How Do Europeans Feel About the Collapse of America?

What's it like for outsider to watch the modern Roman Empire collapse on itself in a tidal wave of degeneracy, immorality, and fiscal irresponsibility?
Do some of you celebrate our demise due t our imperialist tendencies? Do you believe we deserve this? Or do you morn what's happening to this country?

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Not European, but not American. Fucking hilarious yet sad at the same time. It'll be interesting if nothing else to see how China fill's America's shoes as the world's number one superpower.

>Fucking hilarious yet sad at the same time.
The degeneracy is a self-correcting mechanism and we're inverting the dynamic to at the least make the collapse of the American/Roman empire an entertaining one.

If you want to borrow my emotional-support beastiality-pony on a plane, you're welcome anytime. I made the airlines give me a free ticket or I'd call them a Beastialitophobe, and they gave me a free ticket and a free dildo.

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Very sad watching it slowly(not so slowly anymor) turn into a third world shithole but if you are white then you always have Europe to escape to and we have more time left on the clock & we are seeing signs all over Europe of a change to the right .America is an achievement of Europeans
As long as we have Europe the memory of America lives

Not American, not European, but too appreciate that. The Eternal Anglo will fall and take Eternal Kike with him. Literally the best thing that could happen to us.
Enjoy your cyber GULAG with clowns.

>Europe to escape to
Straight line projections say half of Europe will be 51% Muslim with white minorities by 2030. At that time they will take all the elections and vote Muslims into your government. Then by 2040 and 2050 all of your thrones will be 70 to 95% Muslim after the Caliphates, Warrior-clans and Islamic State consolidations vote Whites off the continent. For the Muslims the crusades never ended, it was just an opportunity to re-equip an regroup. So you saying Europe is a fail-safe. Wrong. By that time we need you to flee to, you won't have republics anymore.

The Jews are very well aware of the current situation and are actively working the problem. I see Jewish activity everywhere so they're not asleep at the switch. My gut says the Jews will not be dethroned from America and it'll take much more than a currency crisis at their broken central bank and an immigration crisis where they pump us full of black shit to take us down.

Remember the 2nd amendment is a government factory-default reset button.

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not going to happen, russia will become worlds superpower with collapseof America
I do not mourn the collapse of American hegemony, but i think alot of other people around the world are going too. I think its going to spell disaster for South America and Africa. The middle east will have endless wars, and asia is going to revert to eating bugs. People love to knock the US it seems, but the alternative is alot worse. Countries like Canada and Australia will probably be fine, as well as Europe. Russia is going to be awesome.

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>how do Europeans feel about the collapse of America
Same way we feel about China. It was a once proud land that is now mongrelised for the benefit of kikes and is already past the point of no return. I feel bad for the whites there but letting a majority non-white Jewish country become the most powerful country on the planet is too much of a threat to the planet.
If you can salvage yourselves then great but otherwise I'm hoping you guys decline so your kike government leaves the rest of the world alone.

Depressive because the entire world economy will get wrecked and there are so many pretty American girls doing pornography now that it gets sad.

Canada isn't doing so hot itself. The reason why Canadians tend to take diversity better than Americans is because Canadians don't have an identity. Your country is anartificial construct and your people feel as though they don't have a legitimate claim to it - which is why the Chinese have been helping themselves to your real estate and driving up their values at the expense of ordinary citizens.

Punishment for 1776

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The worse part is you're mostly right...

Aren't you guys getting run over by your former subjects? You guys lost your ENTIRE empire and are now betting btfo by the people you used to rule over, including us. Doesn't any more fucked than that.

memeflag. Post real flag

Hope you're right and America will become comfy isolated white ethnostate without this globohomo shit, like it was 200 years ago.

fun little fact.

Rotchilds absolutely hate Canada.

Kek that will never happen

>modern Roman Empire collapse
That was Britain. You are the Byzantine empire

and I quote.

"Native english speakers are typically illiterate. The best thing that could happen to canada is if the "native" canadians were shipped somewhere (or drowned like the vermin they are) and the land populated with Asians. I prefer Japanese due to their industrious nature, but chinese follow directions well and cause few disturbances to the status quo."

Source pls. That can't be real.

Where is this quote from?

Wall on the Northern border >CONFIRMED

Feels good man.
You evil motherfuckers are the kike's global weapon. You mess shit up for everyone.
Globalism is your fault, consumerism is your fault, the refugee crisis is your fault.

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i do wonder where will the jewish parrasite move ... can they infiltrate china as well ? i doubt it honestly . the chinks are immune against the jews

Wouldn't it be funny if OP knew there was life outside reddit?

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Maybe not the kikes specifically, but the Chinese definitely have their own brand of evil in store for us. I wonder what.

They won't be able to subjugate China without the help of a major external power. The Chinese are far too ethnocentric and are Han supremacists, unironically.

I don't even use reddit.

This is a European flag burning and I dislike it

America is full of a lot of good, down to earth people. A lot of them are just misinformed.

they're going to kill so many niggers it might actually be worth sticking around for lol

>wahhh the americans cause all my country's problems

keep burying your head in the sand zogmutt

They have Israel, actually. And in the worst case, they can comeback to us.

The U.N. is going to fuck Israel up the ass once America loses its status as hegemon. The Palestinians will absolutely destroy their domestic power by virtue of being the majority.

Do you honestly want them back in your country? Do you want them to stage yet another revolution?

Terrible man, without world police all hell will break loose

>falling for the next 50 years
China, Russia and the EU have their own problems and limitations which restrain them to a far greater extent than the U.S.

Are you smoking drugs? American collapsing? When are you losers going to get tired of posting the same jealousy of America threads over and over and over? Don't you get tired of posting the same old shit day in and day out?


They're probably too concerned about their own collapse along the exact same lines to care about burgerland.

>You always have Europe to escape to
I prefer dying senpai

Europe has most of the same problems we have and will likely collapse first

You must be retarded if you don't think America isn't collapsing. Here are some clues, smoothbrain:
>The middle class is virtually gone; it is being propped up by debt. Millenials are destined to be debt-slaves forever, which is going to damage the economy and the demographics of this country.
>America is losing its social cohesion and will to self-confidence. It is slowly losing the will to exert force across the world.
>America is becoming increasingly inefficient due to it's diverse nature. It is instituting protocols which reward failure and punishes success.
>America is over 140 trillion dollars in debt due to liabilities. This reality alone will be enough to absolutely crush the middle class.
Any questions, smoothbrain?

Sure I do not doubt that, the thread was about America as a country so I was responding while thinking about the country itself as a singular identity, I personally find the American suburban / rural life and people to have a lot of charm

Checked and yes

Europeans are having their own collapse, they're only like 30-40 years behind us bud


If we go down we're taking Europe with us

>USA has regressed to developing status:

>Half of Americans are effectively poor:

>Most Americans Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Survey Shows:

>US suicide rate at its highest since the end of the second world war:

>Tens of thousands of Americans die each year from opioid overdoses:

>The US Economy Is Reaching A Dead End

>The end of the dollar as we know it

Attached: US-Gross-National-Debt-2011-2019-08-17.png (510x613, 24K)

all that shit you just said is false, i live and work here. Show facts not opinions

>hurr durr america is a fading empire
When will you people realize that most americans actually want this? Americans are tired of being the world's policeman. Having less relevance in world affairs actually sounds like a great thing

>>USA has regressed to developing status:
>>Half of Americans are effectively poor:
>>Most Americans Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Survey Shows:
>>US suicide rate at its highest since the end of the second world war:
>>Tens of thousands of Americans die each year from opioid overdoses:
>>The US Economy Is Reaching A Dead End
>>The end of the dollar as we know it
Here, faggot. This country is slipping into the third world. Look around you. Look at the infrastructure.

>The middle class is virtually gone; it is being propped up by debt. Millenials are destined to be debt-slaves forever, which is going to damage the economy and the demographics of this country.

millenials are going to be debt slaves oh no whatever will we do, who the fuck cares?

>America is losing its social cohesion and will to self-confidence. It is slowly losing the will to exert force across the world.

in your wildest dreams pajeet, the united states is the single most powerful nation on the planet. it can literally go to war with the entire planet and win

>America is becoming increasingly inefficient due to it's diverse nature. It is instituting protocols which reward failure and punishes success.


>America is over 140 trillion dollars in debt due to liabilities. This reality alone will be enough to absolutely crush the middle class.

american has not ever, and will not ever care about its dept, it could be infinity dollars in debt and will never ever pay it back, because it doesn't have to. and if a country tries to do anything about it the united states will damage that country in several ways, through trade wars, tariffs, or just go to war with them. every countries economy depends on the united states economy, so this is all moot. every country is a slave to the united states, that's just the fact of that matter, pajeet, please stop being jealous, it's so old and tiresome, and stop spamming the same threads day in and day out, it's a complete waste of your time

Are you seriously this low iq?

Boomer detected.

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>and if a country tries to do anything about it the united states will damage that country in several ways, through trade wars, tariffs, or just go to war with them.
The fact that people think this is a good thing goes to show how far we have strayed from the original vision for this country and it would be beneficial to us and the rest of the world if we collapsed and reorganized. There hasn't been a war worth fighting in over two centuries and invading a poorer country because they tried to recollect a loan is basically the most kosher event that could possibly occur.

i will be listening to this when shtf

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Wrong! They love Canada

>lol who cares if the future and soon to be largest demographic in the country is broke?
someone doesn't know how economics works i see

Not even close. The US is quickly becoming majority-nonwhite, an unprecedented event in the history of the modern west.

Yes, it's scary that people think that being an aggressive warmonger is the solution to all problems.

Why should they give a shit?
This is a kiked hellhole

I agree, but history has shown, most empires go down screaming and taking others with them. Some resign gracefully and salvage what they can.

America is very likely to be the former and that temper tantrum will have Nuclear hellfire for everyone.


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I hope Russia and not China will have the most influence in Europe afterwards.

Yes, no empire goes down without a fight.

People seem to think it's anti-American to wish for the USA to simply crash and rethink everything, but the way things are going it's not going to end well for anybody. The working class of the USA will get screwed regardless.

Feels great and proves that there is a God

Based plane destroyer.

The United States is so connected to the world economy that it'll bring much of the world with it. Same might happen through China due to how much they've invested in to the west and if that money where to disappear there would be chaos.

But it's inevitable really, sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.

Mate, Europe is collapsing too. It's a phenomenon affecting the entire western world.

Not trying to quote or sound like Peter Schiff here, but we're way beyond the end of the line and the longer this keeps going the worse the crash will be.
In less than 5 years the cost of the interest payments of the national debt alone will exceed the defense budget, the US will be paying 800 billion USD in interest payments alone, in less than a decade the government will need to borrow more than the entire yearly debt issuance just to pay the interest payments and we all know what happens when you need to borrow just to pay the interest expenses alone...

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I guess the EU economy crashes before the US will

Contrary to what Peter Zeihan says, the domino effect of the EU crashing will affect the USA as well and then the entire word economy. The US needs the EU subdued not collapsed.
We're living in some really weird times where the game is already over but no one wants to stop playing.

Yes, the Euro will crash long before the Dollar. Your national bank bought a few hundred billion Euros... so, it doesn't look good for you either.

>the domino effect of the EU crashing will affect the USA
Everything is connected
> where the game is already over but no one wants to stop playing
It's just a matter of time till the whole FIAT-swindle is going to blow up
Our National Bank buys shares (f.e Apple) to get rid of their Euros. It's actually not the dumbest thing you can do. But in a normal world a central Bacnk should never buy stocks.

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It Feel good because america is basically the guard dog of israel fuck jewmerica the land of the mutt

Sounds like a Chinkoro post to me.
America is fine

I don't really care.
The German government is worse than yours.
But it doesn't fucking matter. Why bother with politics when you live a meaningless life between Work, fastfood and media anyway.

Most European countries are just vassal states of the US and therefore vassal states of the kikes. So I feel good about the downfall of Muttmerica. Especially considering the fact that they won't be able to export their nigger music and ''culture'' to us anymore.


I think the death of white America is tragic. It’s just the same over here too. We’re losing the demographic war, and this time, there’s no white superpower to come save us all.

>Do some of you celebrate our demise due t our imperialist tendencies?
>Do you believe we deserve this?

I would not hate America if it kept itself out of international area and be ethnically pure European.

>Based Frog
De vos levres a Dieu

>America is fine

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America collapsed?

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America was destined to fail day 1. Bunch of scum from europe going there and noone gave a shit that jews where subverting morals.

Amen brother

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>America is fine

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no feelings at all , and you are not the roman empire
ethnic russians (from west of urals) are european faggot.

>anecdotal picture.
>how’s your emotions?
>Welp, it’s all fucked... Let’s start over.

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I saw a Q bumper sticker on Long Island, New York.

>Drove up to see potential user
>Soccer Mom

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>America is fine

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America is the big satan.
Most of the present day filth is from America.
Feminism, sodomites and etc.
Consumerism also from the USA.

Also Neoliberalism and -conservatism. The tickle down meme, the boomer menace, gangster "culture" and most wars after WW2.

When the USA will fall Germany will become free.
NPC will have a strong hatred towards american culture and ideas.

The first part depends on how powerful China will become. I just hope we come under the Russian sphere of influence when the time comes.

It's be a china-russo alliance because china has the manpower and production but russia has the nukes and technology to fill the holes in china's military power.

Feels bat man ;_;7