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Can I be a right-winger if I don't have a foot fetish?
Kevin Powell
Colton Williams
I don't think you can be a right winger if you do.
Sebastian Walker
I'll admit, this slide made me laugh.
Lincoln Morales
no, only faggots are allowed on the right wing
Noah Diaz
I'm not a foot fetishist but I am envious. It's the most meta fetish in existence.
Anthony Ross
Christopher Lee
Foot fetish is so last year, right wingers are into making the world accept doing butt stuff.
Joshua Ramirez
Just think about it. It's like getting off on elbows or something. Women are barefoot all the time. It must be like women walking around with their tits hanging out for them.
Christopher Perez
I thought sodomy was part of the leftist agenda.
Henry Bennett
Now I see, thanks for the explanation user.
Jayden Powell
the rights new policy is anything the dems can do we can do better. Such as sucking black cock, or sucking gay cock, or sucking trans cock, or sucking spic cock. Gun confiscation... you name it we're gonna get those votes! :D
Brayden Brooks
That is the cuckservative agenda. Do you still consider the republicans as right wing?
Chase Morales
Fuck no. Traitors the whole lot.
Jordan James
I have a mild foot fetish. I like cute feet and if a woman has cute feet it increases her attractiveness. The above is truth, in the summer every chick walks around with her feet on display and it's so cash.
Ethan Long
William Reyes
Adrian Wood
foot fetish master race is undeniable. Most bang for your buck and it's not incredibly obscene or anything.
Luke Perry
how would that even work?
Connor Anderson
It’s fucking weird. Never got the appeal.
Jeremiah Walker
based and sniffedpilled
John Robinson
Yeah and these days chicks aren't even repulsed by it any more. It's been years since a chick I was with was even surprised I had a thing for them.
Adam Rodriguez
Damn, now this is a quality thread
Nolan Price
It’s all about the pheromones. It’s an adrenaline rush. Low test cucks won’t understand.