Hey, user, can you redpill me on genetics and transgender people?

Hey, user, can you redpill me on genetics and transgender people?

Recently I had an arguement with some leftist dipshit and I could not oppose anything to researches in this area, cause I haven't got one. It would be nice if I were provided with links to some research, in particular:

Does hormone therapy affect the brain state?

The human personality depends more on genetics than on education?

Are transgender people brainwashed with left-wing propaganda?

It would be good if there are already some archived threads with this respondings.

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Other urls found in this thread:


i was gonna do it too... why did the thread have to archive

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Imagine cutting your balls off


First thing: the strict identification of chromosomes with biological sex is incorrect. It's been learned over time that not all the genes associated with sex are even located on the sex chromosomes. There are complex activation mechanisms that do not neatly cleave along chromosomal lines. Biologically speaking, sex is only "real" of breeding individuals. The very young, the infertile, homosexuals, incels, and the postmenopausal have no physically real sex.





I'm trans, male to female.

>Does hormone therapy affect the brain state?
It affects your emotions and thoughts certainly.

>The human personality depends more on genetics than on education?
It's a mix, more on environment/education though.

>Are transgender people brainwashed with left-wing propaganda?
I'm pretty Conservative and hate libs/progressives, but most trans people are libs of course.

hm, a kike

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Woah another trans thread, b-based!!!

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Are you okay knowing that you'll never actually be a woman and you're just pretending?

>population genetics is Jewish

Most trannies are conservative because MIGApedes can't get enough of the feminine penis.

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Who cares. Transgender are a tiny minority with an odd illness. Why don't you care about albino or some other retards too


>couldn't cite any studies

>I'm pretty Conservative
if you dont pass (especially with voice) you can't be conservative. sorry not sorry

simply put, it's a gate way to the normalization of pedophilia. society needs to draw a line. also if you lost an argument with a lib about trannies you're just a retard who's shite at debating.

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How could you believe something if you cant refute claims against it? Are you a shill or an npc?
This is a good resource

Trans mtf give really good head.

Fuck off tranny discord.

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Yes, I don't claim to be the same as CIS Women or that I was born the same as them.

My main concern revolves around being comfortable with myself emotionally and physically.

>I'm trans, male to female.
based. Post tummy


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You drank too much water now your brains all fucked up. Whatever idc, facts is facts tho

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based combo

Darwinism wins again, the unfit are removed from the genepool just as nature intended.

It's a real thing, definitely overblown. Basically there are two types
>Homosexual Transexual
So gay they have an easier time living s a woman, tend to transition early and pass, think Blaire White
*Straight* men that by are attracted to their own bodies, Schizoid heterosexuality. Tend to transition during adulthood and tend not to pass very well. Think Caitlyn Jenner. These are usually the ones in the news

>. Basically there are two types
that theory comes from a crackpot who basically had 0 evidence for his claims and has been laughed at for the last 20 years for his claims. You know that right?

Population control via Agenda 21
Reduce the population of the 1st world because everyone lost the stomach for stomping on people’s heads
So they stab us in the back instead

You're a faggot if this doesn't turn you on

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>Reduce the population of the 1st world
trannies are just as common in 3rd and 2nd world countries user, they just have a harder time transitioning


All M2F trans are encouraged to freeze their sperm before taking hormones so they can have biological children later.

My Doctor brought this up to me 3 separate times.

If they wanted population control, they wouldn't do this.

voice train hon

>"Why don't you care of albino and other retards?"

So, I'm not sure that albino chooses to have pure white skin color, but I think that something wrong with that transgender madness raging last years. I asked about left-wing propaganda, because I think it is the main reason. This culture of" being yourself", that actually makes people do things to their lives and end up committing suicide

How disappointed were your parents when you castrated yourself?

there's nothing wrong with being trans
I'm trans male to male

Please don't freeze your sperm. We need less people on the earth.

Because, unlike albinism, it is preventable and treatable without genital mutilation

Does she have a boyfriend? Or is she just another angry incel bent on self destruction?

They thought I was gay by the time I was 7, they weren't surprised by any of it.


Is that the noise you make when you slit your wrists and bleed to death?

Blanchard is the predominant sexologist today and his theories are the only ones that have any predictive value. I would suggest you seriously examine the methodologies of the studies that supposedly debunk his work

lmao get a load of the brows on that dude

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Pretty easy to tell which ones are which. Faggots are homosexual trannies and autists are AGP trannies.

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>are the only ones that have any predictive value
demonstrably false at all turns and there is literally NO EVIDENCE OR STUDIES DONE THAT GIVE ANY CREDENCE FOR HIS CLAIMS. AT ALL.

They weren’t as accepted here until recently, so that’s not it

I bet the stats for using the fakeyfuck baby are low and not the same

With acceptance so the size of that population increases and less babies in the future
It’s population control

The man's trying to have an intelligent conversation with you, try not to screech like a tranny faggot defending his fetish.

im neurotypical and only attracted to women. my very existance proves your entire post wrong. sorry not sorry.

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Pretty much
Okay hon

Fun fact AGPs are possibly the single population with the highest median IQs

you can't show any evidence to support your claims because it doesnt exist. Period. But we have all kinds of evidence to show that gender dysphoria exists and is mostly a neurological disorder.

Also, im sorry to tell you, but if you think a person talking in all caps is screeching you REALLY need to lurk more newfag. How embarrassing.

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>I could not oppose any researches in the area because I haven't got any
Well no shit. They know that if any research is done in the area they'll have proof against transgenderism, so they literally banned research into it so there wouldn't be any opposition to their insane agenda.


>But we have all kinds of evidence to show that gender dysphoria exists and is mostly a neurological disorder
Isn't mutually exclusive with Blanchard's theories


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>Isn't mutually exclusive with Blanchard's theories
but there is literally no proof for any of his theories. Its anti vax tier pseudoscientific nonsense for low IQ niggers who dont understand the first thing about how the brain works.

Livestream yourself jumping off a building

ew look at his teeth

Let's continue this conversation on /LGBT/

/lgbt/ is a cesspool of self loathing neet trannies who want everyone to be as miserable as they are

why argue with them? you should be enabling it.
the faster this clown coaster accelerates the faster we might end this nightmare.
it must get much, much worse before it can get better.
action, potential
order, entropy
the cycle continues
read pic related and heed St. Tarrant's holy words of wisdom.

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Hormones are chemical signals that you cannot resist or control. Sexual hormones effect every part of your body, especially the brain

I'm not against trans people, all I'm saying is that Blanchard actually knows what he's talking about and his work has been a major help in understanding myself and my own GD. I am autogynephilic myself

Sounds like you got that from a book Hitler would have had burned.

>Blanchard actually knows what he's talking about
There is no evidence to support him. The existence of AGP people does not mean that a very large portion of trans people are. Most of the time AGP and trans people are completely separate. Blanchard is making claims with absolutely no evidence or studies to support him and once again, only low IQ niggers like you will believe him.

>The existence of AGP people does not mean that a very large portion of trans people are. Most of the time AGP and trans people are completely separate
That's literally his claim though. If you don't have that theory down, a shitton of AGPs would be funneled into transition, which is exactly what is happening

Yeah hormones effect your mental state that's why girls PMS.
Human personality is a byproduct of your environment, people you interact with, and experiences. Proof of this is that identical twins aren't mentally identical.
Most are, but there are a few who are ordinary people who want to pass and live ordinary lives and have identities outside of being a tranny. I grew up knowing someone who is female to male and theyre a well adjusted person with a good job and even adopted children and has a family with his wife.

>That's literally his claim though.
no his claim is that trans people are AGP or HSTS. how fucking stupid are you? Like i cant tell if you're a really bad troll or just havent bothered to look up the dude you are shilling for.

>Hey, user, can you redpill me on genetics and transgender people?
Transexualism is just a form of narcissism coupled with body dysphoria.

This is so obviously a dude, and a hideous one at that

>does hormone therapy affect the brain state
There is no such thing as a "brain state" but hormone therapy absolutely affects your brain.
>the human personality depends more on genetics than on education?
This is not only impossible to measure, it's impossible to even define. Just like we can't measure what is and isn't a "heap" or a "pile" since those are imprecise terms, we can't measure what is a "personality", it's an imprecise term.
>Are transgender people brainwashed with left-wing propaganda?
Yes but a lot of them were already insane anyways and might have come to similar conclusions even without the propaanda.

Okay hon, go dilate

>getting this triggered

My theory is that bottoms and MTF had extremely low levels of pre-natal test while still having enough to turn out male and their role in the group evolutionary system is to be sexual relief for surplus, reproductively unsuccessful) men.

This is a trash tier tranner, if you're going to try to get people into trannies at least post attractive ones

Probably because they expected it after they molested you

>one exception