you literally can't argue against this
You literally can't argue against this
>meme flag
>no name twitter account
>jew refugees
Shilling has gotten pathetic lately.
wh*tes will be refugees
>x bomber was refugee
>x rapist was refugee
>x terrorist was refugee
>you literally can't argue against this
Jews don't belong in White nations. You can't and won't argue against this.
That assumes that anyone would want Kissinger
So was Hitler
...Also this.
Einstein was a retard. Grove is ok I guess. Who gives a fuck about Kissinger?
once you go that far into science (whether he stole the ideas or not), one's understanding of God cannot fall into quaint little categories like 'Jewish'.
they're all kikes. You have failed the test faggot.
Fuck all of these kikes
They weren’t shitskins raping and stealing.
Sure can! Name me 3 illegals that have the same intellect. I'll wait for "great food" don't count.
Albright is colon cancer in 'human' form
Id like to put his other eye
slide thread, six words of OP, memeflag, stupid thread, sage
And US culture would have been better off without all of them. What's your point Jew.
>Henry Kissinger
All the more reason to shit on refugees at the border.
I come to pol to avoid the linkle bs of biz. I already made my gains off dumping at 4.15. Fuck of sergey.
If Henry was a refugee this changes everything
>Einstein was a refugee
>all refugees are Einsteins
who knows?
All of the following pharmaceuticals are made in Israel and (((save))) countless U.S. lives:
Adderall (generic and branded), Adrucil, Alprazolam, Amikacin Sulfate, Amitriptyline, Amoxicillin, Apri, Aripiprazole (generic), Atomoxetine, Atorvastatin, Augmentin (generic), Aviane, Azathioprine, Azilect, Azithromycin, Baclofen, Balziva, Bisoprolol Fumarate, Bleomycin, Budeprion, Budesonide, Buspirone, Calcitriol, Camrese, Carboplatin, Cefdinir, Cephalexin, Ciclosporin, Ciprofloxacin, Citalopram, Cetirizine, Claravis, Clarithromycin, Clonazepam, Clozapine, Codeine, Copaxone, Cryselle, Cyclosporine, Daunorubicin, Dexmethylphenidate, Dextroamphetamine, Diazepam, Dihydrocodeine, Doxorubicin HCl, Enpresse, Epirubicin HCl, Epoprostenol Sodium, Errin, Escitalopram, Estazolam, Estradiol, Etodolac, Famciclovir, Filgrastim, Fiorinal, Flunitrazepam, Fluocinonide, Fluconazole, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, Gabapentin, Galzin, Haloperidol, Haloperidol Decanoate, Ibuprofen Max, Idarubicin HCl, Ifosfamide, Irinotecan, Gianvi, Irbesartan, Junel, Kariva, Kelnor, Lamotrigine, Laquinimod, Letrozole, Leucovorin Calcium, Losartan, Methotrexate, Methylphenidate, Mirtazapine, Mitoxantrone, Montelukast (generic), Naltrexone, Naproxen[citation needed], Norepinephrine, Norethisterone, Nortrel, Nortriptyline, Nuvigil, Nystatin, Ocella, Olanzapine, Omeprazole, Optalgin, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Pantoprazole, Phentermine, Portia, Pravastatin, Prednisolone, ProAir, Provigil, Quetiapine, QVAR, QNASL, Ramipril, Rasagiline, Salbutamol (Albuterol), Sertraline, Simvastatin, Sprintec, Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim, Sumatriptan, Tamoxifen, Temazepam, Temozolomide, Terbinafin, Topiramate, Trazodone, Tri-Sprintec, Ursodiol, Velivet, Venlafaxine, Warfarin, Zolpidem.
Krvava baba!
Shoo shoo stinky linky
>Be Serbia
>Save little kike girl from the ebil nazis
>She grows up to be a politician in favor of bombing Serbia
>Accuses you of genocide
What did we learn Jow Forums?
Pic related, that's what.
Von Braun was a Refugee
Einstein, Grove and Kissinger were Ashkenazi Jews.
Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 115, and because of the way bell curve distributions work, comprise a majority of those in the US in the 160+ IQ range despite their small population. The average Salvadoran immigrant has an IQ of about 80.
You’re gonna let us in to Israel?
The US would be a better place if we hadn't taken in those (((refugees))), especially Kissinger.
Mor likely serGAY, amirite bois?
Also, thank you for taking our SJWs, mutts.
>Jow Forums here
Sergay is a fucking retard, granted most of Jow Forums is even more retarded so hes successfully taken all their hard earned neetbux
only qt shiksas for shahar to fuck
Well that's fine if you dont let us in we'll force our way in and enrich you, culturally
Visit israel, after a week you wont want to live there. It's a giant ghetto.
you mean force your way in like this fine gentleman tried to do ?
Stinky linkies. Glad I didnt buy any
Hmm weird how they don't bring up any poc immigrants.
We would have been better off without them
What was Einstein fleeing? The fruits of his jewish paradise that come to bite him in the ass? Ever heard of his close friend Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld
Ah I didn’t think of it like that before! Now I want to take in millions of third world non english speaking muslims.
>1 post by this ID
Isn't Kissinger universally hated? He was the OG Cheney
Albert Einstein published his first wife's work and didn't give her credit, was quite racist and left his first wift to marry his cousin.
420 blaze it
>no name twitter account
He is ultra famous on Jow Forums
They where all lying piece of shit jews
is that the chainstink guy that is bankrupting
Jow Forums?
>published his first wife's work
is that why it's all useless garbage?
Leftypol got shut down so...
Now we have to babysit all the liberal fuckups of the internet. At least until they find a new shit heap to infest.
LINK is unironically a scam you faggot Jow Forumspoo.
amazing how legally emigrating somewhere is all of a sudden being a refugee. they didnt come here sight unseen and show up at a customs facility & say I am a refugee please grant me asylum.
>Tfw sjws unironically argue that Kissinger good