Has tuck gone too far this time?

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he right

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He's wrong, President Kushner has achieved plenty!

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Trump has tried half ass and failed. His policies aren't in place. His shit talk has equaled nothing. Surprise! He's a hustler.

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link nigger

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Tucker Carlson has threesomes with Dana Perino and Jasper.

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>December 6, 2018,

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Yeah all of those great achievements since then...

IT SEEMS to me that TRUMP cares more about looking good to israel than anything else. he does everything to boast about how good of a president towards israel he is , you can t be more cucked than this.

Better than a Clinton, meme flag shill(all due respect OP)

You didn't listen.

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Hillary is in jail.
The wall was built and paid for by Mexico
The national debt is undercontrol
Masterful renegotiations with China
Insiders and lobbyiest and the swamp cleared out of Washington
Epstein and the jewish pedophile ring unearthed & prosecuted
Dignity and respectability brought back to the oval office


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Me on the left.

Name a President who hasnt done more for the jews than Israel. Obama secured the $38 billion for Israel because they got butthurt over the Iran nuclear deal

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*and Israel

Tuck is wrong though.

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is that epstein?

>why do they try so hard if he did so little?
you are so obvious
>trump supports israel so im going to vote for people who advocate for degenerates, shitskins and who will raise my taxes to pay for illegals to have abortions and insulin
makes sense

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2018... you know theyve kissed and made up right?

His last show he was praising Trump for building the wall you shill


If people here don't support Trump and Israel first then you show no patriotism and loyalty. Trump knows Israel matters in the geopolitical world and our support of our Jewish overlords in no way enriches Trump when we pulls the cord on his presidency and retires into all those comfy deals he made.

Its just unamerican NOT to support Israel. MIGA!!!

Fake and gay

>doesn't show flag because it is Chinese google a.i. slide thread generator or probably acmed goat fucking cunt in a halal country
p[lease leave ole bessy alone her anus acmed no

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He hasn't gone far enough

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It's replies like this which are why I will always post with the memeflag.


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i wish he was based enough to say that. i wish there was legitimate anti establishment anti elite anti mainstream agenda in the news but hes such a fucking republican stooge when hes on air. he constantly talks about how much republicans hate their voter base and how people feel unrepresented by their government when hes doing speeches but then he just puts gop SHLONG in his mouth and says democrat bad for 30 minutes on air.

you need attention that bad huh? that's kinda depressing user

you aren't paying attention

>A corpse now used by kikes and actual shills to push even more Jow Forums destroying shit is a revival from old pol
>Implies kikes didn't hide behind it for so long to avoid being called kike 24/7
>Thinks memeflags don't have their own ideological shit tied to them that make it no different than a normal country

Memeflags were ruined long ago

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There is nothing more based than using a memeflag, son.
Insulting the person's flag is what's known as an Ad Hominem, a logical fallacy. Where you attack the character of a person rather than their argument.

Israel did 9/11, attacked the uss liberty and killed jfk, you have to be a literal braindead golem to support them under any fucking circumstances.

I assume it’s difficult not to when half the government is israeli citizens with blackmail tapes on everyone that’s not.

Achieved nothing? Absolutely nothing?
Is that an accurate statement?

>Watches Fox News


Hang on a second, is Tucker Canadian? I'm pretty sure Perino just has the dog in the room, not participating.

Don't care, she's both a woman and a Jew.

Achieved nothing for the people who voted for him.
He has achieved a lot for nigger and jew interests, helped a lot of gay and leftist agendas.
If you're a normal white person who isn't mentally ill, you get nothing.

More immigrants have flooded in under Trump than in Obama's first 4 years. He's talked a big game and all we've gotten for it is a trade war with China, more illegals than ever, a ballooning deficit and tweeter storms. I voted for Trump in 2016 and will again if I have to, but he deserves to be primaried.

carlson there to tell the truth and not name the name

it's deceitful, thus making anything you say irrelevant

>He's wrong, President Kushner has achieved plenty
It's so sad this isn't a joke.

Zion Don conned America for Israel.

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A lot for Israel and big corporations.

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>has Tuck gone too far this time
no, he's right on course

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How do you figure that, person from Catalonia?
I guess the border wall is a figment of my imagination.

Is building a border wall what the Jews want?


Trump literally has Soetoro's judenrat admin he is a kike and has made it so the jews and their allies have to be exterminated

>The wall was being built 5 months ago
>this is bad for some reason
5 months ago trump was saying the wall was being built...

Read what they say.
It's not anything to do with Trump, but a project they have been doing for over 12 years.

Trump just posts pictures of that replacement that's been ongoing (including before he was POTUS) and claims it as 'HIS WALL'.

There have been 1.65 miles of new wall added by Trump himself.

Just another puppet.

>If you put the wall where it's needed most, it doesn't count as "new"
bullshit you faggot.

Trump is building the wall on an expedited basis. And obviously they're going to start with the important regions first.

While retards are chasing a laser pointer, Trump is using military funds to build the wall and changing asylum rules.

Source you faggot

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lmao i love how mad you iran posters are about Trump

I don’t remember Tucker saying this. Though I do remember his “Does Trump want to win 2020?” Segment, which hinted that he felt that way.

> December 2018
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That’s Mark Steyn. Tucker’s an old stock American from California.

memeflags talking to themselves.. makes you think.

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Its not a secret trump is a troll and he is listenin to fox news becausebecaus he's bored and find's it ultra funny

has tucker ever gotten to rant about epstein being suicided?

>meme flags

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Around the time tucker says Israel should cease to exist. He’s on fox to promote the zionist agenda.

Did you see what I said and what the army corp of engineers said?

It isn't 'Trump's wall'. Trump has built 1.65 miles of new wall. All that other stuff is wall that would be build regardless of Trump, as they said, it's been going on over 12 years.

No it's Bill.

>increased aid to Israel
>3.3 billion FY2017, Obama
>0.00 dollars FY2018, Trump
When somebody lies so blatantly about something so commonly known to be bullshit, you know they're either a shill or a gullible retard too stupid to join Shareblue and get paid to post what they post instead of working for free like chumps.

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This. I want video. It's big if a major anchor is actually calling out Trump on his bullshit.

He did it in an obscure magazine for some reason. I linked it further up.
Guess he doesn't want to rock the boat over at Faux too much just yet, although he has hinted it before.

Did Tucker actually say that?

Tucker Carlson is just an anti-immigration, nominally socially conservative communist. Celeb worship in this case is pathetic and misguided. Tucker Carlson deserves a free helicopter ride for his communist advocacy.

>communism is when you support higher taxes on job-exporters

Were you asleep during Trump's first omnibus? MIGA

Show me the appropriations to Israel in that omnibus. I'll go ahead and foreshadow the result of what that would look like if you weren't going to post once and then disappear:

Absolutely fucking nothing.

Trump is the first president to stop aid to Israel.

>implying communism isn't when you support the state controlling the means of production

Tucker wants to centrally plan every aspect of the economy, under the auspices of saving the worker.

Tell me what that is called and how it is meaningfully distinct from communism.

>Tucker Carlson is a communist

Where's the video you stupid fucking nigger?!?

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fuck no. him and Tulsi are the most badass motherfuckers on earth. get fucked if you don't like Tulsi. your signing your enslavement papers to BiBi if you don't.

seriously., so fucking sick of this place. mother fuckers complain about all this shit and ignore the one candidate that is hell bent on stopping the war machine, shes already done more than any other politician in 100 years. guns? mother fuckers are you serious?

and fucking waaaaah WOMAN! we need a tru feminine woman in office. not these boomer kike cock sucking faggots.

but whatever. Tucker agrees with me. and if you don't then I guess your cool with being enslaved even more by jews.

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Female rulers have started thousands of percents more wars per capita than male rulers. No thanks. I'd rather keep the first slave master in centuries who hasn't started any new wars than go with somebody who is biologically predetermined to start wars due to an undeveloped brain area necessary for strong negotiation.

fatty needs to hit the gym


Completely wrong. He managed to suck Israels dirty hairy dick harder than any president before him.

Lies tucker knows that Zion blumpf is an Israeli puppet. That wall money will be secretly given to Israel.

The US sends 3.8bil$ every year,including last and this

Give a screenshot or a secondary source. I'm not opening your spoopy pdf

>Federation of American Scientists Organization
>your spoopy pdf

this, lol

thanks for building a good wall then mister nigger, we'll take it from here

>P.L. 116-6
>effective FY 2019
>In FY 2018, Israel collected an unprecedented 0.00 when the 38 billion bill failed to pass
>FY 2019 bill appropriates 3.8 billion one time
>30 day deadline
>no evidence it was ever collected
>Jewish virtual library has recorded every procurement in Israel's history, and has no evidence that anything was collected at all since Trump took office

I hope you're not such a dumbass that you lie for free. David Brock will pay you good money to do this.

Listen nigger, Trump may not have delivered even half of his campaign promises, and he may be too much of a kiss ass to Israel, BUT he's the best we're going to fucking get and any Democrat is going to make things 100x worse for everyone here.

Accelerationism is NOT a fucking argument, no one going actually going to stand up and do anything if the leftist moonbats take power, no matter how outrageous, insane, and unconstitutional they get.

The reality is the left will pass laws that put people that post on this board in jail or a psych ward for "hate speech", they'll take your guns, fire you from your jobs, write insane gynocentric and anti-white laws, push degeneracy on your children, and FLOOD this country with niggers and spics so hard we will NEVER win another election... and NO ONE is going to do jackshit about it, not on any scale that matters.

At the end of the day at LEAST electing Trump again will drive everyone we hate insane and it will slow the inevitable decline of America down just long enough so that I can live a decent life for a few more years before it all goes to complete shit.

Don't think of it as voting FOR Trump, think of it as voting AGAINST faggots, niggers, and SJWs.

If the people we despise, hate and are triggered by Trump... he must be doing something right


Anyone remember Greg Gutfeld making jokes on Red Eye (2013-2014) that implied Dana Perino engaged in bestiality with Jasper? He even did it to her face when she was a guest, although Dana is so innocent that I don't think she understood it.

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