Can I be LGBT and conservative?
Can I be LGBT and conservative?
low test
If you’re talking about American “conservatism” then yes
only if you're a qt3.14 trap
Americans are such fucking pussies.
No because LGBT is unsustainable. And cannot converse over the passage of time.
Why is this difficult to understand?
>wrinkly man hands
>manly as fuck jaw
>hiding JUST-tier hairline
>blobbish, non-feminine lips
>brutish ears
>repulsive skin
>high-test nose
You are a fucking faggot.
LIterally jacking off to a man in a drag getting fucked while his hammerhead dick flops around.
Kill yoursel.f
I'm bi and conservative, but if you refer to lgtb as the movement then no, it's a fucking train wreck, honestly lesbians will likely be the first to break up and form a new mainstream faction
can be whatever the fuck you want as long as you dont need validation from others.
Not that I support rampant lgbtqrxyz degenerates, but the current world population growth is far from sustainable.
if the alphabet people had an ounce of sense they'd get back in the closet , at least keep it in the bedroom before they get rounded up eventually with the jews who've brainwashed them
only if you give head
just be a married fag who has discreet handjob hookups like the good old days
no your the faggot, he's clearly a woman now
kys low T faggot
Look at the man spots on his trapezius muscles.
Yes, just don’t be a fucking faggot about it. Why is this so hard for people to understand.
MySpace angles in current year.
No faggot stop spaming this threads.
>he’s clearly a woman now
Yes. so long as you accept that the nuclear family sustains our species. If you can accept that. Then accept that you're outside of that paradigm. Recognise you're either different, weird or special and take advantage of the opportunity nature provided you. You reincarnated as someone who's going to get to have a shit ton of degenerate, and your role in this life is to embrace hedonism. You're quite lucky in that regard. But that doesn't mean you have to participate in the tearing down of the the thing that sustains society. Walk in both worlds, don't cause anyone any harm. And defend the straight stock that continue to replicate our species. It's the straight mother fuckers that handle that job. Let them do them and you do you. We're in shaky water in regards to how a child should be raised. Maybe you deserve to raise a child because you'd be an amazing parent. But maybe that child deserves the nuclear family structure that has kept out species going since it's inception.
Just be respectful is what I'm saying. And don't participate in the active war against the nuclear family. We have yet to begin cloning, artificial wombs etc. We need that shit going if we're going to survive the war against extra terrestrials.
Then lets all be fags then.
Sure you are faggot.
You sure can.
You'd be shocked to know how many of them are afraid to speak their mind from beimg ostraziced by their trans friends that are all into hating conservatives. There are more than you think.
No. You can be a gay, and conservative
Drop the whole LGBTQPPEDORING shit
>implying you wouldn't
You can be whatever you want to be, sweetie.
Yes but you'd be nothing more than a useful idiot
Why is this poortuguese so lightskinned?
Are the poortuguese using skinlightning creams?
That "bi" better be about trap bulges only. And only if the trap is Asian. Only that way we can consider you a Honorary Straight basedanon
The transgender movement is completely incompatible with every definition of conservatism and every definition of sexual orientation. Stop lumping the T's in with the L's, G's, and B's. The T's hate all the rest anyway, except for G's desperate enough to be banging them.
I see a lot of disturbance in those eyes makes me sick just looking at them
My friend is lgbt and he is very right wing and racist.
You can call me Lemmiwinks cause I would get so far up that ass
You deserve a bullet
Iberians are white, user.
Spanish and Portos are pinkskinned, unless they are tanned or mutts
You think those mixed race Brasilians would be beige if Portos were not white?
But it still has its dick or is it one of those exploded "pussies"?
That takes hard work which fags cant do.
What's up with the LGBT shilling today?
It hasn't been this bad for months.
It's funny that this guy has a pic with bill clinton.
Having fantasy about nazi rapeing you isn't right wing.
she still has her feminine penis
most are horribly ugly
post proofs
Wow a skinny man in women's clothes and make-up how sexy
He probably does.
He also hates jews, niggers, sandniggers etc.
He does not want refugees.
Votes FVD.
Doesnt lead the typical degenerate gay lifestyle.
Pretty right wing to me.
sure. "conservative" much like "American" can be anyone everywhere.
hammerhead dick lmao
You can be L, or B, or closet G, but never T
Only retards let their orientation be the sole determiner of their political affiliation.
I'm gay and pretty right wing. I get more shit from other fags and """"allies"""" than anyone else.
LGB is okay, just don't air it around like a fop. T is mental illness.
Fuck you. Traps are peak prison fag.
Seeing as lgbt is all about changing society to accommodate their mental illnesses and conservatives want to conserve things I'd say these two exclude each other.
However I think you can be gay without supporting the lgbt movement.
The only thing conservatives managed to conserve is their undying loyalty for Israel
Of course, conservatives are GAY FAGGOTS and need to be gassed.
spotted the faggot
How do you know what his dick looks like?
No. But you still can kys, tho.
Yes. Only desert cultists have some sort of silly extreme hatred towards gays.
The only thing that should be vilified and regarded as a real issue and illness is trans people. The data on that speaks for itself.
Disgusting. Into the trash with him until he gains some sense and gets rid of the dick.
If you want to be a walking contradiction
Of course not you sodomite
Sadly true
Spotted the christcuck
Keep telling your self that faggot.
>unironically prefering a man with a gaping wound instead of a cute girldick
Many high ranking national socialists were gay
Enjoy your ass cancer
yep. I thought so and I was right.
based pedo
to be fair the only reason that they were gay was due to the weimar's cartoonish levels of degeneracy, likely the next successful natsoc government will be full of them as well due to the rising degeneracy of our own culture
Really proving your a right winger and not just a faggot atlest tesfied for his friend while you just suck dick.
>Source: Your anus
I'd suck that fucking dick
Says the guy defending actual faggotry. How can you live with yourself?
>Who is Röhm
He was definitely not the only one. National Socialist Germany originally didn't even persecute gays until they were just fucking sick of their faggotry. Being gay is not a problem, behaving gay is a problem.
>prove you're a right winger
Lmao like what. A fucking political test ?
Only if you suck my dick.
Fuck no , kys
theoretically you can be anything in the political realm by just saying it and kind of living it.
antifa thinks they are anti fascist, but they are often times more fascist than anyone else.
doesn't mean other conservatives will respect you though like myself and/or won't really want anything to do with people like you for the most part.
>Can I be LGBT and conservative?
what exactly are you trying to conserve?
His dick isn't cute at all, it is mutilated and he regrets that (happened due to infection or some shit)
You can be LGBT and roleplay as a conservative, yes. Conservatism is nothing but roleplay that some people take seriously.
Still better than no dick. Besides the majority of american men his age are mutilated. Its just that his is a bit worse because of his birth condition of messed up urethra.
Yeah. First you have to buy a rope then tie a knot. If you cant figure out the last part we know who you voted for last election.
Zion don?
>Can I be LGBT and conservative?
No. Opposing LGBT is part of being conservative. Stop being LGBT.
try no porn and stop banging dudes. it's contradictive to be conservative and gay, that's what you are. how can you "conserve" when you can't even reproduce. trust me user, it's a fetish and a self-destructive one at that.
The most acceptable answer would be to stay single forever and devote your time to your community to make up for not growing it.
No such thing as Bi. You are either gay or not.
The fuck is wrong with you people, drooling over traps and fags. You deserve to die out.
Yes you can because Conservatives are nothing but Liberals 10 years ago. They conserve nothing, give it another 10 years and you will be pushing your fellow Conservatives to accept Pedophilia and they will oblige you
Youngwoozzz has a beautiful intact asian dick. It is gorgeous
"Pedophilia" was the state of the world forever until abrahamic roastoids took over.
Blumpf says yes
I say what's the point in me being here.