Why are so many priests pedos

Is it just that we focus on that specific group or does it really attract the most degenerates?

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I looked into this long ago any position that allows access to children and is a position of trust attracts pedos

Teachers, cops, coaches, scout master, any kind of cleric are all suspect

OP here, I have another question, if you guys had the power to enact any punishment illegally against pedos/rapist, sexual deviants in general, what would it be?


>sexual deviants in genera
That would be a thought crime so none
>rapists and chomos
They can do God's Bidding for a lifetime. It is the ultimate punishment for them.

Harvey just wants people to watch him take a shower.

FORCED to abstain from all sex

wonder why they prey on the most easily coerced and vulnerable

canadians are dummies aren't they?

It's because they are gay and were told they were going to hell if they have gross man sex. So they attempt to remain celibate by entering the priesthood.

Yeah, it’s not their fault! Silly people need to realize if I don’t get laid, I’m gonna fuck some lil boy pussy
>this is basically what you’re saying to me

Vatican 2.0, my leaf friend. That's where your answer lies.
Reminder that Pius XII was the last pope

This, OP is a retard for even asking

because priests aren't expected to fuck women

Which isn't even scriptural. Clergy memebers are called to take one wife yet catholic church forbids it. It's because they are part of the NWO globohomo agenda.

Sexual repression of course. You know anyone whose a physiologically normal male is going to get mentally twisted when trying to force himself to be celibate. Think of all the depraved sexual thoughts a sex deprived man develops over the years.
I still can’t figure out why they don’t just go hire a prostitute certainly if your going to commit such a horrible sin such as breaking your oath of celibacy might as well dump your load into a slut rather than someone’s son.
Maybe it’s all the intense love for Jesus (a male) they get indoctrinated into. And being titled a “father”... also little boys don’t get preggo and little girls have been known to

Stitch their mouths to the anus of a fat truck driver whose got severe crohns disease

Child rapists get the Catherine Wheel.

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Look up the rabbi pedophaelia stuff going on. They even have a specific ceremony where they suck the dick of newly circumcised baby boys and now they have a herpes epidemic. No joke, look it up. I will repeat, rabbis suck the dicks of newly circumcised baby boys in an open ceremony in front of other people it's like a pedo baptism.

the problem is directly related to homosexuality.

name a priest that molested a kid in the last 30 years. meanwhile today in hollywood.....

Some are, not a lot. And most of the ones that are, are not pedos. They're homos who like teenage boys.

It's the bishops job to kick out homos from the seminary but many fail to do so


>Why are there so many pedo priests
The church was a refuge for gay men for years. They could avoid questions and suspicion about their status by joining the priesthood.
As we all know gays are very likely to be pedos.
So it's a gay thing rather than a church thing.

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childhood confession coupled with the private confession style, it's too erotic. when they first introduced one-on-one confession in france there was an epidemic of priestly affairs with young women

theyre not, its only that when a priest abuse a child it reaches headlines for months to come. when the general population abuse kids it barely even reach local news.

the (((media))) push the idea of all priests being pedos, becuase you know.. (((they))) hate Christianity.

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In other words, statistically, there are no more pedos in the Church than in any other institution.
Now let us discuss the practice of child marriage in islam.

Blessed double doubles.

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priests have huge ding dongs which they like to use to stretch those young boi pusies with.

Catholic Church lost world war 2.
Jews ended up dominating europe instead of them.
Twisted the churches' arm into Vatican two where they allowed hundreds of their pedo jesuit agens in and made them commit the heresy of claiming christ would allow non believing jews into heaven when he specifically said "No one comes to the father except through me"
Welcome to clown world.

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I have over 200 documentaries about Catholic Priest sex abuse / pedophilia in over 47 countries, in all the continents, from Africa to Asia.

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the church harboured predators and silenced accusations though. this is just retard catholic apologism

it's only like 1% but the media is driven by sensationalism so they take it way out of proportion

How many documentaries do you have on the systematic child abuse in Hollywood?

because they sold their souls to judaism

Cyclical abuse started by homos who took the cloth to run away from their faggotry until they cucked to satan and started abusing boys

Also, there are Catholics who suggest this is a recent phenomena. They blame the Masons, the communists, the gay agenda, etc. But the Catholic church has been plagued with sexual abuse of boys and nuns since the 2nd century.

This paper is extremely detailed and gives hundreds of internal Church documents that show that priests who "ratted out" the pedophiles were sent to monasteries and in some cases murdered:


Also, read what St. Peter Damian wrote in his "Book of Gomorrah", published in 1051, where he begs the Pope to do something, anything, about the epidemic of abusers of little boys in the Church ranks.


The Catholic Church is, literally and with no exaggeration, a cover-up for pedophile rings. There are some very good Catholics (even in the priesthood) but they are the shield behind which the abusers take refuge.

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About 30. Some more credible than others. But there's definitely a lot of pedos there.

That's why when I applied to be a teacher( and having to start from the bottom with 5-6 year olds) they were elated because so many men are wary of taking the job.

Only part I'm worried about is needing to speak Punjabi or Urdu.

If you are now an adult and you were abused by an priest / teacher as a child, you really need to find the person and beat the shit out of them.
You will probably find a vulnerable, weak old man but just remember what they did to you as defenseless child.

He isn't really a pedo though, just a sex maniac.

>Why are so many priests pedos
more kike lies OP, I bet proportionally priests have the fewest offenders. with kikes, it's just anything to weaken the church and kill the West.

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The east with which Catholics deny the sexual abuse of children committed by priests over the last 1800 years is a sociological phenomenon that needs to be studied carefully.

A friend of mine who wanted to become a priest and had to quit because he was disgusted by the sort of people he found there.

He told me a joke an older priest told while they were having lunch:

"The Bible says a man having sex with a man is sinful. But wait... at what age does a boy become a man?"

They all laughed.

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The pedophilia has infiltrated into every known power center. The Catholic Church is being deranged by globopedo. It itself has pedophiles all thruout. Seminaries are notorious havens for pederasty. This goes back to the Alta Venetia and the plan of subverting the church and basically turning it into a much smaller museum/NGO godless version of itself. Just another NGO of the cabal.

Ask yourself this. Why is the pedo infestation only discussed concerning the church?

It’s called limited hangout, soft disclosure to deceive. Note that they will NOT allow msm to expose elite pedophilia amongst the Jews or in big business or politics


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Fags infiltrated the church thus attracting pedos.

ancient ritual magic

>be you
>have to be celibate forever
>never experience love as a kid or teenager
>become pedophile

Now that you've chosen your path as a pedophile, you have two options:
1. Molest kids.
2. Fap to lolis

the priests are kikes

No, it really has ballooned since Vatican II, and the pederasty has never been as bad. There have been times of moral laxity in the church which led to reform. But it is nothing like what it has become today.

It IS Masonic, it IS largely homosexual. Pay attention to the seminaries in particular and note their radical change beginning anywhere from the early 50s to the late 60s depending on the diocese.

Now pedophilia and pederasty as well have always been an issue with those in positions of power but again the sheer horror and systematic wickedness of elite pedophilia today is without president. Imagine some of the worst cases of megalomaniacs like Commodus or Tiberius and systematize it and see it grow multigenerationally.

Look into the franklin scandal or Dutroux affair and you will see

Because catholic priests worship Satan

Most priests are gay, and homosexuals are nearly all pedos too

i am not impressed by many of the catholics i see on the boards, who so rarely act repentant when faced with criticism and instead go to any length dishonest length in order to satisfy their entangled egos

Lower the age of consent to 12.

Tar and feathering, then a bullet in the back of the head. Convicted demons deserve nothing less.

Not a lot of priests are Pedo's, infact not a lot of people are pedos.
Pedophilia is an abomination.

The problem in the catholic church is to do with predatory homosexuals, and homosexuality in general.

Not PC to attack homos.
Easy to attack pedo's.


If you want to look for an unusually high % of pedos, look no further than the school's PE teachers. Or hasidic synagogues.

LOL. I show you evidence detailing sexual abuse of children going back millennia and you totally ignore it.

>Look into the franklin scandal or Dutroux affair and you will see

LOL. I was researching that shit before you were even sperm.

im surprised how little any given catholic seems to show any knowledge or consideration for christian ideas in these threads. literally the only thing they talk about is their corrupt authoritirian sex abuse club, or bizarre dogma.

>Why are so many priests pedos

OY VEY!!!!

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Off topic lads, but does anyone have some a webm or two of a tranny op or something tranny surgery related.
I want to show my mum!..no joke.

Peter Damien’s book you refer to does not discuss the powerful rings of pedophilia like in our times and the time that Peter Damien lived in the church was particularly rotten and that is why there were so many great reform saints of that exact period.

...you have a strange animosity. I see by your flag that you must know of the pedo rings in your own country, and abuse by church officials as well. I’m not catholic but I am considering converting.

It seems to me that you would use horrific abuses of a sick church to throw away Christ’s teachings. I see this as fundamentally flawed and would rather help fix Christ’s church

I cannot make sense of your post. First you say they have no knowledge of their faith and then you complain of “strange” dogmas being discussed. Weird

Evidently you're just a teenager shitposting. You're equating homosexuality and pederasty with paedophilia, and you're claiming to be an expert. The Lollards were already on the Church's case, all these things aren't new.


and it's tragic

>the Catholic church has been plagued with sexual abuse of boys and nuns since the 2nd century.
>since the 2nd century.

Kikes have been sucking, snipping and killing their inbred progeny for over 5 thousand years. Try to find priests that document their child molestation by taking pictures of it and uploading them to jewgle.

The vast majority of kikes are pedophiles, even the "secular" and "progressive" inbred pedokikes pass their 8 day old boy around and use the covenant of circumcision as justification to gang rape a newborn.

Point here is I have no doubt their is a problem with the church but if anyone wants to take this topic seriously then the inbred pedokike cult needs to be at the focus of the discussion.

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This. The desert fathers were also repressed pedos. Literally the entire history of the Catholic church is filled with homosexuals.

...........step dads too.

Simple. It's called Pedoresetitisim. Gay people breed by fucking kids.

The Roman church rather as I'm not going to say the "universal church" (its original meaning by Ignatius of Antioch) is.

They are unnaturally expected to be celibate and they work with children. Motive and opportunity. Celibacy is not what God wants from his people, God is love and sex is (or should be) the physical expression of love.

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You haven't read the book. I know it. You know it. Sexual abuse of young boys is mentioned countless times in the book and he speaks of cover-up by the hierarchy. He was pretty adamant on punishing the reprobate:

>Any cleric or monk who seduces young men or boys, or who is apprehended in kissing a woman shall be publicly flogged... he shall be disgraced by spitting in his face, bound in iron chains, wasted by six months of close confinement, and for three days each week put on barley bread given him toward evening. Following this period, he shall...[live] in a small segregated courtyard in custody of a spiritual elder, kept busy with manual labor, subjected to vigils and prayers, forced to walk at all times in the company of two spiritual brothers, never again allowed to associate with young men.

I have no problem with you converting to Catholicism. The Church needs go people and your heart seems to be in the right place.

I never denied lots of rabbis are pedos. I have no idea how many Jewish religious leaders being pedos somehow diminishes the graveness of institutionalized pedophilia in the Catholic Church. Both religions are rotten to the core.

Yes. I'm a teenager shitposting. I claim to be an expert but in reality I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for your powers of perception.

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Most people knew that there was priests who were pedos but only cared when british royal families and goverment secrets were comin out.. Got to lower the heat abit

Why are you blind to adultery and pederasty and are immediately charging the Church with paedophilia when the statistics coming out from America all indicate that children are statistically safer with Catholic priests than they are with protestants, atheists, agnostics, Jews, etc.? What a bizarre, irrational hatred, user.

>statistics coming out from America all indicate that children are statistically safer with Catholic priests than they are with protestants, atheists, agnostics, Jews, etc.

Where can I see those statistics? That sounds interesting.

>FORCED to abstain from all sex

No it's not, it's because pedo faggots conspire to join these groups.

>Look up the rabbi pedophaelia stuff going on.

To add to this: it's not just the "orthodox" kikes that are involved in molesting 8 day old boys. It's a common kike tactic on here to try and use the "oh it's just a small branch that do it" tactic.

Fact is the vast majority of kikes are pedophiles. The "progressive" ones still show unity to their inbred child molester cult by offering their newborn's genitalia to the tribe.

The pedokike cult is an incubator for child molesters. They gain experience molesting their inbreds before being set out into the world to molest and mutilate the goyim.

It's not a red herring to bring this up in any thread that is related to institutional child molesting because the pedokikes are at the forefront in this topic and discussion of anything else is background noise in comparison.

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And listen to this regarding the supposed 300 priests scandal in Pennsylvania: youtube.com/watch?v=d7zsNMmce2c

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Damn, that is a cute shota, though. Would be hard to not kiss and stroke him all over tbqh f@m

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Psychopaths (pedos generally are psychopaths too), are attracted to positions of power and control.
Religious leadership, police, government, teaching, court systems, media and of course management positions that lead groups of people are all attracted to by psychopaths, pedos etc.

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>I'm not in a position of power only because I'm not a psychopath/pedo!

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No one questions you about not having a wife.
You get your own altar boys.

because Christians are pedos just like Jews and Muslims.

Until you can find anything remotely similar to this in a safe searched jewgle result the pedokikes are center of this conversation of pedophilia and child molestation.

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I know I'm probably wasting my time but let's see how this goes:

The first sentence in your image states that there are «4,392 recorded allegations of priestly pedophilia» and, in the second sentence, states that «there are 415,656 priests as of 2015», which statistically means that the number of priests accused of pedophilia is under 1%.

Now here's what's wrong with that methodology:

The 4,392 recorded allegations of priestly pedophilia refers to the United States alone (the number comes from the John Jay report, that you can still see in the Wayback Machine. Link here: usccb.org/about/child-and-youth-protection/national-review-board.cfm#johnjay).

The 415,656 priests, on the other hand, refers to the number of priests worldwide. You can see the source here: popesprayer.va/15206/

So they are comparing the number of priests accused of pedophilia in the United States alone and comparing it to the number of priests worldwide. That's deliberate intellectual dishonesty.

I will definitely look into those links, although I can see that many of them refer to abuse in other religious orders, which is something I don't deny.

E. Michael Jones is a Traditional Catholic, someone who is admittedly biased in his defense of the Roman Catholic church. But I'll listen to it.

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It would actually be a fairly funny, edgelord joke if not for them being priests and as such, not actually joking.

It's a funny joke, yes. But when a priest tells it, it's fucked up.

Stalin. No joke


There is no need for the wayback machine, the report is very well known and it even has a wikipedia page.

You still have to assume that all the allegations are true when the judiciary more often than not exercises the presumption of guilt. This is a global phenomena that had a priest wrongly accused of sexual abuse in Australia just a couple of months ago.

Again, it's the single most propagandised against Church in the entire world. You're just perpetuating the tired meme that it's all degenerates in the priesthood because you appear to have an irrational hatred of the Catholic Church.

Listen to E. Michael Jones and the absolute shitshow that is going on in Pennsylvania. If you have any amount of good faith in you, it'll open your eyes to the seriousness of judicial bias.

No I haven’t just read about him and a couple other reformers of the time as it genuinely was a notoriously bad time in the church, mixed in you had the cathars that had actually grown somewhat in southern France. I had assumed there was no Dutroux tier coverup except maybe on a small scale. I’ll takr your word for it bro and will find a pdf to read

Yeah I will have to read more on it as the only coverups was tied to the monestaries and monks killed as you mentioned as I had heard of.

Yeah man I know in spite of the sanctimony, pride and hypocrisy of some trads, they are such awesome people up here in the northwest. Because of the exposure you have people even like father ripperger who have actually discussed the franklin scandal at the pulpit.