
Is Poland more similar to Germany or Russia?

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Linguistically Russia. Culturally? Neither. Both of those nations are atheists in comparison.

Poland is more similar to Croatia as they're both catholic, genocidal maniacs.

Russia is similar to Mongolia and Poland

Poland was founded in 966

Germany and Russia in the late 1700-1800s

germans are self-proclaimed latinised peasants

Culture is like Czech, Slavic with Germanic undertones. Poland usually has Butt-Hurt levels similar to Serbia though. Polish language seems to be like Russian, but without Cyrillic and with a overabundance of W's,S's and K's every other syllable.

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>Poland is more similar to Croatia as they're both catholic, genocidal maniacs.
South Germany is mostly catholic

Poland is a world of its own.

>Poland is more similar to Croatia
Not even a fifth of Croats attend mass every Sunday. They are atheists compared to Poland.

Ethnicity and language wise more similar to Russia, because they are Slavic people.
But culturally more German.

>Polish language seems to be like Russian

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Linguistically mexico
Culturally peru

We have nothing in common, only laziness and cleaning restrooms, in other hand spain is another México

>cleaning restrooms
>Both slaves to the daddy dom Anglo.
Never even thought about it that way

Russia since it's full of tards

isn this jsut another myth tho?

Hours put in doesn't really show who works the hardest, and definitely not the most efficiently.

Our language doesn't have any similarity to Russian, as much as Czech does. Internally we perceive our language to be less sing-song than Czech or Russian, a trait we use to discern who comes from eastern Poland, where the language becomes a continuum between Belarusian, Ukrainian and Polish.

Grammar's a bit similar to German, there are some very similar paradigms underneath the Slavic traits.

Culturally we're more uptight than Czechs and a bit less promiscuous than Russians and Ukrainians, although this varies per region and some village girls enjoy a quick fuck, in the city you have apps like tinder. The famed Christianity of Poland is on the decline, I serve at my local church and while I do see it full on Sundays, on weekdays it's nearly empty. We do not have as many abortions in the countryside, with people opting for quick marriages, mostly happy ones.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them, I'll check the thread periodically.

Are you more similiar to Mexico or Japan?

>Poland was founded in 966
No, we've picked christianity as our main religion in 966

>vikang education

Poland is its own thing. They aren't like Russians nor Germans.

If anything, they are more like Jews than anyone else which explains a lot about their history and national character.

by now poland doesn't have a well shaped national character and culture.

Polish can be written in Cyrillic just fine, right?

culturally Germany because of latin script, religion and geographical location
our language is more similar to russian than german because we are from the same ethnic group but we have much more borrowings from german than russian
Poland belongs to western civilization like Germany, Russia doesn't

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every language can be written in cyrilic same as every can be written in latin script

Poland is more like israel of yurope :^3

Poland is Russia.
Serious levels of alcoholism.
Unbelievable amounts of bad drivers.
Women are vile tracksuit wearing cunts that have no tits.
Men are overweight skinheads with the IQ of a sub Saharan gentleman.

Polish people have never participated in any genocide. Moreover we saved Jews during the German occupation despite only in Poland was the death penalty for saving Jews

Exactly this.

The language is Slavic to obviously it is far more similar to Russian.

Ignoring the decay of German society and considering only traditional culture, Poland is far more similar to Germany culturally.

Many of the Polish cities have been built with the help of German settlers under German law and you will also see a lot of German architecture there.
This isn't even considering the former German territories.

Are they going to change that in the future?

>papua nigger guinea included in ‘western’
What a fucking joke

Poland is like a bunch of slavic traitors. They suck jewish cocks for dessert. I would nuke them

Poland is one of the oldest nations ever.

Russia and Germany are fake nations

You wish moshe

Neither. Unlike the two, Poland has never achieved, invented, or did anything of particular note.

They do however, pride themselves on misrepresenting their history to the outside world and worshiping a pope and mary extortion cult.


This good goyim shithole should be partitioned again.

>Neither. Unlike the two, Poland has never achieved, invented, or did anything of particular note.
Poland saved Europe two times, first from islam then from communism
Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus discovered that the earth revolves around the sun

Poland is not your foreskin. It will remain intact.

Yeah, wish we could take that one back.

This ratfuck jackal infested continent is not worth saving.

only correct answer

Quite literally neither.
Both germans and russians took more from the Polish culture, than vice versa.

Germans dont even have a culture to begin with, but we got more common things with the Russians, so you should find more similarities there.

West Poland -East Germany (bavaria) East Poland - Russia

those are the Poles we export to UK, we don't need them in Poland :)

the fuck are hindus doing in south america?

but that's Ukraine

Why would we save the jews?

Since Poland has freedom of religion many different people from different places came to become part of the early ethnogenesis, not just germans but also people as far as Scotland and Armenia.

because Poles are idiots who fell for "do the right thing"

>fell for

fell for what, now?

More like Spain, Ireland or Portugal.

Cities comprised of nowhites with whites filling the remainder of the country. Neither. We're like the UK, or the UK is now like us.

Well they ate polish I guess, I been there people seem super nice super chill. Not been to Germany or Russia but it seem to me that they are whatthey are .
They are pretty based and dont like the of open borthers all tho that I seen somes shitskins in nights but I haven't seen any racemixed couple which made me happy.

I guess when the're drunk they are this slavic nice dude who speak's no sense.

They are educated and that's it I guess.

I wish more were like them ,for their own not for some shitskin you dont know

Not for long.

they are not similar to Germany
but Russia is a completely different civiliztion
so between Germany (quite different) and Russia (a whole different world), the answer is Germany, but this doesn't mean much

The Brits imported a lot of Pajeets into certain colonies during the heyday of the British Empire. After abolishing slavery in Guyana they found niggers weren't nearly as inclined to work for a living so they imported Pajeets to replace them and British Guyana has been the poo stain of South America ever since.

Less then Russia, less then UK...

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thanks bro, have a cutie

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I'm German and I'm happy that Germany will pay 777B of British Pounds from our taxes to our great neighbour Poland because of what we've done to them in 1939.

I feel deeply sorry for what happened so I can’t do better than do my best and do my best performance at work to pay the debt until I die.

Polish Masters - please come to our country, take our cars and leave your semen in our women - it's always better to raise polish bastard children instead of african immigrant bastard children and I would happily have one of them in my house myself.

We will gladly enjoy these scenes of insemination of our women by our dear polish friends if you could allow us to masturbate while watching this.

Please forgive us, dear Polish friends
- sincerely, Germany

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Brits favor weak beer so they can put more away without becoming too drunk that they have to stop talking. Poles simply indulge in stronger drinks. It seems like Brits drink so they can stand being in the room with each other and Poles drink just to forget how shitty the world is.

Have you been here at least once?

>Serious levels of alcoholism.
Only older generations, alcoholism is dying here look at stats
>Unbelievable amounts of bad drivers.
>Women are vile tracksuit wearing cunts that have no tits.
Anecdotal. Also british women are the worst in Europe
>Men are overweight skinheads with the IQ of a sub Saharan gentleman.
Also anecdotal, average IQ in Poland is 99

dude, in every country alcohol consumption falls since years, only in our it's rising...

While I can't read Polish because you guys have weird characters, the spoken language is very similar to Serbian and I was able to understand 80% of what was being said, anyway how is the country like, how are your women like? Are they traditional in the sense that they keep their virginity until marriage or is that a dying thing there also? Look wise how do they compare to other Slavic girls? Also are they based and what is the general opinion towards Serbs?

>>Unbelievable amounts of bad drivers.
no, this one is true.
Poles are terrible drivers because the teaching is terrible. Only pepiks are worse drivers

>Are they traditional in the sense that they keep their virginity until marriage
You won't find such women anywhere in Europe today (Caucasus is not Europe).

>Poles drink just to forget how shitty the world is.
Alcoholism in Poland started under communist rule, money didn't have value, you could buy goods only by special papers (limited "purchase") and vodka became a massive payment method. My father and grandpa told me a lot of stories when the got things done because of this transparent drink.
And also life was miserable like you've said so people drank because there was nothing else to do.

bit of a wierd thing with the women, because a part of them are the worst sluts, who would fuck you just the moment they hear you are a foreigner or when they see you are dark, but you can also find 20 something year old, good looking virgins (not necessarily christian, also atheist). try to find one in Germany, where all loose it at 14 years.

>Brits drink so they can stand being in the room with each other
Poles drink for the same reason, they just need stronger drinks because they aren't as trustful towards strangers

Polish are the best slavs

Polish are the smartest slavs

Polish are the whitest slavs

you will in Poland actually.
maybe not virgins untill marriage, but untill 25 easily

Practical drivers exams are notoriously hard, this isn't true at all.

P*les are more g*rman and have nothing in common with us

>Be polish person, not inundated with anything non-polish slav
>treated as a regular pole everywhere in Poland
>be routinely assumed to be ukrainian by the way I look in the Germanized Silesian region.

no, they aren't hard, the teaching is bad.
people fail them for 3, 4, 5 or 6 times not because they are hard, but because they try to pass it too eraly, they are not ready.
i hate the whole "in Germany thus is better and that is better"-thinking half of the Poles have, but really, compare german drivers to polish. try driving properly and lawfull in Poland and you will annoy everyone because nobody drives like they should. hell, even foreigners whi visit Poland and don't even drive, just look at the streets, tell me that the drivers are horrible.
just because we are used to it and everybody drives terrible doesn't mean that polish drivers are good

Polish are ball head swarthlets, I unironically think Ukrainians are superior

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as if anyone in Poland would care what russians think about us...

>You won't find such women anywhere in Europe today (Caucasus is not Europe).
The ither way around, caucasus has been a europe since the SPQR times
And I won't say the same about your pathetic parody of a nation.

I have met a lot of virgin girls here in the Balkans, but if you just push them a little they are often willing to sleep with you even prior to marriage. Now I do realize that the girl being a virgin doesn't guarantee success in marriage, but it seems to increase the odds. Or would you disagree? Are there actually any white countries where I could easily meet traditional girls? I want to preserve my race while not being divorced raped. And having hapa children is a big no for me.

I am not dark skinned, have pale white skin, but Dinaric look.Yeah I know that western Europe is a lost cause, I'm actually living in Austria right now, only back home on vacation and girls there are too slutty and often times uglier than Balkan girls by 2 points. Btw are they willing to marry before the age of 25 then? I read on /pol that women are most likely to give healthy offspring the sooner they mate, so I'd like a 22 year old, just fresh out of college :D.

Also thanks for the answers guys.

So Poland is the only place to go in Europe to find a good Catholic Christian woman for a wife and family. That's enough for me!


Ivan fears this

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I was in Poland i liked you guys. Your country would be improvement over this since my country is literally schizo
Can i larp as pole i am pale

Sure thing Gogi Dedasheveci.

I am also fit and smart but dont want to move to cucked germany or austria

Either the Russians really suck at fighting, or they really like dying.
Wroclaw and Lodz are fine cities imo

Russians are the niggers of Europe. Fucking hell.

Thank you user
I was in krakow its probably liberal by polish standards. I liked city tho

They are average drivers, let's not try to be bombastic for no good reason.

Unironically the worst of slavs are bosniaks, macedonians and russians.
Everyone else is fine

Where is Poland-Lithuania now?

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I personally didn't know that Austria was so cucked before I went there. My main intention was to get my post grad degree and maybe stay and work while I invest my money back home, but it turns out there is lots of Turks and other kinds of Muslims etc. just seeing this people hurts my eyes and most of our people belong to two groups:
> baustelac
> "Ko nas bre zavadi"

And the worst part they are too afraid to offend their poturica friends so they call Serbian as Yugoslav language -_-.

not exactly mate, many girls here are secretly sluts, they get away with it easier since most of them look the same so it's harder to tell if she's a keeper or not. She'll be catholic, she'll let you beat her and shout at her, but i would not expect her to be faithful to You.

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Lithuania got mogged by polish bros

very different, some want to marry at 18 some don't want to marry at 30. you can easily find anything you want, from most slutty to most traditional.

Polish are bro-tier. Definitely would visit again. I work with a Bosniak woman, she's a massive cunt sometimes. Blunt and very rude.

You want a girl who went to college lmfao typical balkanoid dumbfuck

Find a 15 or 16 year old girl of your ethnicity and breed her and she'll be loyal to you forever

Poland are subhuman halfling race

Aren't Bosniaks just muslim Serbs?
In Poland and in Lithuania.

Yeah i literally realised yesterday only 80% are austrians
People in serbia are retarded because of brain drain. Shame.
Im not gonna move bcs of wage desu, it just sucks here everyday. Defeatists everywhere