Seriously, can you faggots stick to hating niggers and kikes and not fuck up the planet please?
Why is the right so retarded on climate change?
Other urls found in this thread:
You just don't get it do you?
No, fuck the planet and fuck you
Who gives a shit? We all deserve to die anyway
Down syndrome alert
>It's the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM, not global warming, like they've been proselytizing.
It's been over for ten years...
First it was 'the ice age is coming!'
Then it was 'global warming is going to cook the earth and melt the glaciers!'
But this was debunked spectacularly.
And now the blowback on the perpetrators
Muh arctic ice!
But this has been going on for a long time
It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming.
The official U.N. IPCC report was fraudulent too
And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary presents it nicely
If whites are going to die, so will the planet.
Focus on real threats like fukushima
Translate your post to chinese and indian and then ask them faggot.
>Why is the right so retarded on climate change?
Probably because none of your predictions have actually come to pass. Climate Change adherents are like Evangelical Christians who keep rescheduling the Rapture when the Apocalypse fails to materialize.
Climate change hysteria makes me laugh.
You guys claim to love science but deny science left right and center.
Oh, and a soon as the Obama's and Suzuki's sell their ocean front property and D'caprio gives up his fucking jet set lifestyle, come talk to us seriously....
Because the modern's left climate-saving initiatives are absolute garbage.
If you want to save the planet from pollution, you have to cripple China and India's industrial sectors. But how do you push for that without being racysss
And Carbon Tax Credits are pure money-transfers. They're giving other countries money for no reason.
Disregarded confidently out of hand
Delingpole is a weak chinned faggot who gargles kikenut
go eat some bugs and worship a ten year old who hates electricity while I enjoy my steak you retarded hippy spastic cunt.
>pol: here's this quote by george carlin
>also pol: there is a purpose to our existence
Give me 10 billion dollars and zero government interference and I'll dive this whole fucking planet into an ICE AGE. But muh climate is being altered so I don't freeze to death make it stop. Fucking idiots.
Michael Mann, James Hansen and EPA faked the science. Mann defied court order to turn over data for scrutiny because it's fake. You are paid to post this propaganda because of above-facts. It's over.
Listen to what people say, take the good, leave the rest.
Then it's not an argument. Just a comedy routine. And he can joke about it all he wants, but global warming will eradicate humanity if we don't do something about it.
Its a matter of trust. Also, the left are retarded as fuck on it as well in a different way. They know some of the science behind the concept but ignore the main causes of it and only do what people looking to profit off them says to do about it. Only solution is large scale war to stop other nations from polluting. No matter how much money you give companies for organic food, "hybrid" cars and other trash, you can't stop it. But go ahead, vote for people using the crisis to gain power for themselves so that their allies can profit.
>fuck up da planet
Beautiful blue sky, plenty of green trees.
I see no “fucking up the planet”.
Where is all this disaster?
>but global warming will eradicate humanity if we don't do something about it.
Then get to work either heavily regulating China and India's industrial sectors, or shutting them down completely.
Why is the left so much behind this problem?
> no policy of "State hemp".
> Not intelligent management in the long term, logistics, distribution of work.
> No furniture transfer policy, to reduce the need to build buildings and optimize the already existing housing stock.
Noooo these environmental regulations are only supposed to suppress and kneecap evil white people not brown countries REEEEEEEEEEE
The earth will burn, read the book of Revelation. It is unavoidable. Might as well enjoy the ride, because it isn't CO2 that is going to cause it. It the righteous anger of God almighty.
Come Lord Jesus!
Why is the left so retarded on climate change?
How can you retards believe a climate model that doesn't include clouds/water vapor? The single biggest greenhouse gas there is.
Climate change is very real, it's driven by the sun.
The impact of human emissions is so neglible it's irrelevant. So why should anyone accept being taxed for it? It's simply a ploy to make the rich richer, fucking dumb fucks libtards.
We must do it, yes. Instead of standing as one and threatening war on every country that doesn't implement them, we do less then nothing. There are even idiots denying that it's happening.
Climate change has always happened and always will happen, and that's regardless if we are a part of the interaction or not.
>but global warming will eradicate humanity
We hope all.
Especially if it eliminates Judaic rot.
>1 post by this ID
why did you guys fall for this idiot bait
Because they want to destroy everyone else, which is not a big surprise...
This is the most braindead cop out answer of all time. Congratulations brainlet.
Honestly, as an atheist, I sometimes hope this actually happens. Hell might be worth knowing all the degenerates are there too
CO2 In perspective
CO2 is actually greening the earth, according to NASA
And now it's 'devastating man-made climate change!'
>And here are some of the environmental signs they say prove the earth is warming and the climate is changing.
Sea levels are rising and countries will be destroyed...
Temperatures are rising...
During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C
And glaciers are disappearing...
Think of the polar bears!
So if it's not an ice age, and its not global warming, and its not anthropogenic climate change, what is it?
What is a grand solar minimum and what does it mean for us?
The sun has cycles
In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle:
· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally
· Weaker jet streams
· Increased volcanic activity
· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes
· More erratic and unpredictable weather
· Substantially increased precipitation and drought
· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods
· Massive crop loss and food shortages
· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles
Even NASA admits it's a big deal
The great civilizations have risen and fallen on the backs of these grand solar cycles
US history has been significantly impacted by the last two GSMs
>So here's what's happening now
The sun's total solar irradiance (TSI) is currently dropping off a cliff. Much faster and further than the devastating Maunder Minimum.
The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.
Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further.
Like the 'year without a summer'
But this GSM will be far worse than previous ones
More resources on current happenings and excellent lectures
Grand Solar Minimum Channel
Ice Age Farmer Channel
Fucken oath ey
Space and sun effect the earths weather dramatically. I’ll prove it to you, there will be a massive power outage somewhere in the world here soon and it will be caused by a massive solar flare.
What do you mean, what is you take on this issue? Please explain instead of just insulting me, and as a retaliation on your insult I will call you a fat ugly grease ball!
Brother, there is no such thing as an atheist. All humans are theist be nature, the only question is, whom do you serve?
>meme flag
>low-effort post
>100 of these fucking threads every day
They're afraid. SAGE and post redpills
On the climate science racket:
this guy gets it
Remove all humans from earth....
...climate will still continuing changing
Lefties have a bigger carbon footprint.
2 Peter 3
3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6 By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
You wouldn't happen to be a "scoffer" would you? Congratulations! You were predicted by the bible 2000 years ago.
Soon, the showdown.
You have joined a cult, please start thinking for yourself and actually doing research rather than just letting others think for you.
To have the gall to call others retarded when your intellectual laziness is so staggering is just pathetic
Tell ya what OP...
You go and get China to stop dumping tons of pollutants into the air, and water.
Go to India, and put out the fucking river that's on fire, clean up the shit streets.
Then finally, go to the middle east, deradiate all the left over war shit, clean up every petroleum related mess, and put out their fire , which is a massive field of what's been estimated to be over 1 million rubber tires.
You accomplish all that shit, and I'll buy both of us whatever faggoty little electric car you, and the fat, bull dyke looking planet you orbit think is like the most totally environmentally progressive.
Climate Science is just Wealth Redistribution by other means. And the hatemongers behind it are finally admitting it.
Okay, so let's embrace nuclear power and work to curb india and china's pollution
Oh wait, that's not what you want?
What's that?
You just want to tax me a bunch more?
Get fucked lad
>yfw the IPCC has finally be forced to admit solar forcing exists
Telling people they're assholes for using more than one square of toilet paper would definitely make them believe in climate change.
This. Your environmental angst should be focused SOLELY on the grand contributors to pollution and overpopulation: China, India, Asia, Africa.
We're already doing our part, OP needs to go bug those assholes and fuck off.
>Why is the right so retarded on climate change?
"We didn't hit anything. This is fake news. Icebergs don't exist. I'm going back to the bar."
You are one sick fuck
You will die soon and Santa can't save you
>switch to solar
>pollution gimps its energy production
And since it's getting colder that means less sun and even more pollution in the winter due to gas heaters and such
>trying to prove a point by showing a comedian talking about climate change
>not an argument. Just a comedy routine
I laughed at you just now = your opinion isn't an argument because it's comedic
>The Great Global Warming Swindle
>british accent
well fuck the data I'm switching sides!
Lurk more. This climate shit has been debunked. Also, drop the meme flag faggot. Sage.
Talk to me when the elites practice what they preach and further if it's all so dire why aren't th military out there forcefully decarbonizing shitholes?
Also what's with the elites buying all this coastal property? That shit will be under water soon!
If the Earth is in risk of dying in 12 years (12 fucking years!!!!) then let's push and/or force nuclear power.
If you think it's unsafe, I'll even take for granted that there'll be major disasters. Let's go hyper extreme and say every year we have to evacuate and render unusable 5 to 10 small remote cities. Surely it's better than complete annihilation in only 12 years (12 FUCKING YEARS!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!) and we'll buy ourselves centuries.
Solar is not able to power the world such as it is. You can't convince China and India to slow down, only to adopt something else that will let them grow at the same rate.
Yet you don't want nuclear power because eventually there'll be disasters. You want to apply taxes to slow the economy instead which even activists admit is not enough to change the course of things. If you were actually scared that we would be gone in a decade you'd be sucking nuclear's cock like a truck stop whore, but you're just a fucking LARPER praying at the altar of the Climate Change gods for a bountiful crop.
>If the Earth is in risk of dying in 12 years
It's not.
Why would I want to preserve a planet I'm being persecuted out of in favor of multi-culti degeneracy and Jews? You change first. Allow me my place in this world, or I'll gladly help destroy this world for all of us.
I looked at the data and the methodologies and being objective there was no other conclusion than that climate hysteria is ideologically driven pseudoscience. If you actually look at the data and the methodologies you will come to the same conclusion. It's unpleasant to have to come to terms with that large and venerated scientific institutions have been corrupted, but in the end we can't make science into some sort of authority worship. When they're wrong, they're wrong and that's it.
>we can't make science into some sort of authority worship
You're many years too late for that. People need something to worship. Science and scientists have simply taken the role of Christianity and priests, because "Clergy" is a societal role that needs to be fulfilled in order to indoctrinate the general populace.
Global warming is a fucking weather cult.
>Weather does anything whatsoever
We are headed into a Maunder Minimum.
Its going to get cold.
I know this. The cult of I fucking love science is everywhere today.
Such is life. Top three most unreliable/dishonest sources by profession(that aren't criminals):
Wait... Didn't you climate faggots swear there was a new Ice Age coming in the late 70s / early 80s? Then did a complete 180 overnight for no fucking reason? Hey, here's a thought, the earth could give two fucks about the parasites called "humans" living on it and is gonna do what it's been doing for billions of years.
Scientist today just means academic. There is most often no scientific discovery attached to what is called a scientist. Academics and scientists are in reality two different things entirely, but these two terms have been conflated for ideological purposes.
Damn straight!
Earth first bitch, we'll get to the rest of the planets later.
How many times are you gonna have this thread and talk about mars’ atmosphere you fucking disgusting shill?
We're already extremely good with the environment. The issue has to do with upstart countries like India and China, who don't give a shit about the environment.
Suppose a church is has a deficit of 80,000.
Bob earns 80,000 and gives 30,000
Steven earns 60,000 and gives 500
Richard earns 70,000 and gives 2,000
Andy earns 50,000 and gives 100
The answer to solving the deficit problem isn't to ask Bob to give his entire paycheck to the church because that would mean he wouldn't have money to live. The answer is to ask Steven, Richard, and Andy to give more.
The problem is that climate alarmists want to solve a problem by running our society to the ground.
Why is the left so retarded on science and engineering?
Seriously, you lot believe in the long-range predictions of various computer models of the climate that have all been shown to be wildly inaccurate, but don't believe in the proven reliable and safe science of nuclear energy.
Climate change isn't anywhere near as bad a problem as lefties think it is if nuclear energy - the safest form of power generation - is far worse.
I know its true but i hide it because i know its the only way to clean the human race.
Nuclear isn't nearly as safe as coal, what are you on about?
Stop trying to enslave me in the name of your climate cult
>we're the ones fucking up the planet
betcha forgot about CHINA, huh?
It's not no reason.
Many of these people own stock in companies that have manufacturing facilities in China.
They know that crippling western production will increase demand for Chinese/Indian made goods
>western production
Pretty much the entire western economy is service based these days.
In terms of Joules per fatality - the only true measure - it's the safest form of electricity generation by far.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died in coal mines. Tens of thousands of people have died from hydro dam failures. Wind and solar PV have higher death tolls than nuclear energy.
I forget his name, but some red pilled economist completely debunked the climate change hoax in a single sentence of a speech he was giving. Something to the effect of "If there was even a 10% chance of these projections being true anytime in the next 100 years, the banks (the people who actually run the world) would cease all development lands for coastal building projects."
Coastal real estate development is fucking booming.
Actually off yourself
*loans not lands
>Hundreds of thousands of people have died in coal mines
Coal mines aren't what they used to be, and chinks dying is a good thing.
Why is everyone, including basedentists so retarded on climate change?
It is as though they want to pretend like they are good boys by protecting the environment and doing all sorts of dumb acts that barelt help at all because the real solutions hurt the environment JUST A BIT or seem inhumane but they are real solutions that on the long run ends "climate change"
biofuel, nuclear energy, reduction of population. they say no to anything that might seem "controversial" despite the fact that it's a solution to climate change.
Nooo we have to stop eating meat! Let's eat insects instea, af if the catching, cleanup and cooking of insects is in any way different to that of meat.
No it's not! To clean insects you have to remove the guts too, stupid! it's something easier and cleaner on animals! and an industry is an industry, it doesn't matter what it produces, IT CONTAMINATES, because all processes in an industry need fuel, and you sure as hell are no industrial engineers, you fucks don't even know how harmful to the environment it is for starcucks to get all that soi for your soi latte lmao
Literally globalist (UN) money. Also peer pressure (formerly "peer review").
When has the troposphere ever been stable? The clue's in the name.
Why is the left retarded enough to think the government can fix the environment?
Omg OP is right... al gore i mean.
I already see the water rising and invading inland
Here's a clue read a fucking book, useful idiot. I swear you stupid fucks will literally believe anything...
>men are really women and women, men gender exists on a spectrum
The climate has always changed and the climate will always change. Ever hear of a thing called the ice age? There was no industrial activity, or even enough humans to cause anthropogenic climate change you stupid fucking fact if you killed every single thing on the planet the climate would still change there is nothing you can do.