Hillart Clinton for 2020?

Hello, since she lost in 2016, we don't really hear from her anymore.

What about Hillary Clinton? Do you think we'll see her again in 2020, or is she planning a dirty trick in secret?

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>What about Hillary Clinton?
I think she could win if she told the right lies and campaigned her ass off, but I don't think she is able to do the campaign part and thats why she can't win

>Elizabeth Warren chooses HRC as a running mate
>Elizabeth Warren is suicided with two shots to the back of the head after elected
>HRC becomes unelected president

How did you not see this coming?

Would smash and suicide afterwards

She's toast. She had two runs and failed. You rarely get a second chance at running for the presidency and she has huge baggage because half the country already hates her. Growing up people have been trying to tell me that "You better get used to her being president one day." I'm glad she lost.

>Hillart Clinton for prison 2020?
Sounds good to me!

Assuming there isn't any more dirt that comes to light, I could definitely see her showing up as someones VP on the ticket with Biden. Her disappearance atm could be her just laying low so as not to draw scrutiny to herself. Dirty trick planned could be Biden having "health problems" near end of campaign. I would not put anything past that bitch

I’d throatpie hillary for sure. Present day

>posts shit old image of clinton
Go get a fucking girlfriend or go to a protstitute or something. Or even better, just commit suicide you fucking loser.

She's sick. She wasn't seriously capable of staying in office for long anyway, she would have been propped up by the Abedini clan. I think we saved Chelsea from having to be told her mother couldn't see her...

So she was hot once...lmao nice

this is why Warren can't win, and she comes off like a used car salesman

She's [spoiler]cute[/spoiler]

I’d vote for Hilldawg in a heartbeat. Trump is a disaster for the world, for Germany, for trade and the economy. He should go back to Trump steaks and reality TV.

She gets nominated from the floor once Biden drops out for 'health reasons'. H.A. Goodman is right.

Imagine voting for a career politician.


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>I’d vote for Hilldawg in a heartbeat.
>Sees flag
You don't say

you fucking jews with proxy are getting real dumb,.

She's a Special Ed teacher.
Which is why Dims find her so comfy.
She reminds them of their own Special Ed teachers.

Be serious for a second. You really think the world would be on the brink of a global recession because of a nasty trade war with Hillary in charge?

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>You really think the world would be on the brink of a global recession
You're making the assumption that financial collapse is not desired.

I would rape that to death in order to ensure it never influences politics.

She owes penance to the Rothschilds
Literally from her own words

>you traded 4 years worth of Hilloli doujins for retarded tweets and this

Attached: u4hc5k2ygeu21.jpg (2592x1944, 559K)

Poor child.

Who could imagine seeing her little child's face that she would be involved in so many cases...

And not just any of them, either.
Pedophilia, trafficking in human beings, wars that have caused, are causing and will continue to cause millions of deaths, submission to the Jews, processions in Moloch, the husband who sleeps with the secretary in the sacred compound of the White House.

No, definitely, poor child.

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>on the brink of a global recession
>believing the hype

The cankles started early

Notice she looked better when she was a Republican before being infected by feminist.

>you fucking jews with proxy are getting real dumb
Its probably all the inbreeding.

Oh, really? I didn't know about it....

If that's the case, it joins the famous "Theory of handsome people on the right and ugly people on the left".

Attached: hillary 3 colored.jpg (900x723, 435K)

>you fucking jews with proxy are getting real dumb
>Its probably all the inbreeding.

Attached: hillary 4 colored.jpg (812x1200, 579K)

Hahahaha, I'm not Jewish.
No need for a proxy, I'm really Belgian.

But if not, I agree with the rest. ^^

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Elizabeth Warren's VP pick

All feminist are ugly. Both outward and inward. Explains why they are so bitter.