Should we ban bikes?
Should we ban bikes?
Why? Because low IQ idiots can't ride them? Fuck, thin the herd.
Hes going to be ok right?
no, but we should ban kikes instead
>that karma tshirt
Life is a movie
He's making the same gesticulations I made when I spilled a cocktail in my lap on Saturday.
Don't ride the bike on main roads kids. Poor guy even wore a helmet.
No ban kikes
Last moment alive is the sight of shitskins filming him, probably laughing
Ban Kikes? Totally...oops.
Nice one Juan
If a biker fucks up, he only has himself to hurt and blame.
If a driver fucks up, pray you're not in the vicinity, preferably 500m away minimum depending on the vehicle and its payload.
that's sux bro
I'm not gonna infringe on what I believe is your right to put yourself in danger, but I wouldn't consider ANYBODY that rides a bike that can travel at 120mph High IQ
is he ok?
Pull yourself up by your intestines and quit being such a bitch
cycling wars now!
How come brown people are always on, and whites ride like this without getting a scratch?
Yeah they just need to keep the truck's weight on him until the paramedics can arrive
because people for the most part follow traffic laws in "white" countries
if ghost rider over here rode his bike in india the same way he did in the video his guts would be all over the shit stained streets of new delhi
Man. How does someone's brain cope with the fact you're just dying? Like, obviously if you're shot, you can cope and think you'll be fine. But this dude is split in half, how do you deal with it lads?
Probably the same way MIGApedes cope with the fact that they think you’re a jew if you don’t blow the most openly jewish president in American history.
>shills this desperate to steer thread back to their script
He didn't even look
that's not real, right? Such accidents should be a insta dead stuff right?
>middle of the road
>sticks out hand but doesn't look
he deserved everything he got desu
He looks tired.
Your brain is very capable of dealing with trauma. The shitty part is when the amberlamps comes and they try and keep that body alive for no other reason that they can.
what kind of fucking literal retard would bicycle on a literal fucking 60mph freeway? cops dont even allow that to happen, these idiots were illegally "biking" on a fucking freeway. total idiots and they were inside the lanes of traffic - you can only bike on roadways like that if you are out of the paths of traffic, on the shoulder of the road. theres no way this idiot being as retarded as he is is even alive at this point. im sure he died a few weeks ago doing something else triple stupid.
Gas the bikes. Race more now.
nice topic shift share blue
This faggot will die some time. You're not alone on the road and it only takes a small sudden unexpected move from a car and he's dead.
He will survive as long as his brain can get oxygen
What cocktail was it
Yes. I bet that poor truck driver will lose his licence because of this selfish dickhead.
It was always about the Juice !
Seething cagers detected. I can't imagine being as pathetic as you, having to rely on the liquid jew to propel your protective cuckbox around conjested roads as your infantile roadrage goes unheard from behind the sound insulation. Meanwhile us chad cyclists fly past you, powered by the mere strength and endurance of our leg muscles, fully exposed to the elements like our primal ancestors, welcoming the inherent danger of traveling at superhuman speed without the need to desperately go against nature by clinging to technology, seatbelts, crumple zones and airbags, sucking the artificial teet of human advancement to facilitate your visit to the McDonalds drive thru for your next hit of sugar, caffeine, salt and fat. You disgusting fucking NPCs, who have the gall to think yourselves superior for contracting your weak, fat encapsulated trotters against the accelerator pedal in your financed plastic and metal wombs.
Kinda encouraging others are waking up to this far left psy op
Someone post more webms of cyclists dying
Don’t you means jews? As in I’m a jew that doesn’t want jewish control of European nations? Come on now. Cope more.
95% of cases it's the cager's fault
Im really thirsty. I wanna to get some juice on the way home but i was lazy. Kinda regret it now
>1 post by this ID
Not looking too good famalam.
>everyone shitting only on the cyclists
They are utterly retarded for cycling on that kind of road but the truck driver is at just as big a fault for overtaking well past the broken lines, he'd probably have still done it if it were a car.
Muhammads are never cyclists.
found a video of you
You're just too fucking slow to be on the road, much more dangerous than based motorcycles because you can't keep up with the flow of traffic
You are retarded
Who cares whos fault it is? It wont be cagey spread out on the tarmac.
Explain, leaf
Based bikechad. Carfags SEETHING.
I hate to make sure wasnt a shop. Fucking hilarious
bicycles are based
It was a Moscow Mule.
Just a compound fracture and a few crushed hips. He just needs lots of blood and a few surgeries to limp around again. He'll be alright.
>riding a bike on a highway
Are Europeans really this stupid?
>*clink clink* *clink clink*
>Making a right lane merge fellow motorist gentlemen :D
He's not as fast here
You inject this into every conversation you are allowed to be near, dont you? Rent free
Literally no one fucking cares
most assholes don't even look when they drive also. Let that one sink in. Every time you put yourself on the road with these fucktards it is attempted homicide
You sure about that? Looks like everything below his navel got turned into ground beef. At the very least he'll be shitting into a plastic bag for the rest of his life.
>95% of the time its the cagers fault
He might live but i dont think he will ride a bike again.
>maximum impotent peddler rage
Fuck cyclists
Video of an Alpha South African cyclist destroying a braindead carcuck in London
You mean motorcycles? or bicycles?
This was in Muttmerica, I believe.
What nigger country is this? You see a man breathing out his last moment and your first reaction is to film it? Probably Romania.
>people who drive cars are weak and fat
We just go to the gym and not make ourselves a public danger on the roadway.
Come at me, you ethiopian looking mother fucker.
If there were roads that only allowed bikes, it would probably be fine. Most accidents with bikes are collisions with cars.
Because it causes you ZOGbots to sperg out and it’s funny. Don’t support and shill for judaism and you shouldn’t have a problem with the truth.
>never ride a bike again
When one door closes another one opens he was great in Toy Story 4
Was he just standing there waiting all day for someone to break the law? lol
Why can't sports bike owners afford to go to a track day. They can satisfy their speed itch safely and only endanger themselves.
noun: bike; plural noun: bikes
a bicycle or motorcycle.
"my friends and I would ride our bikes"