Why have illegal border crossings exploded under the Trump administration?

Why have illegal border crossings exploded under the Trump administration?

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they're natural conservatives trying to get in because Trump solved all of america's problems

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they did it to spite trump

Because Trump has utterly failed to secure the border.

So you are telling me Bernie and the rest of the libshit field have a plan to close the borders, interesting....

How did they do that??? There is a wall right fucking there

So you are telling me your faggot israeli president does? Failed at everything he ever attempted.

Time to get over is running out

I have no idea.

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Low IQ post. It's the Democrats and their puppetmasters trying to make people think that way and you're playing straight into their hands.

>1/3 years bad
>downward slope

Because the economy has exploded and labor is in huge demand.

>posting fake news
Everybody knows Obama re-classified everybody turned away at the border as a deportation. Trump undid this dishonest move by Obama, which is why deportations appear to have gone down.

Drug war in Mexico is heating up and the Caravan showed Trump was full of shit

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They wanted to get in before the wall was built

It's not cope when I'm right. Fake ass deportations soared under Obama, if they saw somebody walking in Mexico from the border they counted it as a deportation.

>Not reading the graph correctly
Is this the power of American education??

because now they are calling it illegal instead of undocumented travel

this, what the fuck?


Almost nobody from any of those caravans got in. Then Trump changed the procedure for asylum seekers and the ones who did get in were thrown out in mass hearings where 100 people were deported in one hearing instead of individually.


some illegals are betting on a democratic victory and getting their set up before the real flood comes. alternately they know that liberal states will be extra-loose with their block grant money just to spite the president