What was your excuse for this?

What was your excuse for this?

"He didn't comply with the mighty officers orders so deserved to be beaten half to death"

Why are Amerifats so deferential to cops and authority figures?

Attached: rodney-king.jpg (444x462, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>half to death

Well that's a shame.

brainwashed boomers who think cops are actually altruistic

He's black we don't need a justification

I really don't have an excuse, OP. There's no reason he shouldn't have been beaten to death.

>What was your excuse for this?
Don't care

Op, were you even born when this happened? I wanna know how much background information you’re up to date with.

Yes i was born but was young. The rappers gave me the background on their 90s albums

>dindu nuffin

- his lips are swolen, too

Because 90s hip hop was factual correct all the time.

op was run over by a truck of peace

Alright. That explains why you're completely out of touch.

In order to stop criminals, you frequently need to use force.

In america, unlike bongland, you can't deploy 30 fucking officers against one guy with a knife. The spaces are to wide, there's not enough manpower.

Use of force in America is based on what the people want. People vote in lawmakers, people demand laws. People vote in juries on both civil and criminal trials.

King was a drunk driver who led police on a high speed chase and refused to surrender, even after being tazed.

If it makes you feel better, as a direct result of the rodney king case and subsequent riots, police all across america changed their policy. Many agencies no longer carry batons. They just shoot people in Rodney King's situation instead.

OP is a zombie but instead of going
he's like

He was savegly beaten by cops that shouldn't have been allowed to be cops in the first place

Beaten because they're all cowards ganging up on him without the chance of getting swatted back. Don't worry end up on the wrong side of the law or society and this is what people will do to you.

Watch the video again rednecks
Imagine it's you and a bunch of black guys doing the violence

I'd be fine with a bunch of black cops beating up a guy who led them on a high speed chase, putting innocent lives at risk, and then resisting arrest and still resisting even after being tased.

Attached: average police shooting.jpg (730x480, 17K)

they really just should have killed the nigger

>beaten half to death
They took a half-measure, shame.

obey commands and do not resist. it is pretty simple. fight in cournt not with cops on the street.

low IQ savages.

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not if it was you
high speed chases happen all the time
they don't all end in this kind of behavior
I know you're racist, big deal
just wait when they come knocking at your door

>muh guns
lol you'll die and get shot
you are out numbered and out gunned
lots of ex military in the police so you should know 1 vs many doesn't work out well
even if you were some non-grunt cook or something

Dont do the crime if you cant handle the time

Found the li btarf



Yeah, he got like millions of dollars and drowned in his own pool in the most one sided game of marco polo ever

>Imagine it's you and a bunch of black guys doing the violence
This happens every single day in America. Thousands of times more cases of niggers ganging up on white people than white cops beating niggers.
Anyone who cares about cops beating niggers more than they care about niggers beating whites needs to be killed.

I see these anti-cop threads all the time, but I can't even remember the last time anyone made a thread about niggers ganging up on whites, straight up murdering little children just because they were white.

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Why he was resisting in the first place?

>Why are Amerifats so deferential to cops and authority figures?
...bcoz bootlickers

Attached: bootlicker-04.jpg (480x360, 32K)

Not an argument, try again

All the bhutanese people I know are far more chill. Proxy, I take it?

Ironically enough, the state HAS made consessions to people just like this fuckehead right here. Dash cams. Body cams. Change in use of force polices. Civilian oversight boards. More "diverse" officer hiring.

The result was MORE violent black criminals getting shot. And more black criminals in general getting shot.

>This happens every single day in America.
yet you don't live here so why do you care
rodney king was a piece of shit that's true

but no matter what you can't allow the door open for cops to beat the living shit out of people excessively
that's just a bad call for everybody

black people seem to like killing each other I don't really get it
having oversight on cops is a good thing, not a bad thing

you sound like a mad cop or glowy
get a real job fatbody

At least American cops are not kicking your door in for insulting pakistani rapists on facebook

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>but no matter what you can't allow the door open for cops to beat the living shit out of people excessive
This is a weird obsession you fags have
You have a higher chance of getting beat by a random nigger than by a cop, the chances aren't even comparable. You're obsessing about something that is never going to happen while ignoring something that would 100% happen if you just went into the wrong area, something that has a very high chance of happening to you or your family members.
You probably have someone in your family who has been attacked by blacks, someone in your family tree who was killed by blacks, yet you obsess over cops. And the best thing is, the cops only are as violent as they are because of niggers.

I see Muricans do this all the time, they will ignore the problem because the problem is racial, and they will focus all their attention on something that is only slightly related to the problem which isn't racial.
Jews in power doing jew things? No no, it's not the jews that are the problem, it's capitalists! If you say it's the jews, you're capitalist scum!
Niggers doing nigger things? No no, it's not the niggers that are the problem, it's the cops! If you say it's the niggers, you're a bootlicker!
Illegal spics crossing the border replacing the native population? No no, I love immigrants, they just have to come in LEGALLY. It's the legality that is the issue. Dems are the real racists!

Fucking weird people. What the fuck is wrong with Muricans?

Back to plebbit nigger

If you spend your time trying so hard to be a hostile dick, you should expect no one to pick out the actual salient points, like corn in a pile of shit.

And lurk more until you know what the fuck a glownigga is. A glownigga play here would be more like encouraging people to shoot it out with the police to justify your budget.

i hate cops and absolutely despise interacting with one, but i may actually become a cop and i'm scheduled to interview with the academy soon because it's the only job in my area with a starting wage of $50k a year in my liberal city, and since everybody fucking hates cops there's virtually no competition.

I flat out missed an appointment to interview with literally no excuse other than literally telling them I was too lazy to get out of bed, and they rescheduled another appointment with no effort.

by all means i hope people keep hating cops, more opportunity and a free service weapon for a shitposting NEET like me.

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>What was your excuse for this?
Since there are no niggers within 50 miles of me, I'll just have to make a guess.

That guess is that he was acting like a nigger.

Sounds like they did a half ass job.

>anime poster
>capable of passing a mental health exam
Hope you like working mall security bitchnigger

Obey to cops or get beaten
How hard is it to understand ? Do not act like a monkey and you will be fine.
Dumb niggers


if you are too stupid to not follow the instructions of police officers you deserve to be euthanized

Pavement apes never evolved the capacity for internal morals; their behavior is ENTIRELY based on external controls and threat of immediate violence. When those controls were suppressed (and officially removed) during the Civil Rights bullshit of the 60’s, niggers reverted to their natural state.

A spearchucker can understand a punch to the face, or the possibility of being shot while committing a crime, but not much beyond that. They’re incapable of looking to the past or extrapolating into the future.
Imagine the confusion in the nigger mind upon being arrested for robbery, burglary, murder, rape, home invasion, carjacking, etc., hours, days, or even weeks later by a total stranger, and then being judged by another person they haven’t (yet) attacked, 3 months to a year after the fact—or even longer.
This is the origin of their ubiquitous cry of “Dindu Nuffins!!!”
Roughly translated from nigger to human, it means “I personally didn’t do anything to harm you (specifically) within the last 5 minutes, so why are you (specifically) being mean to me?”

Niggers are perpetual children in adult bodies.
They NEED constant, immediate physical rebukes of their abhorrent behavior to even begin to mimic humans in modern society.
Absent this, they default to the feral behavior of their African cousins.
When they see a rich man with bodyguards who are willing to kill them for looking at their boss cross-eyed, they understand immediately.
When they see a bitch-ass accountant at a Waffle House with $100 in his pocket, they feel entitled to take his money from him because he can’t, or more often won’t, prevent them from doing so.

They only wail and gnash teeth about “poor, ventilated Shitavious” and his love of edumucation and dancing because they know White people are stupid enough to fall for that bullshit.

Attached: AfricanBarbecue.jpg (900x476, 96K)

>projection the post.

why are you thinking about cocks user LUL

>What was your excuse beating a nigger half to death

I don't know they probably got tired halfway through. It actually hard to beat someone to death with your hands than you'd think.

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>why are you thinking about cocks
Why are you not?

It's hard to understand because i don't tend to agree with just bending over for someone because they have a uniform on. But you cowardly French frogs know all about submission so it's normal to you

>rare flag

Pray, tell. Why should i follow their instructions? Because they have a uniform on ? Because we are TOLD to follow what they say? I bet you're the type that fawns over firefighters too. What about traffic wardens? As soon as they don that hi-viz jacket you better be scared!

I’ve been here since 2003
Eat the nuggets out of my shit carpetbagger

thats not an answer and is more confusing then just thinking of cocks... please stop thinking of cocks user. dont be gay, find a girl and live a happy life.

>not being able to pass a mental health exam.
those are designed to filter out people so mentally unstable they can't even realize what would be considered an objectively, mentally sound response to the moralfag questions of such an exam.

regardless, plenty of racist faggots, trigger happy spergs, and entitled veterans with PTSD that would gun down unarmed black people become cops everyday.

passing a mental health exam is the least of my concerns.

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Kill all niggers and Jews. Does that answer your question OP?

Further more FBI are cops so they are also glowing agents of the gov no matter what branch
I can also choose to alter meanings at my leisure, you have no control over my speech

He deserved to be beaten all the way to death.

For being a nigger in a white country. Americans see cops beating niggers, and they see a problem being dealt with.

Niggers think that only white people should have to follow rules, and that they should be able to go on a non stop nigger spree for their entire lives, anything less would be racist.

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Give a QRD or remain a nigger-lover for eternity

check out the big brain on this weeb everybody

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Based psycho cops.

>Thinking about cocks makes you gay
Wow welcome to Trumps America
Cops want niggerbashers not autistic weebs

At least he doesnt need a license to get bent over? What the fuck do you even know about interacting with american cops? I mean besides what your read about on the BBC

Negros need to be kept in line. I guess you must be fortunate enough not to live in a multi culturally enriched area.

cops where black

At least I don't need a loicense to say the wrong thing or criticize something.

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If any person physically attacks police officers, then all bets are off. That's just common sense.

A person who is willing to attack a police officer is liable to do pretty much anything.

This is true our forefathers knew this well. I remember reading it was pointless to beat a black after more than a few minutes since they would not connect the violence with the bad action. Hell it's easierto train my dog and he acts better.t


>what was your excuse
Idk,burger cops are pussies, can't even beat-to-death a negro properly?

He is alive, so you really do need one.

>Insults others for posting anime
>Posts calarts jewshit

he doesn't read about on the BBS
he sucks on it.
this said, there is the thickness of a cigarette paper between a cop and a nigger

Appeal to hypocrisy is a fallacy

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>just wait when they come knocking at your door
Why should they? I'm in a respectable neighborhood and never broke the criminal law. Also, when the cops make me pull over while driving, I pull over and sign the ticket if there is one. I complain via my lawyer in court. See? It's not an hard task to be civil.


>mental health exam
Those work only on weak minds user.

You’re better off using an instance of police giving illegal orders, and clearly abusing their powers than this op.

LOL. A decade and a half of being a useless dick, is even more embarrassing. Alright. You do you, because clearly you’re not getting anywhere in life with that attitude. Good luck user.

>why should I follow instruction
Because you can be forcibly removed, beaten and, god forbid, killed if you don't. But feel free to be the edgiest cock in the flock and die refusing to stop at the halt.

Who is weaker minded than the smug anime girl poster?

You don't fight cops in the streets, you fight them in the court.
Unless you intend to kill them, in which case you'll probably be hunted down and killed.



American racist blacks need stepped on hard, nothing against moderate black people personally,
but these fuckers are the ones bitching when they get battered for being useless human beings.

if niggers acted less likes niggers and more like humans they wouldnt have to be locked in a box or shot
but unfortunately they are simply subhuman apes with no consideration for anything past the here and now
they act on impulse with no regard for consequences

I feel cheated out of my taxes that they let him live

>he is alive
should we tell him bros

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>blah blah blah!

muh no foresight, no hindsight argument!

bullshit man, you obviously never talked to an African black about any of that stuff and opined
with them.
Truth is American black culture is toxic and they are seen as babies by people from Africa.

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Because niggers are terrible. He was a criminal.

>nothing against moderate black people personally
'Moderate' black people are the ones throwing a tantrum whenever a feral nigger gets put down like a feral nigger.

It’s kind of funny that the "people" who cry the loudest about content of character always hide behind the color of their skin.

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oh yeah! I grew up around whites who loved to get anyone involved drugs if it meant them making more money out of it, never gave a fuck if someone died from heroin or ended up walking the streets a slabbering mess .

Fuckers who are like this have no bias, they just wont give a fuck because they have no self reflection and are probably devoid of empathic thoughts, This shit has no borders, nor race.

Sure people with an axe to grind make serious soup with it, but they generally don't give much of a fuckwhen its their perceived enemy's getting what they themselves are hating.


Why don't you tell us the whole story and link the bodycam footage schlomo?

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I shit in op's mouth and he asked me if was kosher

>drowned in his own swimming pool
The combination of alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana found in his system were contributing factors

niggers are niggers.
smarter than average niggers understand this and use it to their advantage.
Black culture just is. (((toxic))) is a modifier that cunts like you slap on everything when they want to feel superior.
Bongs create bong culture.
Japs create jap culture.
Niggers create nigger culture.
Yes, Emily, it really is that simple. There is no magic dirt that can turn niggers into japs.

I don’t hate niggers for acting like niggers. But I do understand why, and am not at all surprised when it happens.
Only an idiot puts a steak on the floor in front of a dog and gets pissed when that dog eats the steak.

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We have statistics nig nog. Its not just Anecdotes. Blacks behave like Orcs.

Why can't niggers follow basic instructions?

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They're not even half as good yet there's still a full life bar.

Fucking this.

Niggers be niggers