Billions of niggers will be born thanks to the efforts of Shapiro and Trump! Yeet Yeet!

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this Burnie guy is starting to make sense. if he wasn't such a gun grabber I'd vote for him.

>Yeet Yeet!

What did he mean by this

lol he didn't actually say that

Wtf I love Bernie now

So it's okay for burger anons to get taxed more while 3rd world nations get money, gives bernie the finger and use said money to buy more weapons?

Reminder that abortion is the only socially, politically, and legally acceptable form of genocide that targets non-whites. If you want to support the mass murder of non-white babies without being charged with supporting genocide then support abortion

Also, notice how the nigger loving redddit trash that floods Jow Forums never refute the numbers of non-whites abortions. Expanding abortions services in low income majority non-white communities are one the primary goals of the political Left but they will perform mental gymnastics before they every admit that their agenda ends the lives of hundreds of thousands of blacks babies per year

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we need to legalize killing niggers
they run fast
they'll be great for hunting

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I'm voting Bernie now!

how about
>outlawing aid to foreigners

lol what a fucking cope. Most American “aid” are really just state-issued loans and not actual aid. Not like it matters. If you cut off fuel you’ll retard their development and fuel their demographic explosion further.

Free abortion and bc works far better than developmental pipe-dreams or hoping they’ll starve themselves out.

why isn't ben in africa offering to adopt them?
oh right he just pretends to be morally superior.

wtf i love bernie now

Campaign to send all unwanted black and brown children to Israel

Yes fellow pede I now wish to feel the bern


maybe ben could move there too and help take care of them.

I sent my mom this graphic and now she is freaking out on me. Maybe too much for her. Zoom zoom

I am against abortion, but I would like to fund vasectomies for them. If you abort you can always make another ine and then have your bitch abort again. I think negroes would like vasectomy, they would fuck like rabbits and their only worry would be AIDS

the chinese used to have mandatory abortion if you already had a kid. not because they were evil leftists but because they didn't want over population to the point of suicide. I wonder if ben would have been against that too.

Sobering thoughr that if abortion never happened America would have been lost by now.

damn! WTF?!?! now I love Nigger killing Bernie! Abortion must be pushed on everyone who is not white and carries Aryan genes.

or we could stop feeding them.

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Bernie "See a nigger pull the trigger" Sanders.

I wonder if ben would step up if they had mass famines or if he'd expect others to do something

I hate Shapiro, but you're a dumb fuck. Part of globalism is the need for unified laws, they want fag marriage everywhere and now they want abortion everywhere. It's the drive to one world government and this fuckwit Soros style socialist globalist is pushing his unified laws world government doctrine.

Damn bernie is our boy

They buy our food. And most government aid are just state-backed loans. Pro-life cucks cope so hard with their delusions that there will be a large enough to put a dent in things besides what’s actually necessary to bring TFL down rapidly.

Niggers go to the city rn and have 6 kids they can’t afford, if they had to return to traditional lifestyles they’d be having 12 kids they can’t afford. Anything that accelerates their economic development would actually be beneficial for keeping their numbers down.

But, make no mistake, the fastest way to stop their population growth is to legalize abortion, birth control, gay shit etc. and even to pay for it.

what's it called when the righteous does it?

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Im not becoming pro abortion because muh niggers just like Im still voting Trump even tho muh kike
Make a note

>Part of globalism is the need for unified laws, they want fag marriage everywhere and now they want abortion everywhere.
So, what your saying is they don’t actually want there to be billions of niggers? The NWO isn’t sounding too bad...

Yours maybe, juifs

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yeah the virtuous would just let them over populate and then let them starve.

>disease control
Seems fitting for them to report on parasite prevention measures

>I'm okay with killing 40% of white babies as long as other 60% are niggers.

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Food for balls.

White trash and liberal scum

ben is so busy virtue signalling he can't see the consequences of ignoring overpopulation.
starvation, mass migration, aid programs . but ben just wants to look morally superior

Anyone who doesn't support abortion damns all of humanity to a future full of low IQ violent apes.

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You mean sterilization

>killing niggers before they are born
WTF? I love the left now!

Its so sad that lefties are now more based than right wing politicians in American politics wtf

Cunt bitch. Fuck having to choose between banning abortion and having lots niggers. I want to ban abortion and niggers and also throw jews like in the oven.

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looks like the morally superior is just intellectually dishonest

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This is the only thing that senile fucker bad I ever said that agree with