When Canadians hear 'canada is collapsing' is what comes to mind some sort of crustal structural failure...

When Canadians hear 'canada is collapsing' is what comes to mind some sort of crustal structural failure? Is that why they think they aren't collapsing? What else do you call pic related?

Fun fact: Canadians don't associate socialism with the ruthless control of the food supply like they have in Canada and north korea. they think it is a welfare office thing.

Attached: a nation held hostage by sadists.jpg (2076x2378, 711K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Using cherry picket prices from Brampton where the minimum wage is 15$ an hour with an average of 35 is dishonest. Prices from the Northern territories or reservations where planes are needed to survive are paid by us with generous welfare

Do you not have online supermarket sites where you can fill up an online basket?
Why the fuck dont you just fill up an online basket with 1 weeks worth of food and then post a screenshot here?

Im not saying you need to buy the things you add to the basket you disingenuous cunt!
Just fill the basket up with one weeks worth of food so we can see the total price, take a screenshot and then close the tab without checking out.

Why wont any Canadian do this?
This would literally end the madness instantly but you all refuse!
I am convinced its true because you wont play ball.

do it yourself as you need
I go somewhere cheaper than that

those calvin klien bras look so fucking dumb.

can anyone see this without a vpn?

do you literally have to be starving and actively undergoing the death process personally to admit that you paying 400-500 percent more than anyone else is not a good sign and that maybe things could be better?

Attached: $6 100g salami.jpg (1382x1549, 776K)

they are the yoga pants of bras

Imagine anyone being proud of the fact that they voted for Trudeau.

Another long boring day in Shitada begins.
There's barely any work
Everything is over priced
99% of canadians are brainwashed idiots

Worst and most boring country in the world

they are proud of being paypigs. all paypigs are.

Food is expensive as fuck here. I come here on business from America a lot. Last year I was here from August to November and spent 4500 dollars on food for myself. This was shopping at a fucking regular grocery store and I wasn't eating choice steaks for every meal. I'm not even fat. This is in Toronto, by the way, not the fucking Yukon.

Canada is a social democratic country with a traditionally small low density population of mostly anglos or french that has for the past 20 years been very lenient towards arab/indian/asian immigrants and increased their quota to like 400k a year. The influx of people puts a huge strain on them.

>that sliced sausage
what the fuck are they selling to you

Groceryjew thread

Attached: 26BBEB0D-A6C8-4033-BC2C-C07A97636F74.jpg (1200x838, 229K)

they can sell whatever they want at whatever price. it's not like canadians have a choice.

tell your bosses they just engaged the British Military Intelligence Apparatus.

Attached: $5 160 G CHEESE 2.jpg (1728x2304, 379K)

The real number is 1.2 Million. The government is using work-live 10 year visas as a backdoor. Our government is in a mad dash to replace the white population. Globalist and utterly psychopathic. Trudeau is surrounded by pedophiles and anti-white interest groups.


Oy vey fellow whites, Scheer will save you.

Attached: C9463DAD-9FE4-409F-B304-5F0D614EA2A1.jpg (1339x1441, 343K)

they couldincrease the food production quotas that are centrally planned to keep the food prices down. instead they grow the demand but keep the supply the same size and shut out foreign food - hence skyrocketing prices.

record your posts in vacoroo and link

canadians you can literally move anywhere and it will be cheaper and warmer. thats why in canada they tell you 'it's the same everywhere in the west'.

you then proceed to imprison yourself.


who will win?

So sad groceryjew

Attached: 1BA56810-43E0-41FB-A4A9-6A8DACC04DDA.jpg (1087x1695, 316K)


he types groceryjew in everythread to index it.

pic related is when one cracked up and death threated an elected op for posting pics of the produce aisle

Attached: 1567983185674.png (615x462, 35K)

realize this

Attached: 1539947590331.png (276x275, 38K)

how do they not kys en masse with these beer prices

Attached: BEER UK VS BEER CANADA.jpg (1510x538, 97K)

in canada it costs as much to tuna car as it does to tuna fish

Attached: tuna (2).jpg (3024x4032, 1.05M)

>groceryjew lies again
Here are more facts

Attached: A47F5F24-FEE9-41AE-AE9F-C280E98CD84F.jpg (1171x1773, 335K)

To show how bad things are getting in canada, here is a comparison...For less than the Cost of a Canadian steak ($23Cdn) you can get - in the UK:

£2 Ribeye Steak
£2 Disposable barbeque
£3.60 4x440ml carlsberg
£2 Pâté and crackers
£2 chocolate cake
£1 big coke bottle

£12.60 Pound sterling equals $21.92 Canadian Dollars

If you go for a huge ribeye that's £3.50 you add £1.50 to the cost.

Attached: calgary ribbeye.jpg (2100x1575, 1.14M)

leaf thinks he is up against the uk psych warfare apparatus

Attached: halp uk is invading.png (1127x760, 168K)

Attached: the new luxury good, meat.png (563x561, 31K)

£20 in the UK

Attached: £20.jpg (4032x3024, 2.29M)

Attached: GOUDA 2.jpg (846x935, 126K)

Attached: rcmp instore prices.png (696x306, 60K)


eat, heat or rent = choose one

Attached: tornto.jpg (346x351, 23K)


Do you not have online supermarket sites where you can fill up an online basket?
Why the fuck dont you just fill up an online basket with 1 weeks worth of food and then post a screenshot here?

just shop for 1 person.

7 days worth of meat
7 days worth of vegetables
7 days worth of carbs (rice, pasta,potatoes, etc)
Some fruit
box of cereal
8 cans of beer
little pot of mixed herbs