may I present to you the Amerimutt.

Just blow up the 3 gorges damn make it look like the Israelis did it
Let Israel get smacked by China
Retaliate and destroy China

Where did all the nutcases up top go
There’s only one way out of all these problems now a lot of people gotta die

Let’s make it them and not us

This jew making a absurd claim then posting a totally unrelated graph.
Up to 2007, you have to know it's much worse now.

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>Hey what other countries should America invade and destabilize because America rules?
None. We should continue the trade war with China until we're trade independent from them. Then close off our borders.

What are you going to do when your family is starving, Chink? What's your plan?

Image thinking the insectoid chinaman is going to be your savior from the big bad jew. Just kill yourself already faggot

calm down my brown friend, I eat steak you pound sand.

You are a retard cause you think you can only fight the kike or only fight china.

For the new fags.
Learn about the jewish question so you don't get taken in by these glow fags.

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nuff said

I don't see us destabilizing Israel, shill.
I only see us destabilizing China, so that's a false premise.
Nice pilpul, yid.

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It isn't lost because every good thing that comes out of China is a lie. Its just the natural order of things.

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>shaming instead of an argument
hey leftist

China can outlast any presidential administration

Preach it bro.

The Chink shills try to d&c us and play us against Israel. But they are too transparent.

China is enemy #1 and any help against them especially from a strong ally like Israel is welcome. Anyone who tells you otherswise is a CCP shill.

>outsourcing all your productive capacity to a communist state isn't a problem

Astroturfed hatred of China in an attempt to get you to go along with it, to help the jews topple the Chinese Empire.
Well China has expressed no interest in wiping out all other races, and the jews have.
I know where I'm standing.

Just quoting what you wrote. Cope.

Feel the Bern in 2020.

What arguments? Faggots like you want to talk about Israel nonstop instead of the china and the trade war.


>play us against Israel
Hey how come it wasn't China behind it all for years and years shill, but suddenly now that the CIA wants to destabilize them, suddenly it's all about China and not Israel.
None of you shills can answer that.
This shit is astroturfed af and you all suck at your jobs.

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You also see:

Okay Shlomo shekelstein