Who's Lighting All The Fucking Fires

Australia is currently on fire, close to 100 different fires in Queensland and NSW are burning, grass fires as well as forest fires.
Sure it's dry as we're at the end of the dry season or our winter and there is dry grass and undergrowth everywhere, the thing is Eucalyptus, combustible as it is has not yet evolved to the point where it can use a box of matches. These fires are suspicious as fuck, it's like they were pre planned to coincide with the onset of the storm season in our spring where the cold southern air mixed with the tropical inversion layer, that hasn't happened yet as the jet stream is over powering the tropical heat and keeping it further north, thus there have been zero electrical storms to ignite these fires, they fucked up. Even hooligans the other choice of communists couldn't have lit these fires as they're in rugged mountain area's only accessible by helicopter. This is deliberate arson by the state.

Attached: incendios-california-armas-energia-dirigida.jpg (1140x641, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off you fucking retard.
It is fucking fire season and the councils stopping cattle from grazing the bush is causing fires.
No burn offs?
No cattle eating undergrowth?
Thems a recipe for a fire storm.

City people are so fucking retarded.

Attached: yeah or nah guess nah huh.jpg (713x713, 89K)

Those are rocket trails taken with long exposure photography


There was an article i read many years ago where the US military was talking about having satellites that could use lasers to start fires, and i shit you not, they even said "plausible deniability" was one of its strong points.

The pictures he posted are photoshops spread by schizos that were saying a blue gum fire shouldn't burn hot enough to melt aluminium.

It can no longer be blamed on Keith Flint.

They still need an ignition source you utter cunt.

What is lighting you dumb fuck?
Go look at the lightning map, strikes in all the areas with fire you absolute dropkick.

In Canada indians will lite fires because they have to hire them then they just hang out at the food hall. Perhaps your indians are.

How much do you get paid an hour to write stupid stuff like this?

One is a long exposure image, the other two are lens flares.

why would somebody launch a rocket in the middle of the woods?

There have been no storms, I like here you shill dog.

I read a book in the 80's called future weapons or space weapons to cash in on the Reagan space program. The best one was the telephone pole rods they would drop from space onto targets.


You are fucking retarded.
City people should not be allowed to vote and this thread is solid proof of that.

tungsten rods
they can level whole cities, in theory
but OP's pic is complete retardation, and he's a spic with a VPN probably seeing his filename

Yeah well rope is too expensive in the bush to waste on you.

>the internet is different in other countries

Attached: 7035a1eba2355fc77a9b18df7d491277.jpg (650x836, 97K)

The only waste happening around here is you being allowed to breathe air that someone useful could be using.

What i mentioned i read 5-10 years ago.

And here's a conspiracy theory people might find interesting: What if an alien race was deliberately deforesting everything here and trying to raise CO2 levels because they breathe that instead of Oxygen?

Is this a who's more drunk contest? Degenerate threads are the norm but his is pretty reddit tier or drunk.

There's nothing new about energy weapons, they're in service in the US navy and chairforce. Wouldn't even have to use anything fancy here just flares from a copper, these fires are in the middle of bumfuck.

It's Vandenberg AFB, on the California coast. The same Vandie that everyone lost their marbles over SpaceX night launches. That's a Falcon 9 launch and those are bushes not trees.

Attached: Rocket-Report-Intro-2-800x450.jpg (800x450, 40K)

He is posting moronic dick dribble and i am telling him that he is retarded.
That is all that is happening here.


It was the DEWs!



Attached: M8.jpg (450x450, 35K)

That doesn't work that way. More c02 is good for life on earth including humans. Unless it's scorched earth of course.

And i'm calling you out for being the shill dog that you are, 100 separate fires all at the same time, right when it was supposed to get warm by their reckoning, except it fucking didn't did it cunt?

Lightning starts some of them, probably idiot people responsible for the rest.

i was talking about the other photo actually, where it seems to be happening in the middle of the woods, and not on the beach.

Polarizing filters are cool

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CO2 is good for plants, not humans.

Your body needs carbon. It is one of the five elements required for all life on earth.

breakaway civ jewish faction
They're mad the chinese, post war ns, and russians are starting to fuck up their power in white countries so they do petty shit like this. They also used dews to burn houses in california containing evidence of jewish pedophile rings and cannibalism.

No one will believe it but its rather simple. There is a global revolution happening by a group that is based out of Antarctica. They believe in using the 4 elements, Fire (DEW weapons), Water (weather manipulation & tsunami), Air (Weather modification & chemtrail poisoning), earth (cobalt bomb & microwave induced earthquakes) to generate multiple fronts on a global scale to force international capitulation. No one will name them out of fear of legitimizing the group to the public as they're not controlled by (((them))). China & the US have been fighting back by pushing hurricanes with their own systems. This group will lead to the 5th element through the first act of space terrorism targeting Starlink with weaponized picosatellite systems.

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We get it from food we digest, not what we breathe.


Why use a laser when you can just pay Manuel and Javier 50 pesos to do it

Well silly me. Don't you just know everything. You must be a teenager.

Attached: Carbon-Cycle-Diagram.jpg (850x850, 156K)

Oh leaf fren.

there's always hundreds of fires in australia at any given time, its just the style.

Attached: australiafires_575.jpg (575x383, 83K)

wtf are you on about cunt?
it's only mid day why are you so drunk?

Attached: vveeeeee.jpg (250x140, 7K)

Here's all the fucking lightning, falling as snow.

Attached: snowlightning..png (468x449, 169K)

ventusky. com

all the green spots are lightning.

I dont doubt it.

It's just carbon in plants, not carbon dioxide.

its the chinese

Not everything is done by the traps, retard. Enough anarchists or communists could group fund a helicopter. I'm sure there's atleast one way to climb to those places, too

Isn't it winter in Australia??

In Greece we have a lot of fires some due to negligence like faulty cables or retards doing bbq. But some fires especially are malice like farmers who are lazy to walk their animals in the forest or people trying to build houses in areas they shouldn't. These people should get life in prison for endagering everyone else and destroying the landscape but they only get a slap on the wrist in this dump.

You mean slightly more tolerable summer?

Abbos are legally allowed to burn whatever they want. It's in the 1991 anti-discrimination act.

No it's spring, it's usually much warmer this time of year in southern Queensland and Northern NSW and the warm air layer causes the southerly's to well up violently into spectacular storms, the warm air is further north this year, that's the point, what weather we've had has come is squalls, southern weather, cool weather. Been here a long time.

Because im an alcoholic you fucking judgemental abo.

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No shareblue, dem sum space lazers made by half ayooos and half jewish space stations.

They're all helicopters, retard

Totally natural user

> Who's Lighting All The Fucking Fires

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Maybe they read their orders wrong, they were supposed to target the suburb, not just one suburban.