Are white women the most privileged people of the entire Western world?

Are white women the most privileged people of the entire Western world?

If so, then, who are the very least privileged groups of people in the Western world?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-09 at 09.41.17.png (1520x1276, 1.7M)

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The lower class

Probably white males ironically. While white woman live the best lives, a lot of Hispanics and even blacks here especially in California get all the gibs, but most of them just use them for having kids or other stupid shit.

no, jews are


Jew women pass as white but also play jew victim

Straight, white, often religious, hardworking men with morals and integrity.

Attached: IstillEndUpDissapointed.jpg (510x511, 66K)

What? Exoticised? What does he mean? What does he complain about?


That yt women only want him because of his differentness and don't actually view niggers as viable partners

They want him so they can brag about open they are and mark down the I've been with x on their chart. Not because he's an actual human which would indeed be difficult since he's black. Just looking at this ape you can smell his anger issues.

Wrong Jews are victims of racism and have been subjucated to hate for thousands of years. Even now anti-Semites is very high. Whites control most corps and have most of the billionaires. Jews are mostly succesful not from nepotistic privledge granted to them unlike whites but because they are extremely intelligent people who value education, facts and logic above all else.

the official msm ranking is
white man
black man
white woman
black woman

if you don't want to repeal the 19th you're a faggot.

Drive was alcohol

Shut up leafs it’s not even funny

black women on the bottom, white women steal their best men LoL. white mon on the TOP


What the fuck is this privilege shit. Either you got cash to do what you want or you dont. People just are generally against being in the same room with blacks. It's not privilege they just dont like niggers behavior or even just the sight of them. I'm sure other blacks could agree.

exotizism means positive racism
>Uuuuuuuuuh Dwenbogue has such a big cock, that's typical for Africans. And he's always so happy and friendly and always smiles as t's common for his race. And he's a great dancer. Come on, Dwedbogue, do a Moonwalk for us. And play the jungle drum while you're at it.


>About 88 percent of men who were in an interracial relationship told their families about it, compared to just 19.7 percent of women

So yeah, a lot of white women go bbc than they like to tell