Redpilled zoomer Jew here. I believe that europeans should have their own homeland. But pol doesn't think it should be the same for Jews. Shouldn't jews have the right to their own homeland like europeans should?
Redpilled zoomer Jew here. I believe that europeans should have their own homeland...
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No. All Jews should be gassed and then cremated
stopped reading after that
Your tribe doesn't share your opinion.
Everyone knows blacks are the real jews.
>Redpilled zoomer Jew here.
Highly unlikely and saying "here" is a nigger tier redddit thing so you get extra gas before your trip to the oven
Yes, ignore the larpers.
Correct, and I despise that.
Mostly we just don't care. It has nothing to do with America. Israel can do what it wants without our help.
No, you deserve to get pozzed too kike.
> Shouldn't jews have the right to their own homeland like europeans should?
Fucking Deal.
If you unironically advocate for an ethno state for whites
you are based
and i dont care what your race is at that point.
Good back to Khazaria, where we can simultaneously eradicate your ilk.
We would support the Jewish homeland if it were compulsory
A separate place for every nation and race
Why do you think Netanyahu is supporting the alt right?
Don't worry goyim. All your foreign aid for Israel will pay off in due time when the second civil war starts and we intervene on your side to eradicate the mudslimes.
t. Redpilled zoomer jew
As soon as all of you fuck off to Israel then yes.
When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by any of the other States. Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers.
>Redpilled zoomer
Good for you! You broke the conditioning!
>Jew here.
Unfortunately you still get the rope.
No exceptions
Your people have done so much irreparable harm to Europeans and Gentiles that you have proven yourselves to be the purest form of evil in the entirety of existence.
(((Khazaria))) aka modern day Khazakhstan is (((their))) homeland. Ask King Bulan from the 700s AD in Khazaria. The Holy Land is proper soil of the REAl ADAMIC Noahite, Abrahamic, Israelites, ALL 12 TRUE Tribes and offspring. NOT(((Khazarian ))) or (((Kenites))) LARPers.
I support a multicultural israel with infinity niggerdicks
Yes they should but unfortunately they no longer exist and have been replaced by Turkish imposters.
it's too late faggot. DOTR soon.
Yes, jews deserve their own homeland in israel, and whites deserve their on homeland in Europe
I fully support white Nationalists from America, Canada, Austrlalia and New Zealand to immigrate to Europe and help it be liberated