Best way to live simple life?

I wanna live a traditional redpilled simple life, like "blood and soil", but I don't really want to just be a farmer

Does anyone know any other lifestyles like this? Sort of like monks or the Shaolin temple (pic related), but I'm not religious or Chinese

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Kys dumb edgelord. Stop dreaming about shit that will never happen and get friends. Why do you want to live a "traditional life" in the first place?

This guy

Is a huge faggot

>https:// /channel/UCTzpYUtxLlWs-wtQP19X7Aw
This guy can tell you a lot about shaolin stereotypes and how are they wrong.

OP sure is

Farming is hard as fuck and something you really need to learn about/strategize about.
There is all sorts of extra shit you have to do and learn about before you can have a successful farm. Its crazy dude. Farming is hard work. Dont knock it like some boring sleepy life

Because I want something truly fulfilling. Parties are fun and enjoyable, but when I'm older I want to live a simple life

I'm not talking about living on a farm in the middle of nowhere, just something where life is more simple

I've watch his videos, and he talks about it being hard but simple, having close friends / community and "being someone". If anything that makes it sound better.

Understood, but it just doesn't sound like it's for me

Well, if you can endure then why not to try but then again be ready to adapt to chinese understand of community and friendship.

Become a hippie and go to India and seek enlightment or some shit there idk.
You said you're not religious but you still want to do something fullfilling but you also don't want to do productive work. If you don't want to be a degenerate there are zero options for you.

What are you interested in if not farming or herding animals?

It's not the work aspect of farming I don't like. Farming doesn't seem like a bad option, but I'm looking for the best option.

On a side note, I'm no hippie but if I wanted to "seek enlightenment" I wouldn't go to a literal shithole like India

Anything physical, I've worked in construction and I liked it but most work comes from cities

Well I just picked India because it is like the Mekka for hippies. You could go anywhere of course depending on your religion. Do you seek even "spiritual fullfillment"? What aspect of farming do you dislike?

Have you considered working on boats? England is known for its naval history.

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>Do you seek even "spiritual fulfillment"
Not really, I meant more fulfillment like having a family, kids, decent independence sort of thing

>What aspect of faming do you dislike
Granted I've never worked on a farm, but mainly it seems pretty solitary (aside from animals). I'd certainly give it a try if I could, but looking at it from what I know now it doesn't seem like an ideal option (tho certainly not a bad one)

All I've seen about boat work is large shipping containers and globalisation. What sort of options are there? I'd never considered it so it could be pretty good

Why not a Monk ?

Britain's navy is what made it a superpower.
Britannia Rules the Waves.
Especially as an island nation, your navy is important. I don't know much, but over here in the US you don't get taxed on income you make while out to sea. There're more options than shipping containers, but I'm not expert. Look into it.
Have you considered the military?

Live in a tent in the desert.

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join the merchant navy. being out at sea, unable to see land in all directions will humble you. plus youll get a fat wallet and see the world and have shitloads of monies to buy land when you hit your mid 30s

Not religious

I'd kinda ruled out the military as attack dogs for the establishment, tho being a soldier does sound pretty good. I don't have a family yet tho and if I did I'd rather not die too early. Honestly tho that sounds like a really good choice

I'll have to look into more but that sounds pretty solid

You don't have to die for Israel. Join the Royal Navy if you want.