9/11 meme dump

In preparation for 9/11
I need a dump of your best memes. I have a few but not enough. I'll start.

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How much plane wreckage was found?

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In NY, a passport made of high grade polymers survived along with bits and pieces of aircraft fuselage scattered among the papers and asbestos.
In DC, I think they say that they found a turbine.
In PA, a well-placed ditch.

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For a private pilot license that’s some real precision flying with a Commercial airliner...

So.... two massive jets smash into the WTC and all they find are tiny pieces?

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scalar wave particle beam orbital weapons platform test confirmed

Yes. Jet fuel melts steel beams, aircraft components, and questions like that one.

Never ceases to amaze me what you can do with some spare time and a little ingenuity

So these two jets held enough fuel to completely destroy the tower and most of the jets themselves... Then why doesn't the fuel just melt the jet engines while they're in flight if they get that hot

>In preparation for 9/11
>Trump / taliban meeting sabotaged
Yup, you should be prepared.

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How were the pilots overtaken by box cutters?

My boy, what a silly question. The engines ignite the fuel in a controlled, isolated fashion. When the planes crashed, it resulted in a catastrophically uncontrolled chain reaction that, in some hotspots, reached temperatures that would make the sun blush, if only for a moment. That is why there were underground fires for week, why that same area underground was partially melted, and why there wasn't much left of the planes.

Burning Jet fuel reaches temps a little under 1 thousand degrees less than the melting point of steel

>They didn't burn up
>They didn't slam to the ground
>They turned into dust in mid air
Probably because a fucking airplane rammed into them

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Reminder that the nore outlandish 911 theories are designed to obscure the simple fact that this was a CIA and Mossad joint venture project

It doesn't have to liquidate them, it just has to weaken it enough so that it can't provide enough support. Would you be comfortable in a building whose beams are at 999 degrees?

here we have the threads designated debunker

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An airplane hitting a runway without landing gear doesn't cause the runway and plane to turn to dust user

I wouldn't be comfortable in a building that the owner just took a massive insurance policy on that was in need of serious renovations

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How many planes hit WTC7?

This webm did the exact opposite of what it's trying to do. I think this is the first time I've seen this tower collapse and believed that it wasn't a controlled demolition. The way material falls outward from the drop does appear natural. Way different from tower 7 which collapsed into itself. That motherfucker was demolished. Also very skeptical of the Pentagon one.

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>runway = highrise tower
is this really where we are at with conspiracy theories now? I can buy that the Israeli and American governments knew about the attack but did nothing because it would benefit them in the end, thats about it.

Larry Silverstein is a scumbag and I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him, but I must give the obligatory

Steel needs to be well over 50% to it's melting point to weaken, jet fuel doesn't reach those temps

Building collapsed in Tehran due to a fire

Do you have a gaming headset? You do? Even if you don't this is for all of the others who do. Imagine you're in the middle of your gaming session and really into it man I mean you are really into that game of yours. Your brain is in full alpha wave mode and you have diverted much of your processing power on both the screen in front of you and the sounds produced by the cans on your ears. Some guy magically teleports behind you with a boxcutter and immediately lunges at you. It takes longer for your brain to switch gears from alpha to full beta and respond to this with a properly measured beta-wave response than it does for this individual to pwn you with that box cutter. As for how dude(s) got past dozens of people with a box cutter, well, look upon people when they are on a train or a bus. Do they look like they're fully aware of the goings-on of that cabin? Do they look like they care?
Each discussion always merits one but never just one. My colleagues will make themselves apparent shortly

Take a look at this one for a second Notice all the debris falling outward onto neighboring buildings. I'm no architect, but i'm guessing that isn't good for the health of the buildings involved.

That actually sounds right. Planes are just aluminum. You're not going to find big pieces with giant tower rubble after an explosion like that.

I forget about the pennsylvania one where everyone disintegrated

What is this supposed to imply?

Silverstein didnt own the buildings in 1993

Yeah, but official cause is office fire. The building was untouched too. I could maybe buy collapse of one tower weakening the foundation of the second one that just had a plane go through, but only 7 was affected and we didn't hear a damn word about 7.

To be fair, it was a very big plane, as planes go

Yes the PA one was also the plane where someone got the call (not THE call, but, you know, the call) and tipped him off to the events happening in the ground. The man who got the call rallied his fellow passengers into an heroic, last-ditch effort to either regain control of the vessel or go down with the ship, as it were. With bravery the battle began with the cry "let's roll". There was NOT a stand down order that day that was NOT lifted within an hour or three of the initial impact and there most certainly were NOT military aircraft being scrambled for interception by base commanders in Andrews who had actionable intel saying that the plane was heading for the Capitol Building.

WTC7 is a good starting point to ask questions. A 47 floor building (looks small compared to twin towers but go look at one in your home city if you have one) just collapsed at free fall with no planes hitting it and no one asks a question. Meanwhile history is changed forever. Hundreds of thousands of muslims dead, countless wars, surveillance state, refugee crisis into europe, historically (5000 year) low interest rates, gfc. Everything changed that day. If insiders did this then true evil exists and is in power. I think that's what people have a hard time coming to terms with so it's easier to block out and not ask questions.

I used to work in an industrial environment for the US Navy. I saw a ton of dangerous shit all the time. I think the reality is that people can't accept that everything around us is more incompetent and fragile (like the construction of WTC) than they want to admit.

I watched that movie about the firefighters where the two french kids were filming them... they were all fat middle aged fucks.... no way they did ANYTHING useful at WTC other than run out of breath climbing stairs.

There was nothing to be done for those people in WTC. Don't trust that everything around you is safe because in reality it was all built by the lowest bid and with regulations being ignored. That's how the entire world functions.

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Notice how it doesnt collapse downward into its footprint.
Also does anyone have a link to the ,i think, chinese or brazilian building that burned for hours and didnt collapse?

Based and redpilled

Aren't they mostly just dry wall?

>Wayne Madsen

Did looters burn them during the crisis because they knew they could? This doesn't make any sense and seems irrelevant.

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Unlike the Trade Center it was being hosed down and it didn't get hit by a fucking plane

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You are an idiot.
Go try burning a piece of paper in a perfect straight line

I, too, saw that documentary. The only really good part about it, if what you're looking for is holes in the story, is when they're in the lobby in the first few minutes of the incident. Pay very special attention to that scene if you can find the original unaltered one that was released in 2003 or whenever. What you said about those firefighters is both unfair and very derogatory. Their physical condition had far less impact on their limited capability to evacuate the building compared to the reality of the situation which is not far from what you described. The building itself was designed to structurally withstand a direct impact from an airplane of that day (true story - a boeing 707 if memory serves) but it was done with corners being cut, of course, as you say. Excellent point you raised, by they way. Anyway, countless fires between floors made it impossible for ground-up conventional rescue which is what those documentary fire-fighters were geared for. Wouldn't matter if they were all best-in-state endurance runners and climbers.
Yes, looters with advanced pyrotechnical equipment that can selectively target both vehicles and specific sections of those vehicles. These weren't your ordinary Baltimore or Ferguson looters. These were New Yorkers, after all.

>pressurized water can push building down
Where did you get your engineering degree from?

Holy shit. He is here

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>where did you get your engineering degree from
Also, when did I say that pressurized water can push a building down. The Tehran building's fire was being fought so it didn't burn as hard, unlike the WTC

Why do you even bother?

thoroughly debunked sorry
it's stock footage with special effects on top

video of B2? never noticed that

>How dare you not believe in the exact same version of the 9/11 conspiracy theory as me

You guys are fucking so obvious. Jesus Christ.

what day was this taken?
looks like the cleanup already started
incredible when you realise how big those beams are, and they're scattered like toothpicks

It did get fucking massive steel girders dropped on top of it.
The firefighters even explicitly stated that they were ignoring it and it was likely to collapse, but that it was more important to try to find anyone who was buried in the rubble of the towers.

>regulations being ignored. That's how the entire world functions.
mmm only due to jews controlling the way things work for the last 70 years.

So what does it gain you to go around stumping for the goverments version of what happened on 9/11
I can porbably guess

You idiot, the beams are falling down, and the dust that was on top of it falls slower because it's fucking DUST.

fuck man, this is dark

I know Jow Forums hates H3 because they're Jews, but they recently did a podcast with Mick West where they talk about why it collapsed like it did.
Apparently, jet fuel actually can't melt steel beams, but it doesn't fucking matter.

>American education
My god, it’s retarded

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There is discussion of what happened and then there is you. I love how the shills over a ten year period have moved from the original story to, "Yea, they knew it was gonna happen but it was still real."
As I said, Why even bother?
There are no real Jow Forums users that buy anything you are saying. You should go to reddit to have any appreciable effect.

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Try hitting it with a 90 degree angle...

but there were pools of molten steel

I don't believe in he governments narrative. There is little doubt in my mind that the Israeli and US government knew beforehand what Bin Laden was planning, it wouldn't surprise me if the Mossad gave direct help.
>Dancing Israelis
I just don't think that the destruction came from bombs or holograms or whatever the fuck else is being cooked up.
>George Bush in the lobby with a sledgehammer going to town

this is absolute truth.
commissioned a german chemical company start up in the southeast and a buddy almost got blown up in a compressor explosion.
low bid gets the contract and everyone just wants it up so they look good.

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>chinese or brazilian building burning for hours
That would be either an english apartment building or a fuckhueg hotel in Dubai. The english fire was rather small, relatively speaking, but the New Years Blaze in Dubai - well, words don't do it justice. You could say that this is due to fire of a different nature, or that the construction methods and materials were much more modern and sophisticated.

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