Gun Confiscation

To all of those who say that the military, national guard or state troopers would be hesitant to carry out an unlawful order such as door to door gun confiscation from us citizens

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You're probably not going to average better than 1:1 exchange on life. You'll run out of confiscators before the other side runs out of patriots.

Would you faggots give it a rest already. You've been screeching like impotent retards for thirty years about gun control. You already banned guns in your ghettos. Fuck off.


To all police who think they can keep it up. Get ready to be faced with IEDs, and other explosive booby traps. wouldn't be hard to get rid of your entire state's SWAT team if you lay your yard full of anti-tank mines, and IEDs. Police be warned, because that is what will happen.

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The point im trying to make is this situation illustrates that perhaps many in law enforcement sectors and the military etc.... will just mindlessly follow obviously unlawful and corrupt orders.

Don't forget suicide bombers.

Only when they confiscate from Muslim gun owners.

You could rig your entire house with explosives and hide in your neighbors home and watch the cops go through your house waiting to press the button.

The unconventional warfare route offers so many effective options.

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"Louisiana legislator Steve Scalise introduced Louisiana House Bill 760, which would prohibit confiscation of firearms in a state of emergency, unless the seizure is pursuant to the investigation of a crime, or if the seizure is necessary to prevent immediate harm to the officer or another individual. On June 8, 2006, HB 760 was signed into law.[89] 21 other states joined Louisiana in enacting similar laws. A federal law prohibiting seizure of lawfully held firearms during an emergency, the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006, passed in the House with a vote of 322 to 99, and in the Senate by 84-16. The bill was signed into law by President Bush on October 9, 2006.[90]"

So they cannot do what they did in that video anymore. Also local cops will back civilians up as you can see here
Stop trying to scare people into thinking they have cant protect themselves and that most cops and or military are bad. You as a poster of this should be put on a watchlist.

>perhaps many

Hell yea. American ingenuity implemented during a massive guerilla warfare campaign would be quite the show.

>To all of those who say that the military, national guard or state troopers would be hesitant to carry out an unlawful order

They are fucking delusional.

well, they weren't allowed to do it then either, and they did it anyway. It was unconstitutional and illegal before they passed that law. It is still unconstitutional and illegal now. That doesn't mean it will stop them

Civil war 2.0 sides, pro-gun confiscation states vs anti-gun confiscation states.

You'll be able to find, at best, 10 000 federal law enforcement agents capable of operating in the field, and of those maybe 2000 would actually be willing to go on gun confiscation ops.

2000 feds vs 300 million gun owners, not to mention local sheriffs....

The odds arent good

>You'll run out of confiscators before the other side runs out of patriots.
Like the patriots in the video that gave up their guns every time without a fight?
Like the patriots in every huracane and other disaster events that gave up their guns every time without a fight?
God I want this shit to go down so hard just to see your tough guy internet talk turn to cum inside your mouth like it has done every time.

>That doesn't mean it will stop them
Local cops and military have stopped them. People will break the laws, it's up to the community to support those laws and push for prosecution. So no shit this will keep happening because people break laws.

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Shut up you will lose the battle you racist

Laws change all the time; we are currently heading towards further gun control legislation and I'm simply showing a real life example of what law enforcement, military has done before. Just raising concern not saying everyone in the military is bad im just suggesting that potentially many would be willing to follow unlawful orders as they have shown to do in the past.

Oh look, another brown chimp whining about his betters on the internet.

>You're probably not going to average better than 1:1 exchange on life
This is such utter bullshit that ONLY a boomer could believe this crap.
Real, actual combat is not 1 vs 1.
It's 40 guys with armour and preparation who assault one guy in his bed asleep at 2 AM in the morning.

Where exactly do you think they're going to round up 40 guys to raid houses outside of your ghetto?

Gun grabbers will be sprayed with Lofentanil-DMSO

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I mean i don't agree with taking away anyone's guns, but this is just fucking stupid

>Stop trying to scare people into thinking they have cant protect themselves and that most cops and or military are bad
idiot thinks cops will ever consider the best interest of citizens before "doing their job"
- whew, lad

imagine being this much of a brainlet


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What exactly do you gain from racists losing the battle?

Guys they tell they can keep their guns if they collaborate. Suddenly they're on the "good guy" team, of course they'll have theirs taken later once they're dead or no longer useful and there's no meaningful resistance left.

>when the "pro-gun" side is contemplating allowing people to seize your guns because you're "mentally unstable" and is supposedly considering monitoring the phones of mentally ill people to monitor them for potential mass shooter threats
fucking lmao
I'm not even a gun rights guy but they really can't catch a break

What is your fucking obsession with this, glownigger? You've been trying to force meme this for weeks at least and it's not catching on.

>we are currently heading towards further gun control legislation
Federal gun control means nothing as each state will have their own laws. Enforcement of protection laws must be enforced by the people, you cannot expect a law to be signed in and just work. Most counties will have a "non enforcement" of said laws and this is legal. The military and police will never come in mass force to take our guns. Now a political civilian back group like Antifa would and it would be hard to stop them unless there was an active operation to hunt down and arrest them. A "new civil war" would be infact hunting down groups like this that target civilians.

>he says turning over toys to not be a jamal


i've already linked you laws to protect those people. You just want to cause civil unrest and you seem to be on a sort of terrorist mindset. People like you get Vanned.

kys bitch ass punk

Just a meme I don't have motive or means. Just a meme.

>i've already linked you laws to protect those people.
i already linked a REAL WORLD EXAMPLE
where that doesn't matter

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It’s gonna be pretty hard to go door to door taking guns when all of the cops are being used to protect the people who order such confiscations

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Just imagine, another 200,000,000 nights of that and they'll have all the guns confiscated.

Each time in the video they caught people outside their homes in stop and frisk type situation. Not everyone carries a gun on them and you can bet your ass that when knock on someones door and ask them DO YOU HAVE GUNS IN THE HOUSE they are gunna get a little different of a response. especially considering do you have weapons on you is a question that is often asked by cops at traffic stops.

This. 4 people resisting will literallt start militia and patriot movemennts to swell. We could even coordinate retaliation on gun grabbing cops and hit their homes and disarm them like thieves in the night. Goes both ways coppers.

Just fucking do it. I'm tired of waiting.

These people cannot enforce existing statute, which is far more permissive than what you propose. But somehow, magically manpower goes through the roof and armed teams of 40 men are available for literally tens of millions of people.

It's not happening.

You have shown past problems that have been taken to court and solved. Want me to post about old wars saying how they are still a massive problem today and right now? Should I start posting how Japan will bomb us soon yet again? Or what about the berlin wall and how it's going to come back bigger then ever.
All you are doing is trying to spread fear and lies and to put people against their local cops that if good would not support what you are pushing, fear. The ones who know the laws and know their rights do not fear what you post. Only the ones who are young and fearful will fallow your idea. Again, stop spreading fear of past problems solved.

They pieces of shit didnt go to the ghetto and take any guns. I wouldnt let them in my house. They has absolutly no right or reason. Soon as they breached my door them I've got the right to defend myself and would. After a few people put up a fight they would give up on this pretty quick I think. I also have a secret stash of guns buried just incase.


>do you have weapons on you
I am invoking my right to council

Those are feds NG will not go along with that shit.

Your statements are full of air. You won't do jack shit because you're a coward.

>sniff sniff
Smells like agent skunky is looking for another notch on the department e-bust belt.
Go get those patriotic upstarts who believed the rule of law instead of the rule of man, you oath breaking shit-stain pants mouthbreather. Earn your paycheck.

Imagine being so delusional and out of touch with reality that you actually think you're going to get a gun ban and have the military go door to door killing people who don't vote for your team.

It's honestly mind boggling that we let you weirdos roam free.

You'll run out of Feds long before we run out of bullets and fireworks
and then WE go on the offense.

So what, let them in the house. If you keep your firearms of quality where they can be found then that's on you for being a complete fucking moron. I'll just write down their names as they take whats in the house then go for their families while they're out taking guns. Wives & children are fair targets at that point. Gunna get nasty fast if this shit starts

Go ahead and kick down my door. Have fun setting off my party poppers full of fentanyl rigged to the door knob. I sleep wearing a gas mask, hope your whole no-knock raid team has on gas masks too. Sleep tight nigger

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Life, liberty, victory!

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>It's 40 guys with armour and preparation who assault one guy in his bed asleep at 2 AM in the morning.
And you lose one of that forty and you lose the war. The modern American military isn't known for taking losses well.
Also, could you imagine the manpower and resources required to have 40 man teams kick down the doors of 100 million gun owners? The political capital? The blood?

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whats funny is I doubt that these gun-grabbers have actual gang members at the top of their list, so they're effectively advocating giving control of society to lawbreakers

I'm no agent. Read the Turner Diaries. It's pretty fucking obvious, the first ones who will willingly turn in their guns and submit are the civnat "patriot" faggots like you. If Trump asked you to today to turn in your guns you would do it without a moments hesitation. You're all talk.

Yeah that's how they do it, but how is that going to work when that 40 man team has 200 thousand people to visit?

1 raid a night for 500 years?

If I have to die in order to defend the constitution of this country, so be it. My ancestors will be smiling upon me. Can you say the same about yourself you fuckin kike?

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America the free

Okay user. Which one of those 40 officers has to die so the evil racist frogposter has his guns taken? Is it gonna be the 22 year old rookie with a fiance or 40 year old familyman?

whatever you say sweaty

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The FBI is definitely not monitoring this thread.

The constitution isn't worthy of wiping my ass with. We haven't been an actual country since 1861. You're all talk. When the heat is on you'll crumble the cowards you are.

Everything I say or post on this website is satire. Only a fool would take anything they read here as the truth.

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You do understand they are advocating breaking the law want wanting the second amendment. They are the lawbreakers...
No they would not Antifa..

Guess again, retard.

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>have been taken to court and solved
good luck getting your guns back after RED FLAG LAWS seize them

> 2 years of counseling
> referals
> court fees
> lawyer fees

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restore The Constitution For These United States that we havent been using since the south seceded, toss the corporate forgery in the trash

I got a better idea.

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People who project this hard should be locked up. You're dangerous.


He’s clearly a glow in the dark fed trying to instigate shit and get people on this board to incriminate themselves. Don’t take the bait

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If your weapons can be taken, they should be taken.

I’m only disgusted in myself for not acting on your weakness before the feds.

You're God damn right.

Exactly. How come we’re always talking about banning gun sales at Walmart and take guns away from law abiding citizens, but we’re neber talking about getting the guns away from thugs and gangbangers in places like Chicago and Baltimore?

those people just live on, to buy more guns. you should read the small arms survey, americans buy more guns in 6 months than there are guns in every military on earth combined. guns are so easy to make that there is no way to possible regulate them. ammunition is even easier.

its different when they take them from you, most of the gun owning base has been through this and its the reason why they fight so hard. people have to learn. you obey every state law, they just lie about you and take them anyways. its time for the lies to stop.

dimethyl sulfoxide is a non FDA approved muscle relaxer mostly used on horses. FDA refused to approve for humans because some lady accidentally killed herself in the 60s from misuse. it makes substances pass through your skin extremely quickly, so any sort of fentanyl mixed with dmso is a very VERY bad thing.

Yeah dude just shitpost until your fingers fall off. If the gubument eva tries to violate da constitution (Which they've been doing for decades in case you haven't noticed yet), wez patriots is gunna fight dem to da last man to protec Amurrica!!1!. Get real. America is a consumerist corporation catered to materialism. If there is a civil outbreak that threatens your comfort you won't do anything because you're too spongy and soft and don't want to risk losing your precious TV.

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all payed for by the losing party, also I've seen cases where they did "lose" the gun. Thoes cops where fired and the civilian was given a brand new gun.
> advocating breaking the law by not wanting the second amendment.
meant to say that.

Also people should support good cops by supporting those groups like this one.

they will lie, because those overseeing such an operation knowingly or not serve Satan.
the briefing wont be "disarm this wholesome Christian patriot and his family"
the briefing will be as slanderous and dehumanizing as possible "this house is full of cultists. oh and they're pedo drug dealing racists who also deal drugs. did I mention racist?"

Lol none of the things in your picture directly affect most peoples’ lives though. It’s easy to just ignore them and keep earning money. But when the feds come knocking and try to take your legally acquired personal property, it’s a whole different mother fuckin ball game. You must be truly fucking stupid since you cannot seem to grasp this very basic concept.

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"Laws" are all in your head. Laws are only able to be subjected on people when they can be carried out with force. These "patriot" types will be the first ones to submit without a shot being fired. They've proven this time and time again. A social revolution should have taken place in America a long, long time ago but it never did. It's the radicals that pick up the slack when times get tough, not you. You'll fold when the chips are down.

I don't know burgerfren. They are coming for you.

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They all took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

UCMJ Section 14c(2)(a)(i): Inference of lawfulness. A order requiring the performance of a military duty or act may be inferred to be lawful and it is disobeyed at the peril of the subordinate. This inference does not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime.
Firearm confiscation, even of evil modern sporting rifles, would require first repeal of the 2nd amendment. They know this, and Trump's EO was unconstitutional, probably begged from him by his ditzy daughter.
Odd how the left expects, hopes for this to happen.
But any suggestion that the military might be used to protect American citizens--their families--from the ongoing invasion from the south, hurdidly durr, they shout that down with "Posse comitatus!"
Our boys are busy, anyway, protecting the different sides in the Levant from one another, and a half dozen other places on the other side of the world for obscureeeeeeeeeeeee reasons.

>”laws” are all in your head maaaaaaaaan
>duuuuude weed maaaaaaaaaan
Opinion disregarded, you sound like a total fuckin retard

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>>They all took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
why is the white house still standing then?

Look at this As he said, you are being lazy now with starwmans.

all you need is a cheap drone, duct tape and a pipe bomb to maim or kill an entire swat team.

We will have the coolest technicals.

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>You as a poster of this should be put on a watchlist.
Noted. Op you’re now on a watch list.

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Already was for years, Nice to see I got to you. Keep spreading civil disturbance and see what happens.

We're living in clownworld, faggots. The Law is no longer relevant here.

>Defeat dumbass "patriot" in argument
>"Hurr durrr memes haha I bet you smoke weeeed ahaha. Opinion discarded. That ought to show him!"
You're a spineless coward and a wimp, and when things get tough you'll crack under pressure, mark my words.