What do we do about "Rap" Incels?

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Which one is the woman?

if niggas gah b bitches about how a woman can rap better than him he ain a man strip him of his right; as for these 3 ;a couple dicks inna ass serv em right

> it was the best orgasm of her life

This is the worst larp ever

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Women dont have no orgasms

I felt bad laughing at this.

Is it wrong that my first thought is the crowd gave her the win for being a woman and that she actually wasn't as good?

Where's the video?

that is quite good. I had a chuckle

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Doesn't exist because it's fake newd

they're hardly celibate.

Attached: must_also_rape.jpg (577x435, 29K)

We all know of one in the family. They have "sound-cloud" accounts.

Attached: rap incels - soundcloud.png (1200x684, 78K)

Rap battles usually just turn into insult contests where they roast each other. I am betting she attacked their manhood and they couldn't handle it.

Looking to rape.

Attached: white slave raped and sold to ottoman turks.jpg (800x580, 374K)

Here's the link retard.

No. Rap Incels are trying to get laid. But women don't care about their rap. Women show they do not care by getting on stage to "mock" Rap Incels. Then the rap incel goes insane and kills everyone.

Rap Incels are the problem.

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Is this a joke, if so, I applaud you, if not off to the ranch.

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Well, if they raped her they wouldn’t be celibate.

RAP INCELS are an epidemic in society. We need the Federal Government to do something. How many women have to die? All because some rap incel loser.

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Rape is involuntary sex. Way to go, retard.


I feel no sympathy for the coalburning wigger.

Yeah, but how does society fix the Rap Incel problem? They're all fruity homos waiting to blow up.

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Wait, this goes against the narrative that I've heard that the majority of violence, misogyny, and pent up sexual frustration is from white men??

This is surely, fake. Please delete.

Rap Incels are the worst. Look at this shit.

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Yes, but after the fire, rape and shooting... she came back with even crazy verses.

here's an idea, if you don't want to get raped dont go to a rape battle

dem niggas probably can't even rap doubletime

I guess. But still doesn't truly solve the rap incel problem.

The undies look uncomfortable. Tupac is trying to look cool, but his ball hairs keep getting snagged in that mess.

>Tupac is trying to look cool
See, that's the deal with rap incels. They try too hard to have sex. Then they fail and kill women.

Attached: rap incel kills 6 women.png (410x316, 163K)

she's dead