>Pakistan used to be on the right side of India
>Only because the evil racist white supremacist imperialist US stepped in and disarmed Chiang for being an evil fascist nazi
Once again, the borg helped them win
Oh, you won't believe how mad the Pakis still get over that.
Reminder that it's the Japanese who are responsible for Communists taking over China, because they invaded the China of Chang Kai Shek and destroyed any industry in the country.
Imperialism backfires example number 5908739
but muh based japan jews fear the samurai
If you thought the West's population Christmas tree was bad, wait till you see China's.
Makes you wonder why the Jewish press always focuses on Japan's birthrate instead of China and South Korea's.
Also remember that the "Chinese" birthrates in the Southern green regions are from a totally different race that's been brainwashed to think they're Han Chinese. North Chinese and South Chinese are literally two different races. The North/Coastal Chinese are fucked.
wait what the fuck that was a thing? So they aren't even a race of people they're just some random ass state placed wherever on the map
They got picked up and moved over there in the biggest mass-migration ever.
so is China just a Warring-States period waiting to happen?
>everything is about race. no exceptions
all you fuckers think about is race its fucking weird
Qinghai+Gansu looks like a face that is sucking Xinjiang's dick
This fuck the Japs and fuck Hitler. He's the reason why the communism gained so much power. WW2 should've been fought against the communists instead.
There's a reason for that, you dumb nigger. Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang (Turkestan) and Tibet present decent opportunities for secession. The South Chinese could also end up becoming another Southeast Asian state. Northeast China (Manchuria) has some potential for secession.
The significance of non-North Chinese races having higher birthrates than regular Chinese combined with the population Christmas tree is that the current Chinese state is fucked. That's the point of talking about race and birthrates.
The real question is why you communiggers can only think about things in terms of currently-existing states when you people pretend to be Humanists. There's no such thing as humanity. Sure there's arguably human animals, but in terms of politics there's only nations and empires as the highest form of organization.
Jews played both sides of the aisle like always
Following British withdrawal from India two large chunks of Muslim-majority territory - East and West Pakistan - broke off and formed a "united" state. East Pakistan became an independent country in 1971 and is now known as Bangladesh
The chinese people are united, they evolved past the tribalism and they will forever, they see themselves as such and strive forward together in collective harmony, some american nazi larper wont change that, i wonder why you think there should be secession within the PRC?
surely a sign
>The chinese people are united
the year hong kong was released from the british to china, another sign
You're either a troll or LARPing.
None of those people I mentioned are Chinese. None of them are really tribes either- they're nations under the state apparatus of the Chinese Empire. The real Chinese are the coastal people in the state's most populous region.
If anything the Uyghurs are more insane than ever about Islam and secession. Back in the day they didn't even wear headscarfs.
If you were a communist you'd be against Imperialism.
>evolving past tribalism by becoming a fascist ethnostate
So this is the power of the Confucian civilization
you think they arent? i would love to see some proof, because even slight division in a nation of 1 billion people would result in chaos
they are chinese and they see themselves as such. only people who fear china would want them to be divided and chaos in the region, i would bet that you are american
>not realizing that only a jew can kill another jew, and both samurai and hitler are jews
>The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.
Fuck off memeflag.
China has an overpopulation problem. They still have too many fucking people today, it’s a liability not an asset.
If they get their population below 1 billion they will be in a much stronger geopolitical position.
If anything below replacement fertility will help them 100 years from now. China always plays the fucking long game.
>Letting Communists win
Democrats truly are the enemy.
>t. seething white landowner who has to give his farm back to the african people
actually he's probably just a seething nigerian who had his auto shop smashed up
plus the fact that for years they killed off female babys
PAK is an acronym for Punjab (i think), something beginning with A and Kashmir. there are loads of different groups of people, if not quite ethnic groups. thhe different valleys and regions have some quite diverse makeups. the pakis in the west who migrated are usually mostly from one region in one region of the UK or USA/canada. like everyone in bradford, uk is from one area of pakistan/india, and in birmingham they have a different type.
We wuz kangs!
not really, because with the exception of the currently muslim dominated xinjiang, the population has bought into the ideology of the central government, so there are too few willing to rebel with no way to do it.
Except modern China is almost entirely what Chiang-Kai Shek envisioned.
Mao's philosophy has proven a complete failure.
the horror
I liked it when it was Japanese anyway.
Or when it was bordering British clay.
Reminder that Japan should have just kept it.
>having a bugflag
China has the worst fertility/replacement problem on the planet because it self inflicted itself with the 1 china policy.
Essentially, they did what AIDS was meant to do to Africa. CIA niggers probably fucked up that one though.
>The future is African
over 6 births per woman holy shit
Based Stalin arming the CCP after he BTFOd the Japs in Manchuria
the last unity was about 50 years ago, so it doesnt look like splinter is on the horizon
>there is no future
>because even slight division in a nation of 1 billion people would result in chaos
Why do you think the British merely leased HK rather than fully annex it?
Why did the Soviet Union collapse but China didn't?
I love google.
chinas reforms went okay
china is three times the size of india - yet they have the same population numbers...
>thousands of Jews in the U.S. government
>dozens in the highest ranks
>99% of the U.S. government openly Zionist and loyal to Israel
>every day for last half century
>America is redeemable! Just keep voting the Zionist triggering the libtards the most fellow goys!
>goys did you know half a century ago among dozen European doctors staying in China there was one jew working in a field hospital?!?!
>ChINA is RuN By The JeWs!!! ChiNA Is thE ReAL EneMY!!!!
Shills arent even subtle anymore
People don't understand that the Chinese government can literally order people to make more children.
The URSS was an artificial construct, the PRC is a communist administration of an old country.
Yeah, the two state solution was really retarded and doomed to fail. They just decided to take two completely different areas in India and join them together to create Pakistan just because they were majority-Muslim. East rose up against the west and became Bangladesh.
>they evolved past the tribalism and they will forever
They said the same thing in the Soviet Union and it collapsed
We said the same thing in the West and now we're tearing ourselves apart
Have fun chinky-eyes
RIP Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning.
And India is a shithole
but China stopped being communist and became a slave state with capitalistic characteristics where workers work 12 hour shift in horrible conditions for very little pay. does that sound like a ''worker's republic'' to you.
and China's economy has also been geared towards mass producing for the west. as long as the west breathes China will have a source of revenue. USSR had a close economic system so no infusion of internationalistic capital on their markets made their currencies fall when they lost the technological race with the west, thus creating very hard living conditions witch caused political discontent among the ruling and managerial classes
also jews. but I'm missing the infographic
East Germany had countless factories working for the west. Ikea for example.The eastern block was a total bancrupt mess.
at the end of the day it's all about a countries technological advantage. communist, capitalist, fascist doesn't matter when you can overcharge the other side for industrial goods or general consummerist stuff like chocolate or instant coffe.
If I a Romanian want to buy an Audi because that is a very good car I have to pay my 10-years pay for it. While you as a German can come here and offer me next to nothing for my cheese or wood or agricultural produce. If I don't like your offer you will just move on, while I don't have room to pick. Personally I don't like expensive stuff but no Romanian women will want you as her boyfriend if you drive a cheap/Romanian car (Dacia Logan) even though Logans are very popular abroad in France because they are dirt cheap(because they are made here, with subhuman wages).
You could buy a used Audi. I don't even have a car, so we're probably in the same boat.
>being from east Germany
Uncle fought against commies while you allied & saved them. Really not seeing how Uncle is at fault in this senpai