
Is Poland more similar to Germany or Russia?

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Linguistically Russia. Culturally? Neither. Both of those nations are atheists in comparison.

Poland is more similar to Croatia as they're both catholic, genocidal maniacs.

Russia is similar to Mongolia and Poland

Poland was founded in 966

Germany and Russia in the late 1700-1800s

germans are self-proclaimed latinised peasants

Culture is like Czech, Slavic with Germanic undertones. Poland usually has Butt-Hurt levels similar to Serbia though. Polish language seems to be like Russian, but without Cyrillic and with a overabundance of W's,S's and K's every other syllable.

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>Poland is more similar to Croatia as they're both catholic, genocidal maniacs.
South Germany is mostly catholic

Poland is a world of its own.

>Poland is more similar to Croatia
Not even a fifth of Croats attend mass every Sunday. They are atheists compared to Poland.

Ethnicity and language wise more similar to Russia, because they are Slavic people.
But culturally more German.