Holy shit

Holy shit

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oh wow

>1 post by this ID

fuck off, 3rd world retard.

They sure did get him this time

Wow. Show your flag.

Comment for a person who lives in hurricane area. The weather people have no clue what a hurricane is going to do. Every one here guesses... it’s a past time. You guess what state and city that will be hit.

Despite living in the midst of the honkening, I still find it hard to believe this sharpie nonsense has gone as far as it has. Absolutely idiotic. And what do the usual suspects do? Insist it's DRUMPF! that's perpetuating this nonsense when he merely defends himself from the absurd accusations from a gaggle of faggots who are still pissed about the 2016 election.

Sutton makes the undeniable connection that Hitler was financed and brought to power by the same "internationalists" who brought Stalin and FDR to power. They own all the horses in the race, always.

And now they blame the germans for eternity. They were just hopeless because of the Versaille treaty (guess who made it) and didn't want to sell out their country. So a minority didn't understand that Hitler & Co. were just another Proxy for you know who.

This important and well researched book should be read by every in the United States. It's very evident that the perception of the U.S. as taught in school is utter fiction. Education exists in part to control everyone by instilling a fictional narrative from kindergarten through all levels of university. The book is important but certainly not pleasant.

An unfortunate trend among Red Pill/conspiratorial literature is the significant lack of citations..... not so in this case. Though the book is short, it is absolutely packed with information. Straight from the most legitimate sources to be found: newspapers, interviews, court proceedings, corporate memorandums... you'll be shocked. There is little to no fluff or extrapolation to interfere with the reader as we learn about these little-known bits of history.


Everyone should have this on their reading list too.

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Whoa. Powerful.

The orange dotard is utterly btfo. He can never recover from this. Warren 2020

did you know thousands of people actually died in it? why won't the media talk about them

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They're too busy bitching about how the bad orange man doesn't care like they do.

trump will ask the jews elite to alter the climate so typhoon hit alabama

Its over now. Impeach

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Hey, it's tumbler back for a visit!
Suck my hairy nut sack, you fucking sack of shit!
Slide this thread.

Time to impeach


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Nobody sperged out when Clinton drew retarded lines

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I try to tell others things of this nature but I've absolutely given up because the ignorance and programming that people possess today is completely unovercomable, if that's even a real word. The masses truly are asses and that's why I've withdrawn from any meaningful conversation and stick to talking about the weather or football.

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>breaking news! Orange man wrote on board with permanent pen! What a goober.

They way these faggots get so obsessed with such insignificant details reminds me that he isnt doing anything wrong that is significant