Jews want you to buy expensive houses and reproduce so you can fuel Huggie's profits. Don't fall for the diaper Jew. Live for yourself and HAVE FUN above all else. All you need is a small house, and maybe not even that if you can handle vandwelling. There's no reason in this day and age to follow tired old traditions and other nonsense. Be yourself. Live for yourself. Be happy.
Fuck Marriage
Other urls found in this thread:
>he's never heard of cloth diapers
>White people are the only fuckers who feel or say this.
It's one thing to not be able to have children due to fertility issues but being able to and choosing not to is the male version of being a fucking race traitor.
Even the house is that picture is too expensive for me. I cant even afford the trailer to build a tiny house on or the land to put it on. Even tiny house is out of reach.
You want to switch place with my group? We breed all the time and it hasn't made us anymore successful.
You've got a trashy mentality, having a ton of kids or even one during this time is a prison sentence. Go ahead and throw away your life, you must not have any friends that made the mistake of knocking someone up.
Many of mine have and they're forever chained to their shitty jobs, they can't travel, can't hang out anymore, always broke, always getting nagged to death, child support, if they had anything they'd be paying alimony.. 18 years of this shit. Fuck that
>Knocking someone up
That's the problem. Don't fuck someone just for a lay, Promiscuity is what caused this problem not having children. Get in committed relationships, find a decent woman, then fuck them.
>I knocked up a tinder lay.
Having children is an necessary part of life but it is VERY challenging! It flips your way of life on its head completely but not necessarily in a bad way it's just your life is completely different to before. After a couple of years you can't imagine how you lived without them.
Also, it gives you piece of mind that your lineage will continue (at least in your lifetime anyway).
I agree. The final redpill is to realize that Jow Forums doesn't give a fuck about your happiness or quality of life at all, as long as you're pumping out white babies. This place is a cult sometimes. Just look at this guy: . He is desperately trying to shame you into staying on the plantation and working yourself miserable with marriage/kids. Fuck that.
>A fucking leaf
Been thinking about a way out of the mortgage game.
Tiny house is a good idea I thought
Get one of those $6000 flat pack houses, find some farmer and agree to pay $200 a month to park it on their property
Boom, just escaped a 500k mortgage. Save and wait for house price collapse.
>Expensive houses
They are only expensive because investment markets speculating exuberant prices for a organized pile of timber, terracotta, stucco, and plaster.
The real reason homes are so expensive if because banks and realtors know people will pay the price tag. If the market falls, the banks having virtually unlimited resources will take the home, foreclose, and the little man has to go bankrupt off a liability that defaults all risk on the home buyer.
It's a scam, and one running off a quintessential resource which provide shelter, security, and overall comfort.
>Yes Goy, stop having white children
It will give white people some breathing room to deal with their future crisis of existence if they have kids. Happiness is a meme.
Are the people that these idiots are thinking will be, "With them forever" actually decent fucking women who are marriage material?
No, you get these fucking weed smoking, drywall bunching, monster chugging fucktards who find some fucking tatted up chick they met at the bar who fucks on the first date and they get pussy whipped with their fucking low IQ lack of impulse control bullshit and then propose within a year and wonder why the chick turns into a total cunt.
People don't actually court properly anymore, they don't try to actually find decent spouses anymore, it's literally fucking idiots that are the problem, not children, not marriage, not fucking anything with the process.
It's not going to work for everyone if you just fucking rush and go full blown retard about it. People don't realize a marriage requires work too.
Knocking them up while thinking they were going to be with them forever.
Pfffff.. did you just wake up from a coma or something. You need to come back to the 21st century.. you sound like a nagging woman who wants her cake and wants to eat it too.
Either that or Steve Harvey. Sorry pops but that shit's for the birds.
You think I don't want some bronzed up, loinclothed specimen holding an obsidian club to call my boy. To be proud of him and so on.. shit ain't gonna happen, your western bullshit is screwing up the world. The difference is ignorant people don't learn and they'll produce even when they don't have the means or wherewithal to raise a gold fish much less a human. The world has too many people and if you really want to do something for your kind, go to europe, that's where your people come from and it's being affected by islam.
But no, you're a dog, worse.. an amoeba brained troglodyte. All you want to do is spread like a disease. Do what you want, you want to be part of the slums.. knock yourself out
Don't breed brainlet.
Psst down here, typos
>Happiness is a meme
This but un-ironically. Fulfilment is the ultimate goal, not the temporary dopamine rush of "happiness".
How fucking dreadful and joyless your life must be
fuck that man, cordwood construction is probably the cheapest way to build a house that isnt nigger-tier. check out the books by richard flateau and rob roy. depending on foundation and how you get the land, you can get really low in total price. build in segments though. owner-builder is the only redpilled way to live imo
>Happiness is a meme
wow i guess i love being miserable debt cattle now? very convincing argument and very persuasive.
life is fucking easy and enjoyable when you don't give a shit about women or kids. Convince me why I should value race-based collectivism over my own personal satisfaction. If you can't do that without hyperbole, your movement is pointless to me and doesn't seem like a good deal.
>18 years
You wish
Jews want you to be alive so you can consume their products and make them profit with your work, so kys.
Too late and I'm also a sperm donor.
One was a girl taking advanced classes in high school, we all though she was a shoe-in for college.. kids happened.
Another didn't smoke or drink, quiet temperament, played sports.
Another girl was white and she had no drug habits because my friend didn't have any of these vices and still doesn't, aside from social drinking. Not a drunk.
Two of them blew up like balloons, one of which was the white one. And these are just three examples. None of these guys are with them anymore and they're all paying child support. I've got volumes of accounts I've taken note of, within my family even.. and with you guys it's even worse. I've witnessed some pretty fucked up things while I was away and among you white bois. more, no more of this american shit. Fuck the old ways around here, it's a sure fire way to blow off your foot.
Women deserve knuckle sandwiches and kitchens. Never fuck tatted ham beasts! The last girl I was with wouldn't put out, so I put her out, and now she is trying to flirt with other guys in my proximity. Vindictive sluts will show their whore colors if you deny them. "I'm not a sex object!", YOU ARE BITCH, REEEEEEEEEEEE. Then wearing a pleated plaid skirt with fishnets, while professing their prostitution in the past?
i'm so fucking lonely.... T_T
My friend, you are trapped in the eternal return and you dont seem aware. Our generation is getting poorer and poorer as inflation is eating up future prospects. The last time this was the case in Europe i.e around the onset of the industrial revolution, the majority of people did not own housing and would have to rent, and often revolving their lives around being able to pay for it. We are moving in to an age of have and have-not's. Invest in property, whatever shape or size, be one who has, not who does not.
>Knocking up girls in high school.
>"They seemed good enough while they were under constant supervision from their parents and had no freedom to be on their own or make their own choices."
Are you fucking retarded?
>Oy vey! That's right goyim, don't breed and don't have any more White kids.
Yeah, sounds pretty lonely bro. Expecting women to be decent and avoiding sluts doesn't mean women belong in the kitchen or you're for domestic violence.
Though a good conservative christian waifu and a job where she can stay at home and raise the kiddos should always be the goal tbqh senpai
don't get tricked by the sneaky diaper jew
Dude fuck living alone and fuck living in a tiny house. I want at least 2 more kids and I have one right now. People who say they don’t want kids or a home are poor af retards.
People have endured world wars, black plagues, being slaves, mass graves and the perceived end of days and they still popped out half a dozen kids, but you're worried about crappy women and your inability to live a womanly lifestyle.
or we could stop being pussies and just revolt
Wrong. What Jow Forums describes is happiness. What OP describes is decadence. Learn the difference, it could save your life.
How old are you?
Bro why travel if you don’t got anyone to share the experience with. I was living a meaningless life until I had a kid.
The jews have got it set up that you need to spend 1/3 of your income for 25 years. Its a good solution.
The only problem here is the regulate the fuck out of buildings to prevent us doing this. Cant just chuck up a house and legally live in it, even if its your land.
I think as a temporary solution until the house price crash it'll work.
Good luck with that fren, jump on the BLM/Antifa Gibs train.
Like two years after graduation came the first. She dropped out of college and confessed she screwed a black when that relationship was coming to an end.
I did see teen pregnancies in high school sure, we breed remember.. one was within my circle but, now that I think about it he probably ended up paying child support too.
That twerp didn't even have a job and after graduation he had to get one.. and keep it from that point on with barely a HS education. 18 years of hard labor *gavel strike*. Sounds like something right up your alley
The argument against nihilism is to kill them.
Women used to be at home looking after them which is what they're good at. Now your kids are raised at nursery/day care while you both slave away to pay for it (unless you're rich or on benefits that is).
So basically, dude didn't wake up until it was too late?
Sounds like she got on her own and then turned into a wreck.
You really can't judge women until they have freedom. Though women who want to stay at home longer are usually a good sign as long as their not lazy unemployed land whales.
You aren't offering anything more than a blue-haired feminist when she screeches "man up and take care of my kids shitlord"
Non-white birthrates will drop as their women come more and more in contact with feminism, so why should I care about saving the white race by ruining my finances by getting married?
>have tiny house
>no descendants
>create nothing of value except $ in a bank account
>jew has large house and family and passes on generational wealth thereby having more control over society as time passes
You're part of the problem.
Heh.. you sound pathetic.
Nope, what I know is people in real life who's life became meaningless when they had a kid.. not the other way around.
Actually there is one example, my henpecked older half brother. I don't want to get into but.. the guy is basically a fucking slave, a blissfully ignorant one. Even my mom makes fun of him when he's not around.. he's a mommas boy and cries to her when he can't take his wifes abuse
Onions boy faggot
>doesn't mean women belong in the kitchen
How can you say shit like this and expect men to get on board with marriage? If a woman doesn't belong in kitchen, then you are conceding that she has some sort of equitable say in your finances and life. Fuck that, that's a shit deal. I'd rather stay single forever.
Have sex NEET
>working 60 hours a week in debt serfdom to provide for an ungrateful white woman
You obsequious beta male. You absolute fucking subservient white knight cuckold.
Getting married is handing in your balls and losing your freedom. Only beta males desire this. Why bother with marriage when you can fuck thots on tinder for free, unless you enjoy giving half your money to a woman you can't stand like a good little beta boy?
>Jews want you to buy expensive houses and reproduce so you can fuel Huggie's profits.
not all jews
Enjoy being a beta male provider for someone else's sloppy seconds.
kys kike shill
>Took my now wife's virginity.
>11 years together in November.
>Married for 8 years.
Be an alpha bro
Kill yourself kik
>being married
being married means you're a beta male provider, not an alpha.
I agree. Marriage is an outdated tradition.
You gotta find a woman who will stay, but if your perception of women and your dating pool is based on tinder, you're bound to fail. Bide your time and keep looking for the 1 in 1000 unicorn and don't employ the 'any port in a storm' mentality you see on /b/ trap threads. Seriously just yesterday I watched thirsty anons beg for moar from an amalgamation that was somehow both chunky and had no curves with a big head, a man's face, pink hair and the side of it shaved. If that's your standard you're fucked and need to square up yourself.
Yes, the legal system is tilted against you, but you can still beat the odds. Would you publicly execute women just because the law said you could, or do you have personal standards? If you don't, would it be farfetched to hold that some men DO have personal standards? I don't think so, and I hold that some women hold such standards as well, even if they're only 1 in 1000.
>oh boo hoo you can't just be a NEET
This is why I will live for at least 400 years and you will live for up to 40
>haha so you are a cuck!
You still pay taxes, and taxes go to child support. If you're not raising enough of your people right to take things back democratically, you'd better be a demigod or own/be in a private army, or you've embraced being a cuck for the rest of your life.
Not understanding, the triumphant feeling of having someone looking at you with admiration for your hard work and effort, not having someone genuinely needing you in their life, not letting your existence be significant to anyone else.
You don't even know what being a fucking alpha is leaf.
check these and repent, you hedonist faggots
>Yes, the legal system is tilted against you, but you can still beat the odds
Why would I want to try? Why would I care? Marriage offers nothing to me I can't get elsewhere. And I get to not be tied down and keep my money.
>don't reproduce
It's you sounding Jewish op
Fuck you memflag. I'll live in whatever house I want. And fuck your attempt to stop us breeding. My waifu and I use re-usable cloth diapers.
>Not understanding, the triumphant feeling of having someone looking at you with admiration for your hard work and effort
She gives you "this look" because you're her meal ticket. Imagine being proud of the token praise you get for being someone's work mule.
Idiot, grow the fuck up
>not just living in a tent in the wilderness
Chads don't need marriage to reproduce bruh. They just rawdog beta males' wifey.
I'm lucky I live in an area where homes are around $60k land goes for about $4k a acre.
Move away from the city anons
The point isn't marriage through the state, the point is marriage through a lifelong bond between man and woman where you build something beyond your self-righteous selves. You wanna slap the state onto it? Sure. You wanna slap God onto it? Sure, but you make a commitment and stick to it with somebody who holds the same standard, while giving the 999/1000 roastie squad rightful disdain and a cold shoulder.
>Keep my money
The government borrows against you and the feds print more every year. You could have been born in 1910 and chaste your entire life and the government would have already stolen 97% of your wealth. You live in a democracy and the only way to win within the confines of the law is to multiply, and if the powers that be still say no, you have more fresh hands than your own to assert themselves.
Our position is not an untenable one. If it was, they wouldn't lay down such unrelenting pressure. Carpe diem, motherfucker
there are no girls outside of cities
10:1 OP wishes he was a jew just to be thrown into the masturbation machine
>the federal reserve exists so this is why you should sign a contract agreeing to give away half your shit on the whims of a thot
Great logic bud. Still haven't explained what I can get from marriage that I can't get otherwise.
Maybe in Europe. Their are horny country girls in cut offs here for miles.
He's not the one living in Canada....
>I just want a tiny home
>I would hate to spend money on diapers
>I an disgruntled by the great replacement
>but the joos just want me to have kids so my fun levels will deteriorate
> what will my waifu pillow think
> so much work to find a real woman and reproduce
>I don't have any manly qualities to pass on anyway
> it's better to live alone in my computer room and shitpost on 4chin
> Haha! Take that "Diaper jew"!!1!
Again, it's more the concept than anything else, but I was also pointing out you gave me a literal non-reason. If you're marrying a thot, you paid no attention to anything I said. You form a working bond to serve as foundation for raising kids and your advocated lifestyle cannot provide such a foundation.
But then again, maybe you're nigger-tier and can't make commitments either. I want you to look in the mirror, realize you personally benefitted from somebody's decision to have a kid, and if you disagree, kill yourself. Don't want invalids accidentally slipping into the gene pool on a drunken one night stand.
Marriage is still faggotry though.
All your sex drive does is make you want to put your penis inside a vagina without a condom.
As degenerate and jewy as it sounds all the social bullshit imposed on top of it is just a bunch of tradcuck/roastie propaganda.
Even in principle marriage cucked as fuck. We are literally designed to have sex with as many women as possible and even if you dont actually want to do this, the idea of promising a woman that you will never pursue another, and that you and your body especially your sexual organs actually belong to her, belong to a woman! in some way, real or metaphorical is disgusting and effeminate.
Why would a real man do this? We are all born under the law, we are all forced to obey stupid arbitrary and unjust laws designed to benefit others to our detriment. The Law tells us we are perverted to look at perfectly mature girls large chested, full-bodied wearing tight shirts and short skirts DELIBERATELY to attract men if they are as little as one to three years under an arbitrary age cut off and that men who cant resist their attraction deserve the hatred of the public and the severe punishment of law. We are told that a man who engages a prostitute deserves the same and to be put on a sex offenders list and blacklisted from employment forever etc etc.
So when already handicapped and shackles like this which is bad enough already why on earth would you actually put on even more shackles and deliberately chain yourself to a woman? Someone explain this tradcuck shit to me.
They need a power and water hook up. And a space to park it to get those hook up. By the time you do that you are just as likely to move that little home again as a would be with a normal trailer. Except you have that little shit instead.
She's dependent upon him to literally feed and clothe her. He is her Master, he is her superior, he is her owner. In return, she looks after his home, cooks his meals, sucks his cock. All this, and they both agree to it. Seems pretty fucking Alpha to me.
Whereas you rely on Tyrone's cast offs to wet your dick. You have to buy her drinks, you have to chase her round like a puppy dog, begging to smell her STD infected snatch. All this, and at most she agrees to fuck you as long as you accept that you are nothing more than sloppy seconds. Sounds pretty fucking Beta to me.
>muh commitment
only beta cucks and women care about this shit
>He is her Master
Keep telling yourself that. It's hilarious cope.
Just like the worker working for Mr. Shekelstein is the master right?
I found a jew
That would be fine... if it was totally voluntary on the man’s part, and if he didn’t have the sword of Damocles hanging over his head.
The sort of relationship you’re talking about definitely exists, but mostly overseas in places like Arabian sheikhs’ or Kim Jong-un’s palaces, Afghan warlords’ camps, West African headmens’ huts, you get the idea.
In the West, such a thing is only conceivable in the most remote wildernesses or lawless ghettoes. Because everywhere else, the police and the courts are the third and forth men in the bed with the married couple since they are a phone call away.
Enjoy Tyrone's cast offs, faggot. Maybe you enjoy using his seed as a lube? I'm not here to judge, Beta boi
Be the Alpha that your wife craves and she will never do you wrong. Only Betas get screwed over.
Enjoy raising another man's child
Only Betas get cheated on. Is that why you won't marry a woman?
I simply don’t see how someone can be ‘alpha’ if they’ve willfully entered a legal agreement specifically designed by feminist activists and lawyers to put them at a disadvantage. This is on top of all the other laws concerning interactions with women that a man is subjected to even outside of marriage.
You seem to be arguing for a sort of willful blindness in order to induce unjustified confidence, a playing of a sort of never ending ‘mind-trick’.
I actually agree that doing this improves a man’s chances in a marriage or any other relationship for that matter. It still doesn’t make marrying a good idea though.
>let's knock up as many women as possible
Only if you raise all the kids, unless perhaps you think single motherhood is a societal ideal.
>only cucks sign contracts
Turn off your internet/phone then.
As exploitative as the mobile/data networks are, I doubt there is any data plan as potentially harmful to the wallet as marriage. Even in places like Alaska the worst you are talking is $200 a month for satellite internet, a lot of guys paying alimony would swap in a heartbeat
>he doesn’t have a pay-as-you-go phone plan
lmao the state of cucks
> think small, goyim
> don't associate with others of your kind, goyim
> stay single, don't breed, consume everything we tell you to, never question why you must pursue happiness, stay in the rat maze
You could buy a few acres of land for like 5k, then build a tiny home for 20k and be out of the rat race for the rest of your life.
>not letting your kid shit the bed
How effeminate of you
Fuckin pathetic
Fuck it kill em all, no people no family no mirage no kids NO PROBLEM.
Argue this. Protip you can't.
>You just gotta find the one fire that doesn't burn you bro, just keep burning yourself again and again and again.
Fucking pathetic
>Basing his life on external validation instead of being self actualized.
Fucking pathetic
Not worth the hassle